Aug. 24, 2014

Membership Sites Vs Patreon

Membership Sites Vs Patreon

Troubleshooting Your Podcast [2:00]
Dave was having issues with a usb hub. When in doubt keep things simple.
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Skype Issues with a Heil PR-40[6:52]
When dealing with a mac you...

Troubleshooting Your Podcast [2:00]

Dave was having issues with a usb hub. When in doubt keep things simple.

[spp-tweet "Get your podcast questions answered live every Saturday"]

Skype Issues with a Heil PR-40[6:52]

When dealing with a mac you need to adjust your sound preferences (its not in skype).

Google hangouts provide the ability to adjust the volume of each presenter.

Play with the Echo skype user (test account).

Fluff at the Beginning Of Your Show [14:28]

Dave is not anti-chit-chat, he is anti -irrelevant chit-chat

Membership Sites vs Patreon [17:28]

Some people hate membership sites

Some people hate paypal

Some people will ONLY use paypal

Patreon has the ability to do a per episode, or a monthly setup.

Memberships sites require you to keep on making new content (that's why I love digital access pass as their drip feature ROCKS)

Don't build on rented property.

You need to ask for the sale no matter where you go.

Membership sites are not entirely set it and forget it

Dave uses Rhino Suppport for his website.

In some cases you community can help manage this type of work.

Can I Use the Spreaker RSS for iTunes?[27:28]

You can, but I don't recommend it but I don't recommend them. There is no way to redirect your feed in the event that you want to move away from Spreaker. There are some new settings for the RSS feed in your control panel. I prefer you have your own website and use your Wordpress RSS, or your media hosting (that allows you to redirect) like or (use the coupon sopfree to get a free month at either site).

You can see Dave's patreon account here


How Do You Tell A Friend To Leave Blog Talk Radio [35:53]

Just send them to this page 

Then have them listen to their file, and then listen to it on Blog Talk Radio

Stitcher Has a New Player [37:00]

They have a new player that provides more flexibility. 

Getting Rid of Computer Fan Noise [41:00]

There is a noise reduction tool in Audacity and Audition. You have to select just the noise and tell the software to listen to it and then have it go and remove that noise from your file. take baby steps. 

Spreaker As a Distribution to other Sites[46:00]

Spreaker can upload to other sites, but unfortunately it points people back to not your site. I want things to point to MY site.  RSS feed customization tools are new to spreaker. SPreaker may be working on getting live callers into their platform. 



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