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Oct. 15, 2015

Listen to Podcasts on Overcast.FM

Listen to Podcasts on Overcast.FM

Overcast.FM is Now Free and Very Cool

Microphones Microphones and Microphones..

2:00 Seems to always be a discussion

3:38 Addy explains the Do It Podcast where she has been hiatus. I LOVE that Addy doesn't turn on the microphone unless there is something to say. She has been helping Brian with the Podcast

Why Do I Need an RSS Button on My Website

5:06 Bottom line some people use this.  You may not (maybe you use iTunes) but not everyone does.

What do I need to start a podcast?

6:18: The ATR2100 USB microphone is great. Then join the School of Podcasting

Podcasting boosts your confidence, and will help you attract like-minded people

Starting a Podcast From Scratch

8:45 Addy share what is going on with the audience of the Podcast

Audio book lovers are similar to podcasters.

How Do I Connect Everything?

10:14 (there is a tutorial on this at the School of Podcasting) . Microphone into the mixer, and record yourself talking about your settings.

We also talk about why you hate the sound of your own voice.

Patreon Got Dave Fixed

16:08 Patreon had been hacked and Dave had been kind of left out to dry

Overcast.FM is Now Free and Very Cool

16:39 Add yand Dave talk about switching from the Podcasts app to app for iOs. This is a great App to listen to podcasts.

Daniel J Lewis and Miss Ileane chime on how he likes it because it solves volume issues. Here is a quick video overview from Dave.

How Hard is it to Rebrand a Podcast, Does it Hurt the Podcast?

30:44 We talk about the steps of changing the name of the podcast, and how it's not that big a deal. It probably makes more sense to keep the same feed and change the name (instead of starting from scratch).

34:25 Its up to you to start an "Archive" show of the old shows. Dave explains how his first show from 10 years ago is still being downloaded just from his website.

38:04 Mike Dell chimes in on ReBranding and Pocketcasts app. Mike change the name of his podcast after 10 episodes and it was no big deal.

Make a Listing of All Podcast Episodes (Plugin)

42:22 The Simple Podcast Press makes it easy to create a show with archives. You can saee ours here.

Fear of Launching

45:30 Addy talks about the feedback she has got from her podcast. She was originally worried about getting negative feedback and has received nothing but positive. Dave talks about sharing personal items on your podcast.

Favorite Audio Books

Dave talks about Gary V's Crush it Book, and how it was great because Gary made the Audio version one of a kind.

Headphone Out vs Main Mix Out?

52:10 I don't think so. You can always record some samples and see what it sounds like.

55:30 Have you heard of any Podcasters taking voice training. Here is the book I was speaking about being a more confident speaker

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