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The Show Must Go On
The Show Must Go On
The Show Must Go On. We learn that dave pulled lots of muscles in his back this morning but the show must go on when you do a live episode.…
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Jan. 2, 2018

The Show Must Go On

The Show Must Go On

The Show Must Go On. We learn that dave pulled lots of muscles in his back this morning but the show must go on when you do a live episode.  If this was something we put out later (instead of doing a live show) we probably would've put off ...

The Show Must Go On.

We learn that dave pulled lots of muscles in his back this morning but the show must go on when you do a live episode.  If this was something we put out later (instead of doing a live show) we probably would've put off 

2:58 Because of My Podcast Mashup Discussion (clip at the end of the show)

4:50 Episodes that have gone above and beyond for content

7:46 Free Events for a podcast studio

14:30 Patience in Podcasting

18:35 Dave Gets Trolled by a Fake Consumer Protection Agency

22:40 Thanks to Our Awesome Patrons

23:00 Predictions for 2018

28:00 Pinecast discussion 

30:45 Do podcasters need email lists?

35:40 Multiple Links to the Same Location?

36:20 Dave has finally joined Instagram 

37:43 iTunes/Apple Podcasts reporting comes from September 19 2017 iTunes 12 or later and iOs 11 or later

39:30 Asking for Money Up Front Bugs Dave if you're a church

44:06 Getting information outside the bubble

45:00 Jim's told Kim, who had her comments on the School of Podcasting which was heard by Emily from the Story Behind Podcast

46:30 Remembering the Weird Intro Guy

51:45 the NPR Formulas from the Book Out on a Wire

54:00 TV and Radio are advertising to use them for advertising

57:26 Huge price difference from the USA and other countries

1:01:00 Because of My Podcast Mashup

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