April 29, 2014

Uber Complicated Setups - Networks - Mobile Listings - G+ Closing?

Uber Complicated Setups - Networks - Mobile Listings - G+ Closing?

Today on episode 24 we started this out as a Google hangout on Air (a live video). Today we answer questions about getting listed in mobile apps and other directories. We also talk about Google plus shutting down (its not)


Today on episode 24 we started this out as a Google hangout on Air (a live video). Today we answer questions about getting listed in mobile apps and other directories. We also talk about Google plus shutting down (its not)
Get Your Studio Setup and Leave it - 2:250
The more your add to your show, the harder and more stressful it can become. 
Be sure to do a pre-call with any guests
Shutting Down Your Podcast - 6:04
in the a Google Group and it was regaining Charles river's 
and that he now time shutting down his podcast he said and six figures in debt
and I need to focus my energy on projects that are producing income
Setting limits to your podcasting - 8:15
Be careful of doing "just one more thing."
Try to mentally be home when you're home.
I worked with my wife to come up with a schedule that we both could live with.
I use asan.com to make a list of projects and when I am at my office I am uber focused.
Be sure to check with your family to make sure you're not neglecting them. 
Podcasting does not need to be an all encompassing activity. 
Why Didn't You Start a Network?-15:27
It sounded like more work, and I could never come up with name that would fit all of my shows. I had other projects that seem to be a higher priority. 
Dave and Jim are trying new technology so please excuse our mix of this show.
What Do I Do with These Recordings? - 21:57
Be sure to pace yourself and keep working on new material as you slowly roll out the episodes
Mobile Podcast Directories - Can I Verify If I'm Listed?
Well, you can download the app and check yourself. Many of these directories have no web based version of their directory. In some cases, you might contact friends who are on other platforms (Andrord, windows, iOs) and have them check. 
Adding People To Hangouts 38:00
You have to send the link to the URL of the hangout window (top of the screen) not the links at the bottom of the hangout. You have to have a G+ to be in a hangout.
Google Plus Shutting Down 42:00?
One person left the team does not mean it is shutting down.



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