Shorts vs Long Videos - Which One Shows the True Engagement
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Today we talk about the challenges of integrating podcasts with YouTube, utilizing shorts and reels for better engagement, and exploring various tools that can streamline your podcasting process. We also discuss the power of niche podcasting, effective affiliate marketing strategies, and the importance of intros in podcast episodes. Tune in for all this and more as we explore the podcasting landscape and share valuable insights to enhance your podcasting journey.
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Ecamm Live
Zoom Podtrak P2
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Profit From Your Podcast Audio Book
Christian Pincipals Podcast
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00:00 - Introduction and Greetings
00:48 - St. Patrick's Day and Holiday Decorations
01:51 - Coffee Talk and Technical Glitches
02:09 - Podcast
02:27 - Podcast Branding and Sponsorships
03:34 - Based on a True Story Podcast
06:17 - YouTube and Podcasting Strategies
08:20 - Shorts and Reels Engagement
35:15 - Affiliate Marketing and Monetization
46:26 - Debate on Choice Pages vs Direct Links
48:45 - The Importance of Niche Content
50:14 - Monetizing Your Podcast
50:44 - Exploring Digital Product Platforms
59:17 - Thank You Awesome Supporters
59:31 - Become and Awesome Supporter!
59:45 - Join the School of Podcasting
01:00:06 - Podpage: Pretty Podcast Sites with No Coding!
01:00:20 - Ecamm Live
01:00:47 - Home Gadget Geeks
01:01:43 - Wheel of Names!
01:08:09 - Customer Service Frustrations
01:12:24 - Podcasting Insights and Data Analysis
01:22:32 - The Value of Intros and Outros
00:00:00.080 --> 00:00:20.653
Ask the podcast coach for 03/15/2025. Let's get ready to podcast. There it is. It's that music that means it is Saturday morning. It's time for Ask the Podcast Coach where you get your podcast questions answered live. I'm Dave Jackson from the
00:00:20.653 --> 00:00:28.230
And joining me right over there is the one and only Jim Collison from Jim, how's it going, buddy?
00:00:29.109 --> 00:01:30.989
Good morning, Dave. Happy Saturday morning to you. Always good to be with a happy Saint Patrick's Day weekend. And, of course, I wore red instead of green. I'm an idiot. Sorry. Yeah. Is well, here's the thing. I it make that makes so much sense. I didn't even I knew Saint Patty's was around the corner, but I was laughing because it was really nice here in Ohio last night. So I was out walking around, and I was like, wow. Somebody still has their Christmas lights up. And I'm like, oh, you know? I keep my lights up. I have a I bought one of those set of lights that have you can program it with different colors. So you know, we do the the red and green at Christmas, and then we do red and white for Valentine's Day. And now green and white is flashing for Saint Patrick's Day. And then I have some teal that will go for Easter, and then we change it back to red, white, and blue for the July 4. Then, like, Labor Day is the the worst holiday because what what colors do you do for Labor Day? Right? So that's the next holiday. That's, Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. There's no colors labeled. I don't know. What's the color of a sheet sale?
00:01:30.989 --> 00:01:34.670
That's, you know, where is that label day? Mattress. Yeah. Mattress sales.
00:01:34.670 --> 00:01:48.203
Yeah. But, mattress. Anyway, to, top off the celebration of Saint Patrick's Day, Jim has, we're gonna do coffee. Is there anything special in there coffee in honor of Saint Patrick's Day? I have some Baileys in the fridge.
00:01:49.703 --> 00:02:04.379
I am blowing it this morning. Dang it. Anyway, so it's pouring out. For the coffee. And, of course, that coffee is brought to you by our good friend, Mark, over at he hit the button. See this is a joy. We're on Ecamm 4.4. I rebooted my machine.
00:02:04.519 --> 00:02:53.439
Okay. Well, that's weird because I tested this literally, like, four minutes ago. There it is. Our good buddy, Mark, over at If you need artwork, if you need a website, if you need a spinning beach ball, I got one, go over to Mark is an award winning graphic artist, and that's right. He's a podcaster, so you don't have to explain. It's kinda like a radio show note. He's got it. In fact, he's gonna probably listen to your show. He's gonna sit down with you one on one to make sure that your artwork, your website, your PDF, your business card, anything that is gonna be facing the public is gonna be in alignment with your brand, and you're just not gonna get that from some person on Fiverr.
00:02:53.900 --> 00:03:13.533
He's been doing it for over thirty years. He's been podcasting since 2013. And I know if you're watching this on the screen, I gotta get a new, graphic here. It says branded over 250 podcasts. That's over 500 now. So there's only one place to go when you wanna look great, and that is podcastbranding.cole.
00:03:18.039 --> 00:03:21.020
You know, I can't hear the music for whatever reason. Was it there?
00:03:21.879 --> 00:03:57.084
Maybe because you're on Zoom. I don't know. Maybe it is the Zoom. Well, anyways, good. Big thanks to our good friend, Dan LeFebvre, over there. Based on a true story, based on a this week. I mentioned it last week, but, his latest with Robin Flannery, she wanted to do everything. Check that out today. Available for you and, and and a really good podcast. If you missed the three part the three part on the Pinkertons, that is still available for you as well. Check it out today based on a true story at And, Dan, thanks for your sponsorship. Yeah.
00:03:57.084 --> 00:04:27.504
It's weird. Sometimes when I push the button on the stream deck, everything comes right back up. And then Yeah. I I went and listened to it, you know, in the monitor. I've got the livestream up. By the way, the livestream looks a million we're on Zoom today. The live stream looks a million times better than what we see, which is odd. Like, you think we would get the best resolution on this thing, right? And then, yeah, for me, the music, it's being muted, gated, something along. It so as long as they can hear it, that's fine.
00:04:27.884 --> 00:05:30.084
Yeah. Yeah. It's it's a challenge anyways with using Zoom. Yeah. After the challenges we've had, getting people into Ecamm, which is always kinda weird because some people had absolutely no problem at all. And then I I remember somebody sent me a screenshot where they'd gone into their settings, and it just said microphone. Like, that was it didn't even say what kind. And so I know that, Zoom or Ecamm integrates with Zoom. And so today, if you go to ask the slash question, it's gonna send you to a Zoom link, and I've played with this last night. And, it's the one thing I as I was doing this, I'm like, well, I'm working with Ecamm. Boy, I hope I can have another floating screen on my my, monitor, and I do. I have now one of Zoom, and it's, I was like, okay. That's the only thing I didn't like about it, but I'm like, I get it. And the fun thing is that screen, you cannot minimize. In fact, I have Mark z. See, that's the thing I'm gonna miss. In Ecamm in Ecamm, you had a, a little, like, when somebody entered the room.
00:05:30.084 --> 00:06:01.024
I can probably turn that on in Zoom, but, Mark is, back with us. So we're gonna, click a couple buttons here, and I'm going to, in theory, the the, native voyage of bringing in a guest on Zoom. We have, and again, I've clicked the button. There we go. We have Mark coming to the stage. So, Mark, how are you, buddy? Great. Thanks for having me back on. Yeah, man. What's going on? Hopefully, my mic is right this time. Let me figure that out later. Yeah.
00:06:01.285 --> 00:08:00.449
So, again, harkening back to podcasts from prior and whatnot, you had mentioned that some podcasts are podcasts. Some podcasts are they get onto YouTube and they try to be podcast on YouTube and then they just wind up There's a million different ways of trying to do different things. But the Christian Principles Podcast has a YouTube. So we are a podcast through Spotify, RSS feed out to several others, of course, the big ones. We took our podcast in its long form, used about half an hour, and we put it straight to a YouTube channel. Okay. Started doing a little bit more of the YouTube channel and, that long form just it's getting nothing. But it's getting nothing and we're expecting Yeah. Go ahead. Is that as a video or as a audio with the As a video. As a video. So as a video and with some care taken to actually get decent webcams and things like that. So so okay with the product at this point. But we didn't necessarily We also opened up a second channel just to have our audio with a static image through what is now, of course, YouTube podcast because that's replacing Google podcast. Right? Or it replaced it, so on and so forth? Well, YouTube So we have YouTube music replaced Google podcast. So Yeah. And a So we and a YouTube because there's three types of podcasts. There's, the OG video podcast that goes anywhere that takes an RSS feed. There's a YouTube podcast podcast that goes to YouTube and YouTube music, and then there's a Spotify video podcast that only goes to Spotify. Yes. We were doing all three of those, but we're not really messing with our long form bit. So recording it and using the audio as what most of our people are hearing. We're using the video to have the video, to archive the video, but we also have the RSS feed feeding a different channel on YouTube with like one subscriber. But it's also getting our podcast out to that Google Music. Right.
00:08:00.670 --> 00:08:18.473
YouTube Music. But what has been very helpful, and you had mentioned this on one of your podcasts previously, and a friend in the business had noted the using shorts and reels. And so what we're really seeing is way more engagement with our shorts and reels on YouTube and Instagram.
00:08:19.735 --> 00:08:23.435
So I've been getting into what makes those stronger, what makes those better.
00:08:23.973 --> 00:09:34.995
We are. So all that to say. My big question today is, do you have any tool suggestions or any third party push out suggestions for someone trying to streamline the time it takes to upload to Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube with a reel. With a reel. So a reel or a short? Reel on YouTube and reel on Instagram and Facebook and a short on YouTube. Do you know of a tool that does that would, from one dashboard, pump all three? That's a good question. Because my answer is just get Google Fiber. It takes about ten seconds to upload, if that. Yeah. I wish it was available here. Yeah. I don't Jim, do you know of any I know there's CapCut and all these other things to make the shorts and such. But in terms of, like, great now I got one, How do I avoid having to go to Instagram and threads and blue sky and all the other places to upload it? I don't let's see if the chat I'd have to ask. Yeah. I've I've some we have a team at work that does this, and then I don't personally do it with, HomeGadgetGeeks.
00:09:35.294 --> 00:09:49.889
So I don't you know, back in the day, there were a bunch of services, and they're all escaping my brain right now. I remember Buffet. What they were. Buffet. Yep. You can send it to a bunch of different places. Ralph is saying just SocialPilot.
00:09:52.750 --> 00:09:55.570
I've heard, now that's a Instagram tool.
00:09:57.710 --> 00:10:49.159
Let's see what else. Radar, AgoraPulse will do that. Buffer can do both. Mark, have you tried anything yet? Oh, yeah. So I'm using the what is it called? Meta the meta dashboard for Facebook and Instagram. Yeah. And then on YouTube, you can and you can do bulk reel because for every episode, I try to get, you know, five, six reels out there just increasing the chances of, you know, the one popping off. Yeah. Yeah. And so I can do so it's there are bulk uploads available for YouTube on YouTube through YouTube Studio. And then there's a bulk upload available for the Meta Business dashboard. Right now, there's an issue where I can only use the bulk upload to go to Facebook. It won't go to Instagram. But it would be great to have one place that would push it to all three.
00:10:52.500 --> 00:10:56.278
I know. Good question. Repurpose? Yeah. I'm gonna say. That's good. It says repurpose.
00:10:56.339 --> 00:11:21.750
Good old Hani Mora. Yeah. Would be one that I totally forgot about. But, yeah. That that's the one I'd look at because Hanny's been in the podcasting community and this community for a long time. Because so he kinda understands that he's you know, he kinda understands the brain of the podcaster. And what does this I think it's repurposed dot I 0 Yeah. I'm trying to hear is the site I've Purposing. That maybe one Mark to look at.
00:11:21.750 --> 00:11:39.625
Maybe not the best well known one, but I think from a developer standpoint, the most connected to podcasters. He's at all the podcast Yeah. Conferences. He's super friendly. He's very approachable. And from a support standpoint, I think he handles most of his own support.
00:11:39.625 --> 00:11:53.784
So I don't know how he does it and still have kids and all those kinds of things, but,, I think, is the is that right, Dave? Repurpose dot I o? You can use Dave's affiliate link by going to
00:11:53.784 --> 00:13:21.355
Yeah. So that would be Yeah. Mark, I'd give that I'd give that one a look. I'd give Repurpose a look. Okay. That's it. Thanks, guys. Alright. Appreciate it, man. Glad to hear it's going well. Yeah. Thanks for checking in. Absolutely. Thank you. Have a good weekend. I have a a a thought about, there we go, shorts. I see the guests now, which is kinda cool. When they come in Oh, that's good. I can see them. Yeah. Yeah. That's actually I could maybe give you a, you know, some kind of baseball sign that, hey. There's a guest. Well, that's where I just need to realize now that even though I can see them once I add them you know what I mean? But I can't where before I'm I'm almost positive in Zoom. You can have it make a noise when somebody's in the waiting room or something like that because I just happened to click and was like, oh, crap. Mark's there. But I have a thought on why shorts do better than longs. And I'm trying to do this in a clean way, but it's it is the difference between a one night stand and a relationship that with someone you love and know before you degrade them. So it's, because I real it was weird. There's a guy, and, again, I can't remember his name. But every time he comes up in reels, which is usually where I get sucked into shorts, Facebook reels, I'll go in, but sometimes on YouTube because you can't escape them. You open up anything, and it's like, here's a bunch of thirty second stuff to look at.
00:13:21.653 --> 00:14:17.294
And, but what I've noticed is and every time he comes up, I watch it. And I went and finally, they fed me something long on his YouTube channel, and he said his name. And I was like, I have seen hundreds of this guy's shorts, and I had no idea what his name was. And I was like, I think that's kind of the level of engagement you get with shorts. Like, they're like, oh, I like that guy with a coffee mug. Yeah. What's his name? I don't know. He's got the beard, you know, and a coffee mug, and he always kind of makes a joke at the end and drinks out of the car. You know that guy. And you're like, no. I don't know that guy. And it was kind of weird. So Daniel says, you know, the irony of this question is that these other platforms actually supported video podcasting. This would be taken care of, by really simple syndicate. Yeah. Yeah. Daniel, if you can, Daniel has a post. He added a new feature at his, podcast.
00:14:17.514 --> 00:14:35.720
Oh, I should know this. It's podcast industry insights. Is that his thing? But he's now tracking you the number of podcasts on YouTube in his insights. And the fun part is, of course, the number of podcasts on YouTube is zero.
00:14:36.339 --> 00:14:43.254
Get it? Okay. So but I thought that was I saw the screenshot of that, and I was like, there you go. And I did. I I almost clipped it.
00:14:43.254 --> 00:15:02.039
I don't wanna go there, but there was a woman on, Pod News Week of Review that was saying about how, you know, YouTube more people listen to podcasts on YouTube, and I was just like, oh, please don't poke the bear. Chris said, I would suggest creating two different YouTube channels for essentially the same audio content. Yeah. You're competing with yourself.
00:15:02.039 --> 00:15:05.879
The audio version is most certainly never gonna get found. Yeah.
00:15:05.879 --> 00:15:32.769
That's just one where it's the because you have the video of the stuff, I don't know if I would even bother with the audio version of the stuff because in theory, it's the same title. It's the same description in YouTube, so you are competing with yourself. Yeah. I always say the static image is what you do when you're doing nothing on YouTube, and by that, I mean zero because that is essentially better than nothing.
00:15:33.070 --> 00:18:13.769
And if you already have video, like, I like, this show is on YouTube with video, and the audio goes to, you know, all the other places. But I would never put a static version of this because the better version is already here. And so at at that point, I'm like, well, okay. I'm already doing kind of as much as you can on YouTube by putting an actual video, so I'm not gonna even bother with a a static version of it. Because then you're just and if you I don't know anybody. Oh, I'm sure there's probably one person that is actually getting a decent completion rate with a static video thing where it's you know, they go in and, yeah. Jim is saying, hey. Does the Zoom chat go anywhere? It actually ends up in the chat room that I can see. So I'm actually I can see you're in Zoom. I can see Ralph here who says my production team does a great job of posting to each of the social platforms, but you may wanna check the notes for each because the formats are different. So, I can see a little YouTube thing on Ralph where yours, Jim, has the little Zoom thingy. So Yeah. I don't think it goes live. The so I think this chat in Zoom is just between you and me. And then Or whoever else is in Zoom. Yeah. You have a yeah. Oh, yeah. Like, if Mark when when Mark was in, he could've put it in there. And then you must have a unified chat on your side of things where you're seeing the Zoom coming. Yeah. That's good to know. Yeah. That's good to know. Yeah. I'm trying to find a bandwidth selector on Zoom that my picture when I'm watching is terrible on this side. Like so I know I went out and checked the live feed. It looks great. We're clear. All those other things that looks good. But, Dave, I actually have trouble seeing. So when you're putting up the Yeah. You know, the comments, those are terrible. Like, I have a hard time the they're all pixelated. Oh, that's so good. It's almost like a witness protection program. You know? Can't quite see. Because because Dan from, based on a true story podcast is, does YouTube do true audio? Because I always thought it converts to m p four, So still image is a boring video, but it's still a video file. Yeah. That's true. When we say It is compre it's compressed for sure. So, yes, podcast industry insights. Thank you, Jim. .Com. And, oh, I see. He hasn't added it to the navigation yet, but, I thought that was pretty funny that the whole YouTube thing. But it is and that's where because I forget who I was listening to. It might have been Tom Webster because, if you go to YouTube, sounds profitable put up a bunch of presentations from South By Southwest.
00:18:14.549 --> 00:19:39.275
And Tom was being very Tom Webster, and he was like he said, while YouTube is important to podcasting, he goes, I don't think video is. And I was like, oh, that's fighting words for some people. But, they were talking about how the fact that most podcasts are you know, they don't have to be three hours long, but they're, you know, twenty minutes or so versus a short, which is four minutes. And he goes, that's why podcasts have a better connection. That's why we outsell everything on the planet because of the connection we have with our audience. And while I love and it's sad to say this out loud I love Doug and the business cats so I'm actually watching cat videos and anytime Doug and the business cats come up it's very creative because this guy does a lot of stuff with sound shaping because obviously it's one dude He's making all these voices for his cats, and I don't know what he's doing to them that they're constantly meowing. But he then makes them talk as they meow, and Doug has a different voice because he was adopted. And he's always off camera, and you just hear it. Yeah. I I don't wanna do that anymore. It's really creative, but and I can't remember why. Oh, it's shorts. And so but I can't tell you the name of the comedian that's making Doug and the Business Cats. It's a you know, I like him.
00:19:39.275 --> 00:19:54.160
I will always click on his stuff, But if somebody told me where to go, you know, because in Shorts, people aren't going visit me at my website and such and such, and there's no button. If you click on a Short, it doesn't take you to their website. It takes you usually to their channel.
00:19:54.654 --> 00:20:01.795
So shorts are great for keeping people aware of your brand.
00:20:02.255 --> 00:20:16.950
I don't think they're very good at getting people to your actual stuff. You know what I mean? You build a it's, I agree. It's, I agree. Listen, they suck you in with the numbers. Right? To Mark's point, you know, you throw some reels out there, shorts, whatever you call them.
00:20:17.169 --> 00:21:00.214
And you see some engagement numbers pop up because they get fed in. And as soon as you create them, right, at least as we looked at the algorithm and some of the results, for some of those, we worked on this, I don't know, nine months ago. You get this massive engagement spike at the very beginning for the first couple hours. Let's say hours three, four, six, whatever. Then it would drop off pretty solidly. Right? And so you can kinda see this, the algorithm work to, hey, new video. Let's test it. So it's going out there. Let's test it. If it doesn't get the engagement that it's looking for, it drops it. Just kinda drops it out of the, out of the reels and you you don't you see very little engagement for a while.
00:21:00.914 --> 00:21:12.349
So for a lot of folks, those numbers, those early engagement numbers, are kind of, I don't wanna say dishonest, but they lead to the wrong conclusion.
00:21:12.890 --> 00:21:45.529
You're being, you know, you're beating and in some cases, it's what you're looking for. Your video is getting out there and eyeballs are on it, Right? For whatever length of time that you actually think they're there. Right? But, is it generating like you said, is it generating real engagement for those people to come back to your site? You might see more downloads on a reel than you've ever seen to a podcast. Right. And all of a sudden, you get super excited. You're like, oh, everybody's looking at my stuff. Yeah. But zero engagement. Yeah.
00:21:45.529 --> 00:22:03.089
Like, you still do it. I'm not saying you don't do it. I'm just saying have realistic expectations with some of these, you know, what you're what I think you're hoping to do at the end of the day is convert this these these real views. You're hoping to convert them to something that matters. Right?
00:22:03.089 --> 00:22:20.085
And so you want them to come back to your site or you want them to buy your product or you want them to download the YouTube your YouTube video or, I mean, watch the YouTube video or download your podcast. But I think just be careful, especially early in the data on these reels. It can be a little enticing. Oh, yeah. You know, you're like Woah.
00:22:20.085 --> 00:22:23.464
Woah. I saw 10,000 views in an hour. And you're like, okay.
00:22:23.845 --> 00:22:45.380
Yes, you did. They may not even be real. Let's just be clear. Right? I mean, so Well, and I think That's the Randy Black looked this up a while ago. I think a view on YouTube can be, like, a second. So if if a video comes up that you don't want, you don't click stop quick enough. Congratulations. But Chris Stone, I think, nailed it here. Views do not equal Yeah. Engagement.
00:22:46.204 --> 00:23:20.595
As and this is goes back to this. So we're talking about Doug and the business cats, and Rich Graham says those cats are awesome. It's Dennis something. And then finally, Randy came in. It's Drennan Davis is Doug and the business cats. And as soon as I saw it, I was like, oh, yeah. Because I always see he has his name ever so slightly washed out in the background of the video so that somehow, subliminally, I'm supposed to remember his name, which apparently didn't work. Jeff c, the one and only, YouTube Shorts can point you to, your longer form content now that they killed direct links.
00:23:20.595 --> 00:24:01.660
So, yeah, that's like I said, it's kind of interesting. It's you go from short term to long term, and then, hopefully, the long term has a link for I know on reels, there's no, like, show notes. There's nothing. It's just you click in and it goes Listen. You know? Reels are a mess. I mean, all that stuff, it like, you're going through it. People are stealing other people's content. There's stuff being done. You know? I've watched I now have seen a reel of someone commenting on someone else commenting on someone else's video. Like, it used to just be comments of videos. Like, you know? And so you have this really engaged you can tell, like, these are this is horrific.
00:24:01.660 --> 00:24:23.538
You can tell I watched this. There's a drummer who's right now real popular on realist, and he can man, this guy can drum. Right? Yeah. And then I then now everybody is grabbing his stuff and they're just saying, let's just see what this guy is doing. And so he's doing his thing and they're making comments on it and you're like, you don't have a clue what this guy is actually doing. You are literally just trying to rip off his content. Right?
00:24:23.538 --> 00:24:53.230
Yeah. Literally, just trying to rip it off. Now, is it good for the guy who's getting ripped off brand to be on another person's reel to get the well, the people find him that way? There is a little bit of branding associated with this. Right? The more your face or the more your brand is showing up in front of people, isn't a bad thing. So if people are ripping off your content and it goes viral on somebody else's channel, that's not necessarily a bad thing for you if you're looking for that branding piece unless it's branded improperly.
00:24:53.230 --> 00:24:56.849
But whatever. Okay. Let's just say it is what it is from that standpoint.
00:24:57.308 --> 00:25:15.794
But, yeah, it's these rules are getting out of control. Yeah. And you you you kinda go, what are we doing? So I, you know What's the purpose? Yeah. I What's the point? I know the guy you're talking about because there's this guy from Big Beard, and he he amazing He can drop the the the drum on that.
00:25:15.794 --> 00:25:49.494
And there are people now that are watching his videos going, I don't understand how he does it. That's amazing. He's so good. And what drives me nuts about those kind of videos is they rarely, if ever, link to the original video. Because I'm like, I want more of that guy. I don't need you going, wow. That's good. I'm like, I don't under Or are helpful. They're not helpful. I don't like, they literally aren't helpful. Reaction videos make my brain hurt. I don't need you to go and make lots of faces, like, you know, and it's like opera singer listens to Freddie Mercury. Oh, let me guess.
00:25:49.494 --> 00:26:37.554
She's gonna say he has a good voice, You know? Or what and it's just like, I don't get it. And what's always funny is the opera singer is always hot. Like, if it's a reaction video, a lot of times, the person doing the reaction what a coinky dink is really attractive on either side of whether it's male or female. You know, I always love yeah. Don't get me going. But there are times when I I to I got you going all night. Understand the please don't women are more than just TNA, and we're not we're we're more look at our brains. And then you have some female who's just an amazing guitar player, but, you know, every time she plays the guitar, it's in a tube top cut down to her hootenanny, and her guitar is pushing her boobs up. And I'm like, wait.
00:26:37.933 --> 00:27:03.720
You want me to you know? And I'm like, okay. But on the other hand, the thumbnail got me to click, and I'm like, that that drives me nuts. Same thing on Yahoo. Anything on Yahoo. Listen. Guys do this too just to be fair. I mean, for you and my generation, the whole David Lee Roth Oh. Big hair, skimpy clothes, cut you know, like, come on. So it will be fair on that one. I put in chat where a little bit of, like, get off my lawn on this.
00:27:03.720 --> 00:27:07.545
Yeah. But yeah. Well Well It's yeah. So Keep going.
00:27:07.545 --> 00:27:19.710
Danny has a question. Shorts do more to build the YouTube brand, your YouTube brand more than your own, agree or disagree? So let me read that again without actually butchering it. Shorts do more to build your YouTube brand more than your own.
00:27:22.410 --> 00:27:48.549
That's a good question. It does get you I would I would say depending on how you're making these shorts. You know, if you're listen. A short is really just an opportunity for clickbait. That's all it really is. And, you know, some of these things they're doing the shocking stuff or the way they make these shorts. I would think for some of them that where there's no brand associated, but it's really just kind of shocking or whatever. Yeah.
00:27:48.549 --> 00:28:10.690
Then that's just because that stuff is a little adrenaline. You know, you're doing the death scroll. You're going through checking it, and then you see one and you're like, you know, a bridge collapsing or, you know, somebody a car running into, you know, running into something. And there's a little bit of entertainment in there that sucks us in. We like watching those kinds of things. Now are they valuable at all? No.
00:28:10.990 --> 00:28:47.430
They're not valuable. I mean, it's it's sheer entertainment. That's what keeps you on the platform. So that benefits the platform. Right? But if you've got some content that really draws folks in some good branding, the comedians probably do this better than anybody right now. The comedians are doing a really good job of using the reels for their for to get their content out. That's brand building. I think that's better for them. Well, and we have clarification, not your YouTube brand, but YouTube's brand itself. Yeah. Shorts didn't help you remember the comedian, but you remember it was on YouTube shorts. Ah, there you go. That is it is a thing.
00:28:47.430 --> 00:29:06.190
It will. It keeps you there in the moment because you get Like, those videos create those are the ones that create the addiction. It's those silly, crazy, whatever, goofy, whatever. And that's what keeps you scrolling. That keeps you on there. So, yeah, that's what I was referring to, Dan, is I think those kinds of videos build the YouTube brand or whatever you're on. Listen.
00:29:06.329 --> 00:29:14.025
That's just, you know, YouTube is just McDonald's. You know? Instagram is just Burger King. Yeah. It's the same stuff. It is.
00:29:14.105 --> 00:29:21.565
I stole that. I stole that from another comedian. I I watch, Doug and the Business Cats both on Facebook Reels and YouTube.
00:29:21.944 --> 00:29:36.308
It's like, wherever they are, I'm like, oh, look. It's Newton Frog. Click. You know? And then it's Yeah. The thing that I don't get about reaction videos is it'll be like rappers hear Stevie Ray Vaughan for the first time. And I'm like, okay.
00:29:36.769 --> 00:30:54.265
Like, when I hear a really good guitar player, at the most engaged I'm I am going to get, I might play a little air guitar. These guys are falling out of their chairs. Like, they're throwing things. They're like, woah. Holy what? You know? And the headphones go flying, and I'm like, I'm sorry. That's not a reaction. That's called mugging for the camera. And, you know, you're just trying to see which big face with your tongue hanging out is gonna make the thumbnail. That's the part that it's got the we could talk about this word later if we want to. It's got the authenticity, which apparently is such a buzzword now that it makes people vomit, but there's no authenticity of that. It's just simply, and at the eighteen minute mark, I will throw the popcorn into the air, and you do a spit take into me, and it'll be a great video. Somebody mentioned the other day, I was watching a video, and this guy was talking about how busy he was. And he goes, I run a 6 figure, social cam social whatever company, whatever. And he goes, so I'm always working. And as he's saying this, it's b roll of him with his laptop and his headphones on doing a Zoom call, walking through the airport carrying a, you know, a bag.
00:30:55.045 --> 00:32:53.720
And we said, do you realize that he had to look at his friend and go, hey. Can you do me a favor? I'm gonna walk through the airport here. Can you film me for, like, four seconds so I look busy? And we're just like, wow. That's you know? It just that's a whole different thing. Or or worse yet, the camera was on a tripod. He had to go out, set it up, get it set, then he had to walk back. Right? Then he had to roll through that camera to look at make make it look like he was doing it. Then he had to stop, come right to the camera. Let's say let me oh, that's a good shot. Yeah. Oh, that's a good shot. Let me do this again one more time. But this time, get me from the side. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. That's listen. That's the bane of the YouTuber, right, of having to set up these walking shots or driving shots. And they always say, hey. Look. Anytime I'm doing something on YouTube, it takes me four times longer to to do it because I've gotta set up all the shots, then I gotta shoot the shots, then I gotta go back and take down the cameras that I set up to set up the shots. Right? Like, like, no wonder you guys don't get anything done. You know? Yeah. We got somebody in the waiting room. Let me blow through some of these comments here. Chris Stone, our best YouTube videos are the ones that have 40 to 50 questions and comments. They're far greater watch time than some with higher views. Views are drive by engagement. It it's when people stop by to chat. You know? And then Jeff sees as I agree. You know, those he wants the ones that get people to click. Those are the ones that he says, you know, get him to make some money here. So but, Well but and, Dave, before before bringing the guest on, let me finish this thought. The if you guys wanted to help us out I mean, we always appreciate the super chats and you guys being here on live on Saturdays and the listeners on the podcast and some of those kinds of things. But if we wanted to do an experiment and for the next three or four weeks, you guys wanted to pop over to YouTube and make a comment on the video.
00:32:53.720 --> 00:33:43.940
Yeah. And I and I that that would change on YouTube. That changes the algorithm. And all of a sudden, now listen, we get a couple hundred views on YouTube. It's not a ton. We may see some more on that. But those YouTube comments matter. I mean, they are really that's that plays into their algorithm in a lot of way. We've talked about this before, but there's always folks who are like, they'll throw out a controversial question and leave it in chat, you know, down below. Listen, our audience, our podcasters, they don't natively listen or watch a lot of things or a lot of this kind of content or even us on YouTube. Although many of you are in YouTube right now, I wonder what would happen, Dave, if we one week said, hey. Chat is gonna be in the YouTube comments. Now that being said, that's a terrible experience for live. It's terrible. Yeah. Let's just be clear. It's terrible. We would, you guys would hate us for that.
00:33:43.940 --> 00:33:54.980
Right. But it would help the engagement of that video if we so we joke about this all the time, but that actually I mean, comments work on YouTube Yeah. If you can get them Oh, I know. Ask Steve.
00:33:54.980 --> 00:34:29.034
Philip DeFranco's a guy who does a new show, and you would get drunk if you had a drinking game where he's like, I'd really love to know what you think. Leave your comments and let you know, leave your thoughts in the he says that 800 times, the show. Leave your thoughts in the comments. And I was like, that must help because Oh, yeah. Yeah. It does. No. It does. But, coming to the stage, his, his name on, Zoom says Eva and Harris. So I'm going to guess this is Harris. I could be wrong, but, and I've clicked oh, this is just one of those days where everything's on, like, a five second delay. Testing? Testing? Yeah.
00:34:29.034 --> 00:34:36.489
I can hear you. We just can't see you yet. Okay. Come on. Three person field. Come on up, baby. I'm hitting the button. It's turning green.
00:34:36.489 --> 00:34:39.150
There we go. Filing. Hi there. How are you?
00:34:40.329 --> 00:34:47.389
Very good. Thank you, Dave. Hi, Jim. I'm actually the dad of Eva and Harris. Oh, well, there you go. Even better. What's your tell us your name.
00:34:47.849 --> 00:34:54.954
Sam. And I Alright, Sam. Sam. Uncle Sam. I pod faded, but I'm looking to get back into it. Okay.
00:34:54.954 --> 00:36:54.710
And in all honesty, it's for a couple a little bit of extra income. Okay. So, I had a niche podcast in a area of photography. Okay. And I wanna know about, obviously, digital products and affiliate marketing would be the two main generators of income as far as I'm aware of. Yeah. And I want to know with obviously, to get the affiliate links, they have to be on your website. And, Dave, you mentioned about 3% is gonna be clicking over. Yeah. Now that can you I'm right now, I've gotta reach out to him. He might be in the chat room. Ray from around the layout does a show about model trains, and Ray should be like the poster child for, like, engaged audience because he gets, like, double digit interaction. And I'm like, so it is possible, but it's a really tight niche, and he does all sorts of really cool stuff to to hang out with his community. But, yeah, usually, it's around 3%. Okay. So that's a very small percentage. And is that I guess, that's the is the only way to get people to get your affiliate code is for them to go to your website and have them click on that link. Right. This is where and, again, I work there, but PodPage and you can do this in WordPress as well. If you can do something like, oh, go to Now that has Mark. It has, Dan, it has me, and it has me. So I have four sponsors on that page, two of which are me. But that way, it reinforces your brand, and people have to remember one link. So instead of, like, oh, go to or go to davesite.mattress. It's like, no. Go to Then we also have We're awesome.
00:36:54.849 --> 00:37:22.778
Actually, wanna think about something like that. Make it easier to do that. Jim, you may know, but if you have can you have multiple, affiliate links for the same product? Do certain companies say, if you have us, you can't list anybody else that same product as well? I don't know that I've run into that. Have you, Jim? I think that it depends on the terms. I yeah. I haven't seen a lot where they say you can only be our affiliate if we're exclusive.
00:37:22.778 --> 00:37:41.465
Right. I have not seen that. I'm not saying it doesn't exist. I just haven't seen that a lot in the affiliate space. They generally, in in the affiliate space, most brands are fairly hands off on their affiliate. Amazon is a little bit of the is is a little different on this. So it's very aggressive Yeah.
00:37:41.545 --> 00:37:48.664
About their affiliates. Like, you have some rules and they follow-up on you and regularly ban people for breaking the rules.
00:37:48.664 --> 00:38:14.545
So you gotta be kinda careful on the Amazon side. But most affiliates are kinda hands off, and you could have multiple you know, you're doing cameras. So, you know, maybe you have Canon and Sony, and you have a link. I know they don't have affiliate programs, but let's just say for the sake Well, for argument's sake, let's say, b and h photo Yeah. And Yeah. Adorama or None of that in those cases. In most of those cases, you can have all of those together if you want.
00:38:14.545 --> 00:38:39.974
Right? Yeah. So you have a a string basically saying, for the pricing in in store a, click here. For pricing store b, click here. For pricing store c, click here. Well, I mean, you could. What I mean, what often happens for affiliate marketing for most people, I think, and what most people see successful is you're talking about a product and then you link that somewhere in the media so they can click on it and follow through.
00:38:40.114 --> 00:38:54.010
You're not you don't necessarily wanna confuse them with all the different pricing options. I don't think with affiliate, like, you don't I don't know if you'd wanna have a page where you'd wanna list all the products at the different site from a comparative standpoint. Now you could.
00:38:54.068 --> 00:40:21.409
Right. But here's what happens. Right? You with a consumer, if you give them too many choices equal confusion, they get confused pretty soon. They're like, oh, wait a minute. I could get this somewhere else. And then they click on and then pretty soon, they've left your ecosystem. Right? And so you just have to be careful not to give them too many choices in the process because you want them to you you want them to click a link and buy it, obviously, at b and h or buy it at whatever the link that you you have it at. So just be careful you're not giving them too many too many or you make them jump through too many hoops to get there. Right? David So an a and b. So this is this is a Yeah. This is Mostly a. Okay. Yeah. Mostly a. This is a page what we're looking at is a page for a boom arm, and you can see where it says you can get this on Sweetwater, Amazon, B and H, Adorama, or whatever that is, and Walmart. And then down here, it says commissions may be earned from these links above. This is a tool I use called Geniuslink, and what it allows you to do, like, if I look at this one for the new PodTrak p two, I can see there's my affiliate link from Sweetwater, so that's got the affiliate link built into it because right now Sweetwater doesn't kind of have a built in tool. B and H, I just put in whatever my affiliate ID is, and I can put a a kind of normal link to b and h, and they will switch it out for the affiliate link. And then you can figure out, you could add more links.
00:40:21.409 --> 00:41:12.710
Like, sometimes, especially with books, it'll say, oh, there's more stores that offer this product. And then you say, okay, go ahead and do that. And so in the case of that boom arm, we were just looking at well, it's not on the front page, but you can bait it's super simple. And then they give you this link and then that leads to, you know, this page and then the good news is I don't really care where you order it from because all of those are affiliate links, but you can to me I've got five on this one and it is weird because like who would buy a boom arm at Walmart because it's $99 but this is what happens and somebody goes wait a minute what is it at Sweetwater and then you're like oh it's only 79 I'll buy it here so I guess in a way they feel like they're getting a deal even if it's you know the same thing. But I it's the best$6 I spend every month because that's the wrong thing. We need this one.
00:41:12.710 --> 00:41:24.213
You're also dropping a cookie on their computer Yeah. If they go back to those They are. Yes. They are. So Yeah. There's yes. No. And and that's actually a strategy, right, of, hey. Now that cookie, no.
00:41:24.275 --> 00:41:32.835
So say in Dave's situation, they go to Walmart and click on it. Like, oh, wait a minute. I can go to b and h. So they go to b and h and they see it's 79. Oh, that's great. They're not gonna stop there.
00:41:32.835 --> 00:42:03.052
They're gonna check all of the boxes. Right? Now those that cookie is set for whatever length of time. For some people, that's spammy. Right? That feels like and people know this now. Right? And Do they? They do. Oh, well, maybe not everyone, but it it to me, like and maybe because I'm in the industry. When I see that kind of thing, I kinda go, you know, and then I'm gonna check off it's not for me, it's not a great experience.
00:42:03.052 --> 00:42:06.750
I would rather hey. Look. Rather, hey. Look.
00:42:06.789 --> 00:43:26.155
I this is where I purchased. This is the link. You can choose to do it other ways. I that's just me. Yeah. Right? Maybe maybe for you, Sam, you're okay with that. I just I don't like that user experience. Yeah. I do know when I got kicked out of Amazon, that hurt my affiliate. Like, there are a lot of people that are very comfortable buying things at Amazon, and I was like, look. It's Sweetwater. It's a cheaper price. It's free shipping, and there's candy and tech support. And people are like, do you have an affiliate link for Amazon? I'm like, oh, you're killing me. Come on. So Yeah. Yeah. And that's why I that's another reason why I use that tool. Trying to understand Amazon's terms of service. Have fun with that because about the time you think you got it like you can't put support this show and then put an Amazon link even though if you buy from Amazon you're helping to support the show and you can't say that because that breaks your terms of service. So there it's like you just have to go just for a random reason, I put an Amazon link here. There's nothing to do, nothing to see here, but there's an Amazon it's the weirdest terms of service. And so I just like, okay. And then just anytime Do you happen to know of a somebody who knows the affiliates world for Amazon and what their do's and don'ts are Yeah. That, we'd recommend to look into.
00:43:26.155 --> 00:43:40.909
Genius link. There's a, post on their web. They have a blog, and it was amazing. Like, you can't put Amazon affiliate links in a newsletter, but you can, but you can put a Genius link that then leads to a page that says, oh, by the way, I might get compensated for that.
00:43:42.085 --> 00:43:59.969
And Geniuslink is not how you think you're gonna spell it. I put a link to it in the show notes, as well. It's because That's fine. Because Genius is g e n, I forget which I think they leave out the o. I u s. G e n I u s. Yeah. I think that's how they do it.
00:43:59.969 --> 00:44:18.085
Yeah. And so it's yeah. I interviewed the guy. I have a show called More Podcast Money, which has been on hiatus for quite a bit, but I interviewed that guy. And there was, like, here are the 10 things that get people kicked out of Amazon, and I think I'd done four. And I was, like, oh, okay. Like, one, I knew. Like, you're not allowed to use iframes.
00:44:18.864 --> 00:44:35.900
And I, I accidentally did one. Like, it was just straight up accident. And the guy I and what was weird is I got somebody on the phone from Amazon, and I'm like, oh, you're right. Hold on. And I'm like and I switched out the code and published it, and I go, you can see it's gone now. And he's like, oh, yeah. Good job. Thanks.
00:44:35.900 --> 00:45:36.824
And I go, so I'm back in? And he's like, no. Kevin has to approve you. And I'm like, okay. So let Kevin know I fixed it. And, Kevin looked at me and went, no. And just gave me the old thumbs down, and I was like, well, screw you, Kevin. And what was really weird about that is I like to be honest it's something that's kind of a trait of mine that I try to do I know and I signed back up with the exact same email and they let me in and I was like what was the whole purpose of that besides the fact that all the commissions I had earned that month just went up in flames? Thanks. Thanks, Amazon. But it was, so I'm like, what's so I just I don't, you know, and like all my newsletters now have an affiliate disclaimer at the top of the newsletter, because that's an FTC thing. The FTC, you know, if I hold up a thing and say, wow, I love this water bottle from Awala, you know, and I get paid for this, you know, and don't say, oh, by the way, I just got paid to hold this up and go, this is my favorite water bottle of all time. Yeah.
00:45:36.824 --> 00:46:13.304
I can get in all sorts. It got Kim Kardashian fined a lot because she was doing that. Like, oh, look. I love snack pack pudding or whatever it was. And, yeah, they she didn't say she was getting paid for that. Well, now with some changes going on in the government Yeah. It's I wonder if they'll be as diligent going after people. Probably not. The, that's just my commentary. Daniel does say in the chat, he says that he was talking to somebody from Geniuslink, and they said that choice pages that you and I were talking about actually convert better than direct links. So okay. There you go. That maybe again, I don't like it.
00:46:13.304 --> 00:46:23.630
That's not my preference. That's not the that's not the way. Now if I had a gear page and I was laying out individual pieces of gear and I could have that, hey, you've got three or four choices to do that.
00:46:24.090 --> 00:47:07.844
Okay. Yeah. Maybe. I have to think about that one. Yeah. But I I don't like to give I don't like to give people. Choices usually confuse people. Then they start asking questions. Right. Then they question, should I even do this? Right? And so it's right. I mean, it's just I've watched so many people, especially with technology things where you start so they they'll ask a question, you start explaining it to them, you're like, oh, here's the complexity of it. Then they're like, yeah, I don't wanna do this anymore. Like, you know, and so it just is with some of these, if you, I get the idea of giving the consumer some choice. They're gonna if they want choice, they're gonna go bargain shop anyways. For most of them, I just want them to they just wanna click and buy. Yeah.
00:47:08.224 --> 00:47:23.639
That's all they wanna do. Uncle So, anyways. Uncle Marv You can make that decision. Yeah. Uncle Marv says sponsors might ask for exclusivity exclusivity. Yeah. That's true. And Chris Stone, who does deal casters, he does a live stream on Amazon.
00:47:24.099 --> 00:47:42.519
So that's a whole other fun game where you can be an Amazon influencer, I think, is the name of the program. And Daniel says Sam, are you gonna Oh, go ahead. Daniel says, I was talking to someone about Geniuslink, and they said, Choice Pages. I oh, there you go. When you said Daniel, I thought you meant Dan from, based on a true story podcast. Yeah.
00:47:42.519 --> 00:47:50.139
SP says some people for prefer Amazon due to zero interest financing on their store card. Yeah. That's true too. The old credit card.
00:47:50.454 --> 00:48:07.320
Sam, what are you gonna do? So when you with photography, big giant, you know, lots of I need to part of it. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. And what do you just tell what do you have an idea where you're gonna go on this? Oh, absolutely. I mean, I did have a podcast in in Faded, and I said I gotta bring it back.
00:48:07.858 --> 00:48:11.239
And it's, it's aerial photography.
00:48:11.460 --> 00:48:18.525
Okay. I'll stop at that. Nice. It's a sub niche of aerial photography, specifically. Okay. Alright. Alright. Good. Excellent.
00:48:18.525 --> 00:48:33.599
Yeah. Yep. Yeah. Then listen, the niche can be really valuable, but you I think you gotta go all the way on a niche. Like, the tighter you get on your content, the more into it you have to be. The rail the the train guy that Dave was mentioning, he's all in.
00:48:33.760 --> 00:48:48.434
Yeah. Right? All in. And I think it's if you try to go niche and you try to go casual, peoples the people smell that out pretty quick. They wanna be because the folks you wanna reach, they're the all in people. Right?
00:48:48.434 --> 00:48:51.894
They're a % in, and you better be there with them.
00:48:52.434 --> 00:49:24.885
Convincing them why they need to be all in and how it's basically it's a tool in their toolbox for their other main business. And And Yeah. Yeah. No. Run on. You don't need to give it away. I I understand why you're doing I understand why you're doing what you're doing. I just I see some folks wanting to start podcasts that are very niche y, you know, very tight. And then they're kinda lukewarm on the subject themselves, you know, and they're like they're like, oh, man. I don't know if there's enough to talk about for for a whole year's worth of podcasts. And you're like, no.
00:49:24.885 --> 00:50:05.929
If you were really all in, you'd find you'd you'd have no trouble talking about Exactly. This thing over and over. And that audience wants to hear it. Oh, they wanna they want their biases confirmed over and over. So I I just say if you're gonna listen that in those audience, they buy things. Like, once the once you're in the niche, they buy things. And speaking of buying things Gotta be all the way in. Yes. Speaking of buying things. Oh, one of the things Sam should buy is this. The book, profit from your podcast, proven strategies to turn visitors into a lie. I I did. And, you can find that at Like, I passed the ball right to you and you Slash invest slash book. I love it.
00:50:05.929 --> 00:50:53.405
Excellent. Anything else, Sam? One last thing, I guess, to be also on this topic of, some financing is, the digital products. I'm sure it'll be in that book. There's a whole chapter to your own personal digital products. Well, there's that, but there's also the audiobook because the book is four years old now ish. And I kind of say, hey, everything I said in the book is now outdated. So in the book I was talking Thinkific and Teachable, and now the one that if you want a community, heartbeat all day long because you can sell courses there. In fact, I just moved all my courses to heartbeat. But there is a website, he said, behind the scenes looking for the affiliate link because, you know, that's how I roll. And I'm not saying this because they have an affiliate link, but I was like, wait. It's it's so cheap. I was what's the catch?
00:50:53.659 --> 00:51:04.000
They they do have that. It's called Pensig, p e n s I g h t. Links will be in the show notes and in the chat. It's$29 a month, and I was like, okay.
00:51:04.300 --> 00:51:19.280
$29 because, like, Zendler was the cheapest one I've been using for courses and stuff, and it was 60. And I'm like, this is 30. I'm like, oh, let me guess. I have to bring my own Vimeo account or something. Like, no. No. We host the videos. And I'm like, okay.
00:51:19.739 --> 00:51:22.960
And, there's email. It's kinda like Kajabi lite.
00:51:23.500 --> 00:51:27.260
Like, it does email. It does a community. It does digital products.
00:51:27.260 --> 00:52:05.594
It does coaching. It does and I'm like, but it's $29. And they're like, yep. And I looked and it's like, it's one dude in London and another guy in San Francisco. And I've they're really good on their support. Mark Lawley from, a member of the school of podcasting, he's like, well, I'm kicking the tires on. He was using Teachable. And he's like, he's been using them for probably a couple of months now. He's like, yeah. He goes, I it's $29. I'm saving $40 a month by using these guys. And I'm like, okay. So that would be something that there's also hip pay or PayHIP. I can never remember which one it is, but if you come back to the show after it's over, if you come
00:52:05.594 --> 00:53:00.264
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