Sept. 26, 2014

The Magic of Three Percent - Podcast Releases

The Magic of Three Percent - Podcast Releases

Who Owns the Interview?

Today we are joined by Charles McFall of and House of the Bear. Charles was a guy who was doing live, and talked me into trying it. Its been a fun experiment and I love Saturday mornings.

Today we talk about the following:

Bad Names for Podcasting [4:30]

The Magic of 3% [8:10] (based on a chapter from the book Podcasting Good to Great: How to Grow Your Audience Through Collaboration )

New Media Expo Buys the Podcast Awards [14:35]

Avoiding Podcast Burn Out - Keeping Your Schedule [17:35]

Wunderlist Review 22:30

Podcasting Platforms [26:56]

Podbean is False Advertising [29:00]

Podcast Releases [34:28]

Question: Who owns the content? From Rich Grimshaw [40:00]

Are You In Line with Your Goals? [51:51]


Mentioned on This Show:

Checklist Manifesto

Podcasting Good to Great: How to Grow Your Audience Through Collaboration

Excuses Be Gone



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