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Your Podcasting Website - How Long Does it Take To Launch
Your Podcasting Website - How Long Does it Take To Launch
Happy Fathers Day One Day Early 2:15 Survey - What would you want to receive, CD, USB Stick, or Business Card 6:02 - Different is better …
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June 23, 2016

Your Podcasting Website - How Long Does it Take To Launch

Happy Fathers Day One Day Early 2:15 Survey - What would you want to receive, CD, USB Stick, or Business Card 6:02 - Different is better than better 8:00 Integrating Libsyn RSS feed with new Wordpress website. Should I use PowerPress? If it's a...

Happy Fathers Day One Day Early

2:15 Survey - What would you want to receive, CD, USB Stick, or Business Card ANSWER

6:02 Fascinate book - Different is better than better

8:00 Integrating Libsyn RSS feed with new Wordpress website. Should I use PowerPress? If it's a brand new site, use the Libsyn plugin. - Chris Nesi

10:45 How do I add an RSS button to my website?

16:05 Because of My Podcast - Please Subscribe, Rate, and review to Get into New and Noteworthy

17:30 How do I get more engagement from my audience? 

25:45 Dave and Jim say the pledge of Allegiance to be on Living the Vet Life Podcast

26:25 How do you avoid double posting on Facebook?

28:10 Creating a new podcast site ( - tell Becky you're from the School of Podcasting)

29:37 How long does it take to launch a podcast?

41:41 Using a pseudonym ? Not a bad idea, especially for women. 

44:15 Should you have an Agenda at your meeting? Live in Northeast Ohio? Check out Dave's Meetup

48:55 Thanks to our Supporters! Become a supporter at  (bonus content)

51:45 Putting a direct link to an mp3. It might be better to make a link to your mp3 or link to your website.

53:50 Survey Results! - Vinyl?

56:15 as a media host - Please don't

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Tricks of the Podcasting Masters


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