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National Mental Awareness Day
National Mental Awareness Day
Today is National Mental Awareness day. Jim and Dave talk about the importance of mental health in all of aspect of life. Sponsor: Podcastb…
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Oct. 10, 2020

National Mental Awareness Day

National Mental Awareness Day

Today is National Mental Awareness day. Jim and Dave talk about the importance of mental health in all of aspect of life. Sponsor:  Check out for your website, podcast artwork and more. Step # 1: Initial...

Today is National Mental Awareness day. Jim and Dave talk about the importance of mental health in all of aspect of life.


[0:38] Check out for your website, podcast artwork and more.

Step # 1: Initial Consultation
Step # 2: Design and Presentation
Step # 3: Approval and Deployment

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02:21 Word Mental Health Day
09:55 Podcasting is Cheaper than Therapy
11:24 Journaling Can Be Helpful
13:49 Profit From Your Podcast Update
15:44 Jim's Show Notes Experiment
21:48 Hated For My Free Stuff
24:50 Pricing Affects Perceived Value
32:03 Our Awesome Supporters
36:31 Should I Buy Radio Time?
45:05 Do You Listen to the Radio
46:24 Dave Got A Nielsen Rating Letter
48:50 Spotify Employees vs Joe Rogan
49:52 Too Many Ads
54:22 Jim's Nightmare
55:06 Amazon Prime Day

Patrons Only

58:15 Creativity in Podcasting
1:01:51 Don't Eat Me Bo Jiden
1:04:01 Creativity is in the Eye of the Beholder
1:07:42 Eddie Van Halen
1:14:47 Apps that allow Reviews
1:15:32 Review or Direct Contact?
1:19:10 Go Play In Traffic - Find Your Audience
1:21:45 The Last Word of Mouth Sensation?
1:23:27 Freedom of Consequences?
1:24:25 Find the Best Ranked Podcast in a Category

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Every week Dave Jackson from the School of Podcasting and Jim Collison from the Average Guy Network answer your podcast questions.
This episode 313 is part of the Power of Podcasting Network


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