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What Makes You Try a New Podcast?
What Makes You Try a New Podcast?
Jim is back and Dave got some feedback from the show? We've heard the "Signal to Noise Ratio" has become a bit more noise. So today we cut …
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July 23, 2022

What Makes You Try a New Podcast?

Jim is back and Dave got some feedback from the show? We've heard the "Signal to Noise Ratio" has become a bit more noise. So today we cut the show shorter when we ran out of topics. SPONSOR: If you need podcast artwork, logos, or a...

Jim is back and Dave got some feedback from the show? We've heard the "Signal to Noise Ratio" has become a bit more noise. So today we cut the show shorter when we ran out of topics.

If you need podcast artwork, logos, or a full website (or a branding audit) reach out to Mark at not only is Mark an award-winning graphic artist, he is also a podcaster.  He has made the artwork for my last few shows. 

Mugshot: Based On a True Story Podcast
Ever watch a movie that is based on a true story and wonder how much of the movie is true, Go to and listen as they compare holly wood to history.

MVP: Dog Podcast Network
In a dog eat dog world . . . we’ve got you covered. Dog Podcast Network (DPN) is your premiere source for unique content related to our love of dogs. Check out

Join the School of Podcasting worry-free using the coupon code " coach " and save 20%. Your podcast will have you sounding confident, sound great (buying the best equipment for your budget), and have you syndicated all over the globe. There is a 30-day worry-free money-back guarantee Go to


00:03:06  Signal to Noise Ratio
00:05:08  What Makes You Try a New Podcast?
00:13:27  Why do you listen?
00:14:59  Poppy Joins
00:17:50  Advertising Pricing
00:20:05  Acast Bought Podchaser
00:21:10  Awesome Supporters
00:23:00  Jim Has Replaced his Co-hosts With Guests
00:34:57  Awkward Conversations
00:35:48  Noisy Closet
00:40:32  Audacity Updated
00:41:07  Go back a few years and see where you were
00:44:20  Always Listen Before uploading Your Episode
00:45:10  App Summo Deals

Brandy - See Demo

Smart Prompt - See Demo
00:49:32  Email and Phishing
00:54:35  Newsletters
00:56:55  Cleaning up the Zoom H6
00:59:53  Surveying Your Audience
01:06:31  Mic Flags
01:09:11  Tascam DR-10
01:12:29  Marker 26
01:14:16  Previews


Mentioned In This Episode

School of Podcasting

Tascam DR-10

Rode reporter Microphone

Zoom H6

Mic Flags

Brandy - See Demo

Smart Prompt - See Demo

Every week Dave Jackson from the School of Podcasting and Jim Collison from the Average Guy Network answer your podcast questions.
This episode 400 is part of the Power of Podcasting Network



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