Lavalier Microphones - iTunes Frustrations

Lavalier Microphones - iTunes Frustrations
Screencasting / Video Strategy [1:40]
Fred from wants to know my strategy for using video and audio. Steve Stewart has a class called "how to use Screenflow" which you can use to make videos on your Mac, and you can use Camtasia on the PC. Audello has lots of bugs and I do not recommend it. If you have more than one show, it can really mess up your podcasting. I did get my refund, but I wouldn't use it now. is set to launch in January
Collaboration Tool Zoom [10:00] is a great tool that is kind of a Go to Meeting Replacement. It offers great recording. Mike Phillips of has raved about this service. Jim is using to connect with people overseas.
ITunes Being Out of Date [14:40]
John Wilkerson of wants to know if there is anything we can do to get iTunes to update its directory. There are times when your podcast is being outranked by a show that hasn't done an new episode in years. The quick answer is no. Ask your audience to review you. While nobody knows the exact algorythm, we believe total subsscribers, and total downloads are involved and there isn't much you can do about that but try to get more downloads andmore subscribers.
Why Free Podcasting Hosts May Not Work [24:10]
The host needs listeners to put advertising in front of them New podcasters don't have an audience yet. Once a podcaster gets an audience, they can get their own advertising and leave the service.
Chrome Chewing Up Your Memory?[27:00]
Scott Johnson from Computer Tutor Florida shared about one tab on his podcast. This helps you use less memory when you ar using Chrome.
Podcasting Allows Deep Dives [31:40]
I was listening to Howard Stern last week interview Barbara Walters. It was a great interview as it was a discussion. Be yourself in your podcast. If you try to be a certain way, it makes creating your podcast work. - - - We Had Some technical Issues today with Dave's computer Struggling to Keep Up --
Switching to Studio Mode [33:45]
Dave and Jim like to experiment on air and at this point they go into Google Hangout and switch their audio to "Studio mode."
Lavalier Microphones [36:40]
Audio Technica 3350 $27 The Rode Smart Lav+ (do not get the Smart Lav, it has to have the +)> $79
Pro Lavalier Lapel Microphone JK MIC-J 044 for Sennheiser Wireless Transmitter - Omnidirectional Condenser Mic
Giant Squid Audio $47
Lavaliers mae it easy as you don't need to worry about mic stands. You are going to lose some quality, keep in mind the Audio Technica 2100 is a great microphone and is typically around $50. Daniel J Lewis from the Audacity to Podcast and My Podcast Reviews chimes in on the discussion and why the Micj-004 is a great microphone. You an make adapters to use mics that are created for iphones can be adapted to use with other systems. Curtis Judd Pro Lavalier Lapel Microphone JK MIC-J 044 for Sennheiser Wireless Transmitter - Omnidirectional Condenser Mic
$29 Daniel is doing a class call SEO for Podcasters
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