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What to do when you notice your podcast content isn't working anywhere
What to do when you notice your podcast content isn't worki…
Today we start off with someone who has tried audio and now video, but their show isn't growing as fast as they would like.  SPONSOR: Podca…
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Nov. 27, 2021

What to do when you notice your podcast content isn't working anywhere

Today we start off with someone who has tried audio and now video, but their show isn't growing as fast as they would like.  SPONSOR: Podcast If you need artwork, a logo, a custom podcast website, or a full-on branding audit, let the...

Today we start off with someone who has tried audio and now video, but their show isn't growing as fast as they would like. 

SPONSOR: Podcast

If you need artwork, a logo, a custom podcast website, or a full-on branding audit, let the award-winning graphic artist (and fellow podcaster Mark Des Cotes make that great, professional first impression. see

Mugshot: Based on a True Story Podcast

Ever wonder how true those movies are that are based on a true story? Find out at


Dog Podcast Network

If you have a dog and want something to listen to while you take your four-legged friend for a walk check of Dog Edition. They have multiple shows all about our favorite furry friends at

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Tascam Mixcast 4


Podcast Rodeo Show


Computer Duster

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00:01:35  Sponsor:
00:03:22  Mugshot:
00:04:24  My Show Won't Grow Anywhere
00:12:00  Black Friday Sales
00:15:07  Selling Podcast Gear
00:18:29  Apple Charts
00:27:02  Holiday Pressure
00:29:34  What Podcasters Can Learn From Hallmark Movies
00:31:43  Aweoms Supporters
00:36:20  How Long Does it Take to Make An Episode?
00:37:39  Our First Giveaway
00:41:38  Scary Rodeo Show
00:42:47  Podcast Awards - Contests
00:47:19  Fun Trivia on
00:54:34  Boosting a Speaking Career With Podcasting


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