Dec. 11, 2014

What Do RSS Feeds Do? - Testing Live Phone System

What Do RSS Feeds Do? - Testing Live Phone System

What Do RSS Feeds Do? - Testing Live Phone System

My Old Mixer Died so I Bought a New One [2:30]

I purchased a Behringer Mixer when the old one died. I used Same Day Music. which allows me to split the price over two payments

Test Driving Blog talk Radio Today [7:00]

They have a new HD version of their service and they are letting me use it. I have not been a fan in the past, but they have upgraded their service and they asked me if I wanted to play with it

Video Podcasting [10:45]

Tim wants to know my thoughts on HipCast. He is doing an hour long video file.

Dave would recommend doing a small format and make that available via RSS feed (itunes). Then put the HD video on Youtube.

Jim uses Handbrake to change to different formats.

Rob Walch from Libsyn stated you can create a 640X480 or 640X360

Hipchat has some interesting features. Dave talked more about this in the School of Podcasting Episode after he had a chance to play with them.

Dave was trying Media Fire for video streaming and they seemed to kind of load (buffer) the video. Dave used Vimeo for the School of Podcasting video tutorials.

Dave goes to the resources on for downloading youtube.

Testing the Phone System - Why Do I need an RSS Feed On My Website[29:00]

The RSS feed is what carries all the information about your episodes so when people "point" (subscribe) to your show when you put out a new feed it is automatically delivered to you.

Because not everyone uses iPhones, etc having an RSS feed on your website will help increase subscriptions. I do have a step by step tutorial at the School of Podcasting that walks you through this process.

You can make a temporary post and upload an image, then attach a link to that button. Go to the html view and copy that code and paste it into a text widget in Wordpress.

Check out for cool icons as well.


Time Releasing Your Podcast [43:08]

You can schedule podcasts to be released in the future. If you are using the Powerpress feed you can copy and paste your mp3 into the proper aras and the post date it. If you use for you need to post date both your website and libsyn so their feed isn't updated until the date you want.

How Much Do I Charge for Podcast Consulting [47:55]

Harvest time trackingThis is all over the place. Some people from overseas charge $20 an hour. Others charge $400 an hour. Some people will charge $500 a month for four shows and that includes cutting out ums and ya knows, and you type up the show notes. Dave uses Harvest App to charge for one on one consulting.

Jim charges around $75 an episode. You need to determine what you are doing. For example just stitching files together and tagging them is different than listening through the whole thing and cutting out ums and ya know (more time consuming). Audio editing is easy (if you like it), but you are trading time for money (which doesn't scale eventually).

Many people use paypal. Harvest allows me to setup other items to accept payments (like stripe).

If you can let them throw out the first number, see if you can make that happen. You have to determine what you time is worth. Dropbox is a valuable tool when doing audio editing.



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