Is doing your podcast sucking the life out of you? Is something missing in your chemistry? That is the theme of the podcast (amongst other things) on this veterans day. Dave kicks of the day with a PowerRant! JOIN THE …
This week we talk about how YOU are in control, and if you want to try something new with your show, you can do that. JOIN THE SCHOOL OF PODCASTING Join the School of Podcasting worry-free using the coupon code …
Today shares a story of how skipping one small step lead to him having to fix a mistake that took 12 hours. We also get into a tiktok discussion and repurposing. NEW AWESOME SUPPORTERS Thanks, to Jennifer Longworth from for …
Just a reminder I will be speaking at the Erma Bombeck Writers Workshop in Dayton Ohio this weekend, so there will be no live show. Jim and I will see you the following Saturday to answer your questions. If you …
Your show's description (often called "Show notes") seems to take on many shapes and sizes. What constitutes good show notes? What do I Need? What about images? Websites? SEO? JOIN THE SCHOOL OF PODCASTING Join the School of Podcasting worry-free...
If someone handed you $500 and wanted to start a podcast, what would you tell them to buy. We talked about many topics, but we talk about this question at 35:36 I'll save you the Google search. Jerry Lee Lewis …
Some large companies have been paying for their podcast episodes to be featured in video games. Marketing? OK, but do your advertisers know you are jacking up your download numbers? Full notes at JOIN THE SCHOOL OF PODCASTING Join the …
Do you know what website your media host is pointing to? Do you have links to your show in directories on that site? We also hear how Mark changed a few words that made a HUGE difference in his crowdfunding. …
Today we talk about some low hanging fruit with a new podcaster and we get into finding guests for your podcast, and if newsletters are so powerful, why isn't everyone writing one? Sponsor: If you need podcast artwork, lead …
Today we notice new resources, podcasts, and apps which is great, but some of these we ask, "What problem is this solving?"
Dave is back from Podcast Movement, shares how the attendees have changed, and asks the question, "How stressful is podcasting for you?" Sponsor: If you need podcast artwork, lead agents or a full website, o has you covered. Mark …
Today Dave and Jim are playing (we do that a lot on this show) with new technology. We ended up with quite the audience using the . They say you can monetize, but I haven't found that part yet (this …
A few weeks ago someone asked, "How do you clean a Zoom H6? " Today a listener who had the same issue got an answer from Zoom. Sponsor: If you need podcast artwork, lead agents or a full website, …
Special Co-host David Hooper David Hooper of and author of the book Sponsors: SPONSOR: If you need podcast artwork, logos, or a full website (or a branding audit) reach out to Mark at not only is Mark an award-winning …
Today Dave Jackson from the School of Podcasting and Jim Collison from Home Gadget Geeks answer your questions about the following topics. SPONSOR: If you need podcast artwork, logos, or a full website (or a branding audit) reach...
Jim is back and Dave got some feedback from the show? We've heard the "Signal to Noise Ratio" has become a bit more noise. So today we cut the show shorter when we ran out of topics. SPONSOR: If …
Dave is joined by David Hooper Host of the and author of the book and . Check out Dave's Jim is out for work this week so the Dave's talk about online podcast meetups, and Dave met someone who was …
Free Podcast Consulting from the School of Podcasting
Holy Cow it's July! It just seemed like yesterday it was January and we were looking at the new year with new hope and determination. Life has happened the last six months, how are you doing? SPONSOR: If you …
Our lead question today is, "I do an entertainment show. I don't teach how to make money, etc. I talk 70's and 90's movies. Am I destined to be a poor podcast? SPONSOR: If you need podcast artwork, logos, …
Today I am joined by one of my favorite people in the "podcast guru" space Matthew Passy from where he offers many different services from podcast audits, launches, editing, and . He also has two podcasts. and . You will …
Jim and Dave and back, but at a special time (1:30 PM ET) as Dave has a special event he had to attend. Two hours before we started the show we got a GIANT letter filled with feedback. It was …
Today Jim is out and we are joined by Neil Hedley of Knopp Studios ()who has a wide range of experience in copywriting, radio, comedy, TV, coaching, and much more. Dave is back from Podfest with a lovely case of …
I always say that an episode should make you laugh, cry, think, groan, educate, or entertain. If it doesn't - t's boring. Is this too harsh? SPONSOR: If you need podcast artwork, logos, or a full website (or a …