Nov. 11, 2014

Starting Live - Audello - Free Media Hosting

Starting Live - Audello - Free Media Hosting

Starting Live - Audello - Free Media Hosting

Trying to Do a Live Call In Show

Tools we use:

bossjock studio to play sound effects to patch in Live Callers

Magic Jack to add a phone line

You DO have the skills to podcast. You may want to start out just making content and then add the callers and live streaming later. 

Audello Final Thoughts [13:35]

Dave lost his cool in a video when it appears a company lied to him about the length of time a discount was available. 


We have to make sure our facts are accurate. I was surprised that I was basing some actions on facts that have changed over time.

Looking back I should have waited until I had really tested it to report on it. 

Dave will be checking out in the future. Jim and Dave are currently playing with Media Fire.

Come up with a list of criteria to base your facts on. 

Volume Levels [41:00]

Tools mentioned:

When traveling I was surprised on how much different shows had VERY different volumes levels. 

The Chair Unplugged the Phone![47:00]

Chris Nesi from House of Ed Tech

What is the Purpose of a Newsletter[48:22]

Jim uses it to send a monthly recap of his shows. 

It makes your links ONE click away. 

You can use a company like Mailchimp or Aweber (Dave uses Aweber). 

Dreamcrushers [50:25]

(Caller Michael) What do we think of My Podcast World hosting?

In general Dave is not a fan of free podcast hosting. While it may be cool for a while, NUMEROUS companies have tried this and they all go out of business eventually.

Who is Scott Smith? Offending People

Scott does a business with his podcasts like Motivation to Move. According to Mike he said something offended and Mike unsubscribed. 

You are not going to be able to avoid offending someone. You do the best you can.


Want to Support the Show? check out the store for opportunities to support Dave and Jim.