March 26, 2014

Why Did You Start Podcasting?

Today we have one question and that is, "Why did you start podcasting?" We also hear about the never ending saga of Dave and his Amazon associates account. We also talk about interacting with your audience via facebook, and using email lists. We talk...

Today we have one question and that is, "Why did you start podcasting?" We also hear about the never ending saga of Dave and his Amazon associates account. We also talk about interacting with your audience via facebook, and using email lists. We talk about Jim's coaching podcast a bit to get some insights into doing a live show with a large audience. 

Dave's Amazon Update 14:00

In digging deeper, and deeper into the terms of agreement I found, “For example, you must include your Associates ID or “tag” (appearing as XXXXX-20, or such other format as we may designate) as a parameter in the URL of each link you place on your site to the Amazon Site. In addition, you must not use a link shortening service in a manner that makes it unclear that you are linking to an Amazon Site.”

Chat Wing Discussion 25:00

Jim talks about having another podcast to help bounce ideas off of, and challenge each other to do better podcasts. 

Steve Stewart [28:30]

Steve Stewart feels he is on a mission to help people get out of debt (he's been doing this since 2007). We talk about how Steve came up with his tagline on episode 29. 

Reflections on Episode 400 of the School of Podcasting [35:35]

Jim talks about Dave's episode 400. Jim thought Dave did a good job of showing his progression of his growth over the years. He didn't go overboard patting himself on the back, and thought it was very creative. We all should be morphing out shows over time. He liked the interview and appreciated that I had stepped out of my comfort zone. 

Why Shouldn't You Podcast? [41:24]

Dave has been looking at his stats from his Survey, and the number one reason people are starting podcasts is to make money. Ryan Parker joins us to talk about who making money is not a bad thing, but it should not be the single reason why someone is starting a podcast. 


What Are Your Goals? [53:30]

You should have a goal for your podcast. If you don't have a goal, how will you know if you're successful?

From the Chat Room

When I first discovered podcasting back in 2005 I was a recent college graduate, I went to school for broadcastinga and could never land a gig in radio. So podcasting was the next best thing for me. - NICK SEUBERLING

I have a degree in broadcasting. Run a couple of internet station as I went to the music biz side instead of radio and I've gotten bored with that so I started my podcast late last year. It's a work in progress still - John Parker

I enjoy talking to people, it was a great way to get advice about a my topic career transition and share what I am learning in the process... Plus I am enjoy podcasting and the potential opportunities -Angel Hemans @ULTRASOUNDANGIE

I wanted to help other contractors realize that there are multiple ways to keep business coming in to their lead funnel with out spending a fortune on unproductive marketing - Dave Negri

Wanted to expand our reach with our message is why we started with our podcast. Plus we hope to be as cool as you two. Lastly, something fun for my wife and I to do. - Eric Dingler

Mentioned in the Show

Episode 400 of the School of Podcasting

Podcasting Survey


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