Troubleshooting Your Site - Multiple USB Microphones

Should I Use Google Drive for Podcast Hosting?[2:36]
You don't take your car to your dentist for repairs, so why use a media storage service for media streaming? If you want to see what I look at what I want in a media host, check...
Should I Use Google Drive for Podcast Hosting?[2:36]
You don't take your car to your dentist for repairs, so why use a media storage service for media streaming? If you want to see what I look at what I want in a media host, check out
Editing Your RSS Feed / Wordpress Website [6:35]
You can always find the show at
Fred from Struggling Entrepreneur and calls in and talks about listening to the show. If you are having issues with your website here are some steps to follow:
1. Turn off your plugins
2. Switch Themes
Always make sure to keep your website up to date and have a backup of your website. Fred wanted to know if I still recommend Host Gator (I do). They are now owned by the same people who own Blue Host. While my latest attempt to get support took a little longer, I'm still using them.
Podcast Movement is a Go [11:30]
Podcast movement tickets are now available. This is a podcast only event for podcasters to meet and share their knowledge and hear remarkable speakers.
Why You Shouldn't Use a Blue Snowball [15:00]
The Blue Snowball is a condensor microphone that plugs in via USB. The microphone picks up a lot of background noise (being a condensor). It also won't work with a mixer if you choose to use one inf the future. A better solution is the Audio Technica 2100 which us a dynamic (less background noise) microphone, and it is both USB and it works with a mixer (XLR).
Same Day Music allows you to purchase equipment in two payments and they don't charge tax in most stats.
My Episode Isn't Showing in iTunes [20:00]
Do NOT use Feedburner for your podcast. It causes issues (in some cases) and there are much better solutions. Feedburner will occasionally just forget to sync your feed so even if you've published a new episode, feedburner doesn't show it. If you are really worried about controlling your feed, you can purchase a domain just for your feed and redirect your feed through that URL.
What is your biggest hurdle or headache in Podcasting? 25:15
If you are having issues with Guest Scheduling, I've used them all I use Schedule Once
Everyone Communicates Few Connect Book Review [29:20]
Dave is looking to understand coaching. Jim talks about the coaching program from Gallop. Any books on coaching that you can recommend?
Check out Jim's coaching podcast at
Podcasting is Not One Size Fits All [32:00]
If you're not sure about your next step with your podcast, when in doubt just ask your audience. You can use tools like and
Dave just put out episode 400 where he tweaks his format for one show.
What do I do if I quit podasting? How do I come back [37:40]
If you unintentionally took a break, I don't think its a big deal to start over. Press record, and don't spend the beginning apologizing for missing the episodes.
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