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Navigating AI in Podcast Creation
Navigating AI in Podcast Creation
Today's episode is all about the fascinating (and kinda spooky) world of AI voices and their role in reshaping the podcasting landscape. Fr…
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May 25, 2024

Navigating AI in Podcast Creation

Today's episode is all about the fascinating (and kinda spooky) world of AI voices and their role in reshaping the podcasting landscape. From discussing the impact of AI technology on audio production to sharing tips on recording and editing, we delve...

Today's episode is all about the fascinating (and kinda spooky) world of AI voices and their role in reshaping the podcasting landscape. From discussing the impact of AI technology on audio production to sharing tips on recording and editing, we delve into the possibilities and challenges that AI brings to the podcasting realm. Join us as we explore the evolving trends in podcast monetization, share thoughts on transcript accessibility, and engage in lively discussions surrounding the future of podcasting.


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Mugshot: Based on a True Story Podcast

Ever wonder how true those movies are that are based on a true story? Find out at 

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 Feature Awesome Supporter

Glenn Hebert - Horse Radio Network

Mentioned In This Episode

Eleven Labs


Home Gadget Geeks 

The School of Podcasting 

Become an Awesome Supporter 

Voice and Vocals Jodie Krangle 

Shure MV7 Microphone

Samson Q2U

Audio Technica ATR2100X 


Gary V Gets Sponsors for His Blog 

Profit From Your Podcast Book 

Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World Book

Leaning Towards Wisdom Podcast 

Chapter Markers:

00:01:04 - Sponsor: (
00:02:26 - Mugshot: ( )
00:03:06 - AI Voicer Good and Spooky
00:03:30 - AI Copies My Pace and Influctions ( )
00:05:16 - Podcast Hot Seat Intro ( )
00:06:00 - Is This As Scary as the Rodeo? 
00:06:26 - Was That Scary?
00:07:43 - VO Artists Aren't Worried 
00:08:55 - Chat GPT Version of YOU 
00:17:34 - Guess The Microphone 
00:25:04 - Noise Reduction Tip 
00:30:22 - Robo Dave and Plosives 
00:33:47 - Riverside and Descript Roller Coaster 
00:37:44 - Automated Editing 
00:39:57 - Who Ate Robo Dave's Yogurt? 
00:42:15 - Can I Get Advertisers ? 
00:50:06 - Affiliate Marketing 
00:54:24 - Get Noticed in a Noisy World ( )
00:58:40 - Programmatic Ads - Are They Worth It? 
01:03:20 - Monetizing Your Back Catalog 
01:05:03 - THANK YOU ( )
01:11:37 - Advertising AI 
01:15:55 - Spotify Chapters - and Transcripts 
01:24:56 - Robo Dave Wants To End the Show 
01:26:37 - Reason To Have a Transcript 
01:27:20 - What's Coming Up? 

Every week Dave Jackson from the School of Podcasting and Jim Collison from the Average Guy Network answer your podcast questions.
This episode 484 is part of the Power of Podcasting Network


Want to Support the Show? check out the store for opportunities to support Dave and Jim.



01:04 - Sponsor:

02:26 - Mugshot: basedonatruestorypodcast

03:06 - AI Voicer Good and Spooky

03:30 - AI Copies My Pace and Influctions

05:16 - Podcast Hot Seat Intro

06:00 - Is This As Scary as the Rodeo?

06:26 - Was That Scary?

07:43 - VO Artists Aren't Worried

08:55 - Chat GPT Version of YOU

17:34 - Guess The Microphone

25:04 - Noise Reduction Tip

30:22 - Robo Dave and Plosives

33:47 - Riverside and Descript Roller Coaster

37:44 - Automated Editing

39:57 - Who Ate Robo Dave's Yogurt?

42:15 - Can I Get Advertisers ?

50:06 - Affiliate Marketing

54:24 - Get Noticed in a Noisy World

58:40 - Programmatic Ads - Are They Worth It?

01:03:20 - Monetizing Your Back Catalog

01:05:03 - THANK YOU

01:11:37 - Advertising AI

01:15:55 - Spotify Chapters - and Transcripts

01:24:56 - Robo Dave Wants To End the Show

01:26:37 - Reason To Have a Transcript

01:27:20 - What's Coming Up?