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What's The Deal with the Clubhouse App?
What's The Deal with the Clubhouse App?
Today we get some additional perspectives on the new Clubhouse app for iOs.  Please note the video does not match the timeline listed below…
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Jan. 10, 2021

What's The Deal with the Clubhouse App?

Today we get some additional perspectives on the new Clubhouse app for iOs.  Please note the video does not match the timeline listed below as I moved Bangs going of the grid to later in the episode and moved the discussion of Clubhouse...


Today we get some additional perspectives on the new Clubhouse app for iOs. 

Please note the video does not match the timeline listed below as I moved Bangs going of the grid to later in the episode and moved the discussion of Clubhouse closer to the front. 


If you need artwork, logos, lead magnets, website and more - go see Marc at 


00:02:27 The Cigar Authority

00:03:28 Joke About Podcasters Saying Alot of Nothing

00:06:52 Clubhouse Feedback

00:21:07 Awesome  SUpporters

00:23:30 Bangs Naughty Bits One Last Time

00:35:53 Episodes In the Can At Launch

00:40:03 Jim Increased His Downloads


00:47:32 Dave's Interview Prep

00:52:32 The Capital Riot Effects on Psych

00:54:37 Dave's Oura Ring

00:57:11 Beyond Weight Loss Documentary

00:59:57 Megaphone is Being Blocked

01:03:49 VPN Discussion

01:09:04 Motu M2 Update

01:12:22 Jim's Mute Button Search

01:14:35 Rodecaster Vs Podtrak P8

01:18:14 Dave's New Media Stand

01:20:03 Return to Searching for the Mute Button

Mentioned in this Episode 

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