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Balancing Podcast Metrics and Meaningful Success
Balancing Podcast Metrics and Meaningful Success
Send us feedback/questions via Text What if the secret to podcast success isn't about your download numbers? This week we challenge the obs…
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Sept. 7, 2024

Balancing Podcast Metrics and Meaningful Success

Send us feedback/questions via Text

What if the secret to podcast success isn't about your download numbers? This week we challenge the obsession over download stats and dive into why your "why" is far more important. Whether you're chasing sponsorships or simply creating for the love of it, we break down how to balance metrics with meaningful measures of success.

Is StreamYard's new pricing making you reconsider their service? We're comparing it with other live streaming tools like Riverside, Restream, and EVMux and giving you the lowdown on features, pricing, and user experiences.

Plus, we navigate the tricky waters of podcast affiliate relationships, stressing the importance of transparency and legal compliance. Finally, we wrap up with tips for boosting listener engagement and reviews, emphasizing the invaluable role of community interaction in the podcasting journey. Don't miss out on this packed episode full of insights and laughs!

Mentioned In This Episode
Based On a True Story Podcast

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We interview spy authors, espionage historians and fans of spy books, spy movies and spy TV series! Check it out at is a one-day event focused on Profiting from Your Podcast, Magnified by AI with keynote speakers Dave Jackson, Author of the book Profit from Your Podcast: Proven Strategies to Turn Your Listeners Into a Livelihood, and Cari Van Slyle, host of AI Goes to College and Professor of Technology from Louisiana Tech University.

Profit From Your Podcast: Proven Strategies to Turn Listeners into a Livelihood is now available as an Audio Book. Learn the proven strategies from over 300 interviews to help you monetize your podcast. Check out

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Supporter of The Week: Shane Whaley
If you love Spies, check out Spybrary

PodIndy - One Day Podcasting Event
Profiting from Your Podcast Magnified by AI: Key Note Speakers Dave Jackson and Craig Van Slyke

Mark Des Cotes makes professional podcast artwork, websites and more

Based on a True Story Podcast
Have you ever wondered how much of those "based on a true story" movies are true?

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00:00 - Introduction and Greetings

00:53 - Roof Replacement and Podcasting Challenges

01:37 - Sponsorship and Branding

04:02 - Mindset and Download Obsession

05:14 - Value of Download Stats

14:19 - Effective Advertising Strategies

34:15 - StreamYard Price Increase Discussion

40:27 - Exploring Streaming Platforms

41:04 - The Benefits of Restream

41:46 - Comparing Streaming Services

45:16 - AI and Price Increases

53:39 - Affiliate Marketing Insights

01:12:05 - Engaging with Your Audience

01:22:22 - Wrapping Up and Final Thoughts


00:00:00.140 --> 00:00:03.690
Ask the Podcast Coach for September 7th 2024.

00:00:03.690 --> 00:00:06.589
Let's get ready to podcast.

00:00:06.589 --> 00:00:09.164
There it is.

00:00:09.164 --> 00:00:10.323
It's that music.

00:00:10.323 --> 00:00:13.031
That means, hey, it's Saturday morning.

00:00:13.031 --> 00:00:18.431
It's time for Ask the Podcast Coach, where you get your podcast questions answered live.

00:00:18.431 --> 00:00:27.405
I'm Dave Jackson from theschoolofpodcastingcom and joining me right over there, the one and only jim cullison from the average guy dot tv.

00:00:27.405 --> 00:00:28.530
Jim, how's it going, buddy?

00:00:29.373 --> 00:00:29.975
greetings, dave.

00:00:29.975 --> 00:00:31.701
Happy saturday morning to you.

00:00:31.701 --> 00:00:32.963
I'll apologize in advance.

00:00:32.963 --> 00:00:35.548
It's roof replacement saturday for me.

00:00:35.548 --> 00:00:42.987
I have folks on my roof right now banging and nailing and scraping, yes, so it's a big man.

00:00:42.987 --> 00:00:50.380
I am a little ways away from them and hopefully it's fairly quiet, but it is that it was supposed to be done.

00:00:50.380 --> 00:00:55.247
Yesterday I was like, oh great, and they're like, I know Saturday I'm like Saturday morning's not great for me, but they don't care.

00:00:55.935 --> 00:00:56.923
They're doing it today.

00:00:56.923 --> 00:01:01.543
Well, what's amazing is how fast that'll get done.

00:01:01.543 --> 00:01:02.668
You sit there and boom.

00:01:02.668 --> 00:01:06.081
All of a sudden you hear this pop, pop, pop, pop, pop.

00:01:06.081 --> 00:01:07.786
And then you're like, okay, that was you know, it's it.

00:01:07.947 --> 00:01:10.371
Yeah, that's the good news, it goes pretty fast yeah.

00:01:10.712 --> 00:01:12.284
Yeah, well, you know the.

00:01:12.284 --> 00:01:30.027
You know what goes good with roofing, there's no transition here A good old, steaming hot cup of Java, and that that Java is brought to you by our good friend Mark over at and Dave is hoping he changed the PDF here.

00:01:30.027 --> 00:01:31.430
Our good friend Mark, yes, he did.

00:01:31.430 --> 00:01:32.572
Over at podcastbrandingco.

00:01:32.591 --> 00:01:40.944
The beautiful thing of Mark is not only is he an award-winning graphic artist and he makes things just look so pretty, is he's also a podcaster.

00:01:40.944 --> 00:01:44.923
So that whole thing where you have to explain it's kind of like an internet radio show.

00:01:44.923 --> 00:01:46.606
Yeah, you don't have to do that with Mark.

00:01:46.606 --> 00:01:52.896
And I know there are things like Fiverr, but you're not going to have a guy on Fiverr sit down with you one-on-one.

00:01:52.896 --> 00:01:55.802
You're not going to have a guy on Fiverr listen to your show.

00:01:56.222 --> 00:01:59.167
He's going to sit down and ask you like, what's the goal of the show?

00:01:59.167 --> 00:02:05.054
He just really wants your brand to be in alignment with your content so that you get maximum impact.

00:02:05.054 --> 00:02:06.396
And it's not just artwork.

00:02:06.396 --> 00:02:12.367
It could be a full website, it could be a PDF, it could be a business card, anything that you're going to put in front of your audience.

00:02:12.367 --> 00:02:15.965
Mark is going to make it look amazing because you got to remember.

00:02:15.965 --> 00:02:23.191
They are going to see you before they hear you, and you don't want your first impression to be something that looked like it was done in crayon.

00:02:23.191 --> 00:02:24.543
You want it to look great.

00:02:24.622 --> 00:02:45.576
So when you're ready to look great, there's only one place to go, and that is, of course, podcastbrandingco and, of course, big thanks to our good friend dan leFebvre over there, based on a true story based on a truestorypodcastcom.

00:02:45.576 --> 00:02:55.634
This week, the movies Rome, geronimo, an American Legend and the Great Northfield Minnesota Raid, which I've never heard of before.

00:02:55.634 --> 00:02:57.205
You can check those out.

00:02:57.205 --> 00:02:58.605
Always great content.

00:02:58.605 --> 00:02:59.906
Dan always does a great job.

00:02:59.906 --> 00:03:01.741
You can check those out today.

00:03:01.741 --> 00:03:08.066
And, by the way, the single movie based on a true story is the Great Fire, which it looks like it's covering the great fire of Chicago.

00:03:08.066 --> 00:03:12.348
You can check those out today, based on a truestorypodcastcom.

00:03:12.348 --> 00:03:14.729
Dan, thanks for your sponsorship.

00:03:15.251 --> 00:03:24.518
You know, it's interesting how words get branded into your head, because as soon as you said fire, I heard butthead go fire.

00:03:24.518 --> 00:03:32.044
I just it's like exactly All right, well, we're going to go, he said.

00:03:32.044 --> 00:03:35.528
But and we're going to go over to last week.

00:03:35.528 --> 00:03:45.901
Our buddy Ralph from askralphpodcastcom it's a Christian finance show he says hey, for next week.

00:03:45.901 --> 00:03:47.704
The question should be how do we change our mindset and stop worrying about downloads?

00:03:47.704 --> 00:03:48.746
Here's the thing.

00:03:48.746 --> 00:03:55.562
If you're not trying to get sponsors, well then downloads.

00:03:55.562 --> 00:03:58.425
That's all I'm saying.

00:03:58.425 --> 00:03:59.567
It really is.

00:03:59.627 --> 00:04:02.770
It's a matter of why do you want downloads?

00:04:02.770 --> 00:04:14.312
Now, part of it is your ego, right, I want to stand on the hill and listen to me, right, I get that, but we can really get for me the stat, if you.

00:04:14.312 --> 00:04:19.437
I just saw somebody in Reddit this morning, in fact, let me throw that up here, if I can find it.

00:04:19.437 --> 00:04:24.863
But people obsess over some of the strangest stuff that I'm just like wait a minute.

00:04:24.863 --> 00:04:29.567
And I guess the one thing is just again going back to your why.

00:04:29.567 --> 00:04:31.048
Why are you doing this?

00:04:31.048 --> 00:04:43.524
And if the answer is, you know, I want to get sponsors, then okay, pay attention to downloads, and if not, again it just no, just, I'm not good, see, here's the thing is.

00:04:43.524 --> 00:04:44.432
If I say the naughty, let's find out.

00:04:44.432 --> 00:04:45.160
Jim, if I say, did you hear me?

00:04:45.160 --> 00:04:47.625
Just say the f word no, oh good.

00:04:47.685 --> 00:04:48.406
No, so I can.

00:04:48.406 --> 00:04:54.052
Actually, it's working all right, it's supposed to leave yourself out yeah, so yeah, I jim thoughts.

00:04:54.112 --> 00:04:56.701
How do you get out of the like obsessing over downloads?

00:04:57.682 --> 00:05:02.773
well, okay, but first of all, I don't think throwing them out is the right answer.

00:05:02.773 --> 00:05:04.142
Like they're important.

00:05:04.142 --> 00:05:06.480
They're an important stat they are.

00:05:06.480 --> 00:05:09.749
It gives you a good indication of where you're at.

00:05:09.749 --> 00:05:13.346
But I guess it depends on what your goal is with that.

00:05:13.346 --> 00:05:37.682
I mean, if your goal is to have monetization using the current you know the models that we have for ad revenue dynamic ad insertion, let me say it that way that we have for ad revenue, dynamic ad insertion, let me say it that way you're going to have a lot of downloads and so if you're going that way and you have to have lots of downloads, your those download stats are important from the sense that, okay, if you're not getting a lot of downloads, you're not getting a lot of revenue.

00:05:37.682 --> 00:05:39.345
So in that case they do matter.

00:05:39.345 --> 00:05:48.196
But you may be in a situation and I think they're way more important when we compare them month over month or maybe week over week.

00:05:48.196 --> 00:05:57.060
I think maybe that's a little too granular, but month over month or quarter over quarter, to kind of see how are we doing, where are we at Now?

00:05:57.060 --> 00:06:01.990
It's just one stat, right, so don't get it's not the only stat that you should be following.

00:06:02.079 --> 00:06:05.947
There's lots of other things you could be doing from both your website.

00:06:05.947 --> 00:06:15.512
You know if you've got Google AdSense on your website and you're tracking things that way, or if you've got affiliate programs, and what kind of clicks are you getting through.

00:06:15.512 --> 00:06:18.653
I mean, our friends at Amazon do a really nice job.

00:06:18.653 --> 00:06:25.048
If you're an Amazon affiliate, they do a really nice job of tracking clicks, and conversions is some of the things that go on over there.

00:06:25.048 --> 00:06:27.110
So that's could be another stat.

00:06:27.110 --> 00:06:29.134
So I don't want to.

00:06:29.134 --> 00:06:33.656
I wouldn't say throw out download stats altogether.

00:06:33.656 --> 00:06:34.399
I think that's too.

00:06:34.399 --> 00:06:37.899
I think that's too radical, right, I think that's like and I get why some people do that.

00:06:37.899 --> 00:06:40.689
They get frustrated and they're like well, I don't want this to matter.

00:06:40.689 --> 00:06:49.120
Well, it does matter.

00:06:49.120 --> 00:06:51.884
Sorry, it's a stat that, but use it as a suite or use it as one, one stat in a suite of stats that you're using.

00:06:51.925 --> 00:06:55.271
But, dave, the overarching question on this always is what am?

00:06:55.271 --> 00:06:56.973
Why am I doing what I'm doing?

00:06:56.973 --> 00:06:59.502
What am I trying to achieve on this thing?

00:06:59.502 --> 00:07:08.475
And then making sure the stats or whatever you're doing with that, whatever you're measuring, are lining up to the goals of what you're trying to do with it.

00:07:08.475 --> 00:07:09.569
Everybody's a little bit different.

00:07:09.569 --> 00:07:10.699
I'm a little hesitant.

00:07:10.699 --> 00:07:13.103
We do this as podcast coaches.

00:07:13.103 --> 00:07:23.891
Sometimes, where we're like, we say words like always, and you should never Like stop saying those things, because sometimes they do matter, sometimes they don't.

00:07:23.891 --> 00:07:27.925
Rather, ask the questions what are you trying to achieve?

00:07:27.925 --> 00:07:30.288
That should be the very first question.

00:07:30.288 --> 00:07:41.208
And listen, if you're just having fun, yeah, maybe you don't have to look at your download stats and it doesn't matter, and maybe in that case, if that is your goal, you never have to worry about it.

00:07:41.208 --> 00:07:48.165
So that question I think that question, dave, is the most important one is why are we doing what we're doing, friends?

00:07:48.987 --> 00:07:51.572
Here's another exercise you can do add two zeros.

00:07:51.572 --> 00:07:56.711
And what I mean by that is let's say you're getting, I don't know, 800 downloads.

00:07:56.711 --> 00:07:58.062
Okay, add two zeros.

00:07:58.062 --> 00:07:59.223
Ooh, now I have to do math.

00:07:59.223 --> 00:08:01.125
In my head that would be 80,000,.

00:08:01.125 --> 00:08:04.632
All right, if it was 800, 8,000, 80,000.

00:08:04.632 --> 00:08:06.675
Yeah, okay, so you have 80,000 downloads.

00:08:06.675 --> 00:08:10.634
That's actually a ton more, but just add more numbers.

00:08:10.634 --> 00:08:13.682
So let's say I have a hundred downloads and now you have a thousand.

00:08:13.983 --> 00:08:15.687
Okay, what are you going to do with those?

00:08:15.687 --> 00:08:19.341
So what, like, like, what's the end thing?

00:08:19.341 --> 00:08:23.848
And you're like I don't know, and if you go, I guess I could get sponsors.

00:08:23.848 --> 00:08:26.310
Well, okay, you know my thoughts.

00:08:26.310 --> 00:08:30.475
It's just when it comes to sponsors, it's not the best way to make money with your podcast.

00:08:30.475 --> 00:08:34.623
Enjoy your $37.50 for that episode.

00:08:34.643 --> 00:08:36.908
And I'm not anti-sponsor because DR brings up a good point.

00:08:36.908 --> 00:08:38.541
Where'd she go About?

00:08:38.541 --> 00:08:44.393
What if you are a smaller show and you can then charge more money?

00:08:44.393 --> 00:08:53.368
Smaller show and you can then charge more money because I've got, you know, men who are 50 that are paralyzed from the waist down.

00:08:53.368 --> 00:08:57.583
Okay, you know, now I can charge cause you've got a product for that person, whatever it is.

00:08:57.583 --> 00:08:58.826
Yeah, I'm, I always.

00:08:58.826 --> 00:09:00.931
I'm not anti-advertising.

00:09:00.931 --> 00:09:01.893
I sure sound like it.

00:09:01.893 --> 00:09:03.582
I've just, I hate when people go.

00:09:03.582 --> 00:09:08.452
I'm starting a podcast and I want to get ads because I want to quit my day job and I'm like that is a long road to go.

00:09:09.399 --> 00:09:18.062
And then, yes, jody says I think it's more about knowing or having some idea whether or not people are resonating with your content.

00:09:18.062 --> 00:09:18.763
Yep, that's it.

00:09:18.763 --> 00:09:20.024
And Chris said the same thing.

00:09:20.024 --> 00:09:21.466
It's about kind of going.

00:09:21.466 --> 00:09:23.087
Are we headed in the right way?

00:09:23.087 --> 00:09:24.610
And I get that.

00:09:24.610 --> 00:09:30.216
And look, I realize when you first start your podcast, you are checking stats on an hourly basis.

00:09:30.216 --> 00:09:31.927
Ooh, I'm up to 14.

00:09:31.927 --> 00:09:36.010
And I get that because you just want to make sure it's working and things like that.

00:09:36.010 --> 00:09:42.365
But yeah, jody says, get very specific sponsors who are assigned very closely with their show and its audience.

00:09:42.365 --> 00:09:44.206
And that has nothing to do with downloads either.

00:09:44.206 --> 00:09:50.144
Really, it's about having a passionate audience.

00:09:50.144 --> 00:09:52.073
Yeah, that's when you have a niche audience and you're not doing you know better help.

00:09:52.073 --> 00:09:52.434
I don't know.

00:09:52.434 --> 00:09:53.057
You know what I mean.

00:09:53.057 --> 00:09:53.440
This is.

00:09:53.440 --> 00:09:54.923
This one makes me scratch my head.

00:09:54.984 --> 00:09:58.032
Randy says my media host does not offer stats by default.

00:09:58.032 --> 00:10:00.422
What are we paying them for?

00:10:00.422 --> 00:10:04.210
Again, you have to opt in for OP3 stats, which is fine.

00:10:04.210 --> 00:10:06.321
I don't look at them very often.

00:10:06.321 --> 00:10:07.524
So I just think it's odd.

00:10:07.524 --> 00:10:17.971
I think he's using RSS Blue, but now, on the other hand, rss Blue makes it really easy because he's doing the M2H2Musiccom show.

00:10:17.993 --> 00:10:27.373
That's Randy Black, and if you want to do a music show with the streaming sats and the switching wallets and all that 2.0 stuff, you know, and in that case you probably don't care about downloads.

00:10:27.373 --> 00:10:29.763
You're watching your sats income, yeah.

00:10:29.763 --> 00:10:34.413
And then, talking about ego, chris says I'm in the top 0.5% on listen notes.

00:10:34.413 --> 00:10:35.799
No one cares ever.

00:10:35.799 --> 00:10:37.821
Yeah, that's when I hate that stat.

00:10:38.381 --> 00:10:40.962
When I hear somebody go, you know, oh coming.

00:10:40.962 --> 00:10:43.024
You know I'm interviewing Jim Collison today.

00:10:43.024 --> 00:10:46.186
He's a top 0.5% podcaster.

00:10:46.186 --> 00:10:47.726
That's when I tend to go.

00:10:47.726 --> 00:10:50.168
But there's a time when I do use ListenNotes.

00:10:50.168 --> 00:10:51.408
I don't do this but I go.

00:10:51.408 --> 00:10:58.491
Okay, that would work because we know ListenNotes measures like millions of podcasts, of which 70% are dead.

00:10:58.491 --> 00:11:03.634
So congratulations, you beat that WordPress podcast from you know 19,.

00:11:03.634 --> 00:11:05.615
You know whatever 2002.

00:11:05.615 --> 00:11:09.798
But if somebody said, where can I see which shows are bigger?

00:11:09.798 --> 00:11:16.899
Like I only want to appear on big shows, which, right there, makes me think you have an attitude maybe problem.

00:11:16.899 --> 00:11:19.589
Like I just I only want to appear on the biggest shows.

00:11:19.589 --> 00:11:36.096
But if that would be a way, as skewed as their measurement is, it is consistent and so, in theory, a 0.5 top podcaster would have a bigger audience on listen notes than one that's in the top 15% or something like that.

00:11:36.096 --> 00:11:39.267
So it's, but to me I'm just like I will go.

00:11:39.267 --> 00:11:41.472
I don't look at the size of the audience.

00:11:41.472 --> 00:11:47.306
The size of the audience, I look does that fit my topic?

00:11:47.306 --> 00:11:54.385
Because I'd rather reach 10 people who are thinking about doing a podcast than be on a show with 100 listeners and they're talking about fish food.

00:11:54.385 --> 00:11:58.197
I'm like, yeah, there might be one person in here that does that.

00:11:58.618 --> 00:12:00.604
I want to share one thing on the screen here real quick.

00:12:00.604 --> 00:12:03.350
This guy just talk about getting sidetracked.

00:12:03.350 --> 00:12:07.624
This guy on Reddit what is your subscriber to download ratio?

00:12:07.624 --> 00:12:14.626
I'm hoping to compare metrics on what an average percentage of subs meaning subscribers, to download an episode is.

00:12:14.626 --> 00:12:32.265
I recently started podcasting in May Remember how we talked about new people tend to get a little upset on this in May and I'm tracking what percentage of my subscriber downloads an episode the percentage of my subscribers download an episode.

00:12:32.265 --> 00:12:33.892
Okay, the data source I'm using is Buzzsprout, subscribers, apple and Spotify.

00:12:33.892 --> 00:12:36.561
The calculation is I get my 30-day download numbers from Buzzsprout.

00:12:36.561 --> 00:12:45.869
I calculate my average daily subscribers, ads, by adding up each daily's individual subscriber count and dividing by 30.

00:12:45.869 --> 00:12:59.724
For example, if I have three days worth of subscriber data, totaling 45 subscriber, then my average daily subscriber whatever ADS stood for, yes, average daily subscribers would be 15, to which I basically.

00:12:59.744 --> 00:13:05.063
I'm not even going to read the rest of this, I just told him, dude, there's a better way to do this, and that's if the goal is.

00:13:05.063 --> 00:13:07.549
I'm trying to see if people like my content.

00:13:07.549 --> 00:13:10.524
The number one way ask your audience.

00:13:10.524 --> 00:13:15.000
Just like hey, now, granted, a lot of times you ask your audience and you just get crickets.

00:13:15.000 --> 00:13:17.443
But just look at average completion rate.

00:13:17.443 --> 00:13:20.349
Because when I saw that, my brain hurt just looking at it.

00:13:20.349 --> 00:13:29.490
I was like and then you take this, divide it by two and then multiply it by pi, and I was like wait, this is getting way, way too nerdy even for me.

00:13:29.490 --> 00:13:41.011
And I'm like look, I love math, but I was like that just sounds like the time spent figuring out your average DS could just be spent hanging out with your potential audience and doing that.

00:13:41.011 --> 00:13:49.187
So that to me was just like focusing on downloads, squared to throw in a math joke, I was just yeah.

00:13:49.187 --> 00:13:50.874
Anyway, jim, I look like.

00:13:50.894 --> 00:13:54.966
I yeah, no, you're fine, you're getting some value out of those sound effects today.

00:13:54.966 --> 00:13:55.807
I really like it.

00:13:55.807 --> 00:13:57.071
I really like it.

00:13:57.071 --> 00:14:06.384
You know we've spent the last year talking a lot about value for value, right, and that always comes in the terms I shouldn't say always, because I just said we shouldn't say words like that.

00:14:06.384 --> 00:14:14.869
Oftentimes that comes in the terms of this value for value where you're getting paid by the listener, right, we think about in those terms.

00:14:14.869 --> 00:14:32.035
But I think you can also think in value for value in terms of your advertiser and when you're listen, when you're giving your advertiser value in your podcast and they're seeing that value in through purchases or through engagement on their site.

00:14:32.035 --> 00:14:34.207
I mean, this is why discount codes work.

00:14:34.207 --> 00:14:38.951
This is why, you know, put in the code here at checkout or let them know.

00:14:38.951 --> 00:14:39.852
You heard us here.

00:14:39.852 --> 00:14:41.522
That's why those things matter right.

00:14:41.522 --> 00:14:42.703
That's why those things matter right.

00:14:42.703 --> 00:14:52.416
It's because an advertiser who spends $50 with you and makes $500 is going to say yes to advertising all the time.

00:14:52.416 --> 00:14:55.263
They're never going to stop right?

00:14:55.263 --> 00:15:03.792
Nobody turns away a 10-time value, right, and even a two-times value is a great return on their investment right now.

00:15:03.792 --> 00:15:08.721
So make sure if you have advertisers, dave, I see this all the time.

00:15:08.982 --> 00:15:14.927
I see podcasters treating their ads like trash, like Dave Clarke yeah, jim Collison, sorry I got to do another ad.

00:15:14.927 --> 00:15:16.280
Dave Clarke, no, not sorry.

00:15:16.280 --> 00:15:20.105
These advertisers are partners with you right Now.

00:15:20.105 --> 00:15:32.812
If you're in the review space, if you're in that space of that influencer space, you got to be careful in that space on how you do this right, your advertisers and then talking about the content and stuff they're giving you.

00:15:32.812 --> 00:15:46.072
That's a whole other conversation, right, but I see podcasters trashing there or just not giving their advertisers value and then wonder why their advertisers walk away.

00:15:46.072 --> 00:15:48.855
You know we complain for a lot of years.

00:15:48.855 --> 00:15:51.043
Leo Laporte, who would do three-minute?

00:15:51.043 --> 00:15:55.491
You know he'd sell a 30-minute spot and he'd do three minutes on it.

00:15:55.491 --> 00:15:57.181
He would give them great value.

00:15:57.860 --> 00:15:58.981
The odds are they.

00:15:58.981 --> 00:16:02.323
That's, in a lot of ways, that's why they kept coming back.

00:16:02.323 --> 00:16:04.725
Now some of them would go for a while and they drop off.

00:16:04.725 --> 00:16:06.307
Advertisers are not going to do it forever.

00:16:06.307 --> 00:16:10.230
Eventually they're going to meet everybody in the space.

00:16:10.230 --> 00:16:12.792
It doesn't, sometimes it doesn't pay to keep going forever.

00:16:12.792 --> 00:16:15.193
Right, you do it for a while, you step out, you come back in.

00:16:15.193 --> 00:16:22.860
But I think that value for value conversation also needs to play in and how are you treating your advertisers?

00:16:22.860 --> 00:16:24.162
Are you giving them value?

00:16:24.162 --> 00:16:27.644
And you should ask them the question what are you see?

00:16:27.644 --> 00:16:31.586
Am I doing the job that you're paying me to do?

00:16:31.586 --> 00:16:35.169
Because that, as a commercial, that's what they're doing.

00:16:35.169 --> 00:16:37.471
They're paying you to represent them, right?

00:16:37.471 --> 00:16:40.134
That's part of the advertising gig that we're in here.

00:16:40.134 --> 00:16:42.154
Are you representing them well?

00:16:42.154 --> 00:16:45.721
Are you doing a good job that they're feeling value out of that?

00:16:45.721 --> 00:16:54.552
Listen, I know that that's not the most popular opinion, because some of you have a very negative opinion of ads playing on shows, but it's a.

00:16:54.552 --> 00:16:56.720
It's another value for value proposition.

00:16:56.980 --> 00:17:10.358
Yeah, I would say, and you have to be careful when you get into the Patreons, the supercast, because that's where you're like well, if you sign up on Supercast, then you don't have to hear those ads and it just sounds like ads and you're like.

00:17:10.358 --> 00:17:13.166
Meanwhile the guy's like didn't I just give you a couple hundred bucks?

00:17:13.166 --> 00:17:14.912
Like what's the deal on that?

00:17:14.912 --> 00:17:17.623
Jim Harreld says I'll include myself in this.

00:17:17.623 --> 00:17:23.471
I think almost anyone who gets into podcasting really has a little bit of a look at me syndrome.

00:17:23.471 --> 00:17:25.834
I know, I know I have it.

00:17:25.834 --> 00:17:28.864
That is, if we're all being honest with ourselves, absolutely.

00:17:28.864 --> 00:17:33.182
And then he says the great thing, the key is not to be obsessed.

00:17:33.182 --> 00:17:35.490
And I think that's it with downloads as well.

00:17:35.490 --> 00:17:41.667
Uncle Marv says Supercast has a unique listener stat, which Jody then said yep, so does Captivate.

00:17:41.667 --> 00:17:42.931
So that comes in.

00:17:42.931 --> 00:17:46.261
And, jim, here's the beautiful news.

00:17:46.261 --> 00:17:50.070
I'm going to put this on my business card we're in the top 2.5% on ListenNotes.

00:17:51.034 --> 00:17:52.577
So you know, you can.

00:17:54.222 --> 00:17:55.705
I am beating that show about.

00:17:55.705 --> 00:17:59.532
You know emus from 2010 that had four episodes.

00:17:59.532 --> 00:18:01.261
Congratulations on that.

00:18:01.261 --> 00:18:03.086
Tom says the ads are content.

00:18:03.086 --> 00:18:07.342
If you care about your content, you care about your ads equally.

00:18:07.342 --> 00:18:10.450
Or are you just respecting audience and advisor?

00:18:10.450 --> 00:18:11.432
Here's a novel idea.

00:18:11.432 --> 00:18:15.368
Can you go into your Apple podcast and see where people are skipping the ads?

00:18:15.368 --> 00:18:16.771
Here's a solution to that.

00:18:16.771 --> 00:18:18.101
Do better ads.

00:18:18.101 --> 00:18:20.565
You know what I mean.

00:18:20.565 --> 00:18:21.486
I agree.

00:18:21.486 --> 00:18:22.768
Tom makes a great point.

00:18:22.768 --> 00:18:23.849
People go.

00:18:23.849 --> 00:18:28.236
Well, if I add ads to my show, I'm going to lose my listeners.

00:18:28.236 --> 00:18:30.401
And he's like BS man, it's like.

00:18:30.401 --> 00:18:36.834
That's where you're like no, because if one ad lost your listener, they really weren't that.

00:18:38.101 --> 00:18:42.651
When I was a musician, I would partner with bands that played the same stuff.

00:18:42.651 --> 00:18:46.703
We did our competition and people were like well, why are you like?

00:18:46.703 --> 00:18:50.313
We'd bring them up on stage when we were playing if they had a night off.

00:18:50.313 --> 00:18:54.790
And likewise, if we walked in because we had a Friday off and they were playing, yeah, we're going to bring up the Sugar Daddies.

00:18:54.790 --> 00:18:55.392
All right, here we go.

00:18:56.192 --> 00:18:59.993
And people would say, well, aren't you afraid that, like, people are going to go see that band instead of you?

00:18:59.993 --> 00:19:05.435
If you're both playing some night, I'm like, hey, if they're going to see them, we're not doing our job, then we're not.

00:19:05.435 --> 00:19:07.195
We need to be more entertaining than them.

00:19:07.195 --> 00:19:15.221
And of course, the look at me factor was like, ah, we, you know, we like these guys, but we kind of think we're better and so make your ads better.

00:19:15.221 --> 00:19:21.406
I know I'm working on that, but I have a long way to go on making ads that people you know.

00:19:21.866 --> 00:19:26.412
Oh, I think it's Pod Save the Queen or Pod Something on the Left, whatever this is.

00:19:26.412 --> 00:19:29.054
It was Obama's old speechwriters do a show.

00:19:29.054 --> 00:19:30.355
I think it's Pod Save America.

00:19:30.355 --> 00:19:39.161
Yeah, something Saving Something, pod, yeah.

00:19:39.161 --> 00:19:44.165
But their ads were so entertaining that when they went live and they're selling out thousands of seats in a theater, people are like, hey, come on, man do Blue Apron.

00:19:44.165 --> 00:19:47.429
And I'm like, no, no, you guys paid $30 for the ticket, we're not doing ads.

00:19:47.429 --> 00:19:49.109
Come on HelloFresh.

00:19:49.109 --> 00:19:52.153
And they're like, okay, I guess we're doing an ad.

00:19:52.153 --> 00:19:55.715
So it was really because they did them in an entertaining way.

00:19:55.715 --> 00:20:05.721
Just don't be Tom Segura.

00:20:05.741 --> 00:20:08.411
He went a little too far with the McDonald's ads and started talking about sex toys, and McDonald's did not appreciate that.

00:20:08.411 --> 00:20:09.213
Yeah, so make them yourself.

00:20:09.213 --> 00:20:11.842
You don't want to mix metaphors in your ads, you know, you gotta be really.

00:20:11.842 --> 00:20:17.083
You know, Dave, you said don't be obsessed and I actually I mean, I'm going to disagree with you a little bit.

00:20:17.083 --> 00:20:31.886
I think you should listen about your podcasting, about all the things that you do be obsessed Like, I think sometimes we, you know, we came off this stats conversation saying you know, don't obsess about your stats.

00:20:32.528 --> 00:20:38.801
If it drives you to success, to be a better podcaster by obsessing about your stats, for God's sakes.

00:20:38.801 --> 00:20:49.769
Obsess about your stats, Like whatever makes you better, right, Even if it makes you a little uncomfortable, which is not a bad thing and what we're doing here.

00:20:49.769 --> 00:20:53.790
But whatever makes you better at what you do with your craft, do it.

00:20:53.790 --> 00:20:58.013
If being obsessed about I mean in a healthy way, right?

00:20:58.013 --> 00:21:03.017
I'm not encouraging anyone to stop eating or to not sleep or never shower or any of those kinds of things.

00:21:03.017 --> 00:21:04.077
That's not what I'm talking about here.

00:21:04.077 --> 00:21:06.898
Or to not sleep or never shower or any of those kinds of things.

00:21:06.898 --> 00:21:07.720
That's not what I'm talking about here.

00:21:09.579 --> 00:21:16.330
But I do think our podcasts are better when we're a little obsessed about them and when we care about them and when we want them to be better and when we care about them.

00:21:16.330 --> 00:21:23.026
So I don't want people to hear like, oh, laissez-faire, whatever, you can just kind of do this on halftime.

00:21:23.026 --> 00:21:37.951
No, no, None of these things happen, None of the successful, however you want to see that in life, that doesn't happen by people who are just like, yeah, I'll do it for an hour on Saturday.

00:21:37.951 --> 00:21:41.143
They're obsessed about it.

00:21:41.143 --> 00:21:44.809
And be a little obsessed, I guess, is what I'm saying.

00:21:44.809 --> 00:21:45.612
Be a little obsessed.

00:21:46.133 --> 00:21:51.612
Yeah, that's true, because you, when you that kind of goes in with the whole, you need to have passion for your topic.

00:21:51.612 --> 00:21:55.391
And if you have passion for your topic then that's going to naturally filter into.

00:21:55.391 --> 00:22:05.661
But, like the guy that was doing math to figure out the average number of subscribers on Tuesday, if there's a full moon, that's maybe a little obsessed, that's a little crazy.

00:22:05.721 --> 00:22:07.464
Well, that's listen, that's obnoxious.

00:22:07.464 --> 00:22:12.441
But the checking your stats even okay, like even on a daily basis.

00:22:12.441 --> 00:22:39.294
If you're checking them daily and that is giving you some drive to make better show notes or it's giving you drive to get better guests or that's driving you to have better content or to maybe practice your ad reads right or to contact a listener, if that daily stat rhythm is giving you the motivation to do something, for God's sakes, check your stats every day.

00:22:39.294 --> 00:22:43.717
If it's motivating you to do something, do it Now.

00:22:43.717 --> 00:22:48.619
If you're checking your stats and then you're getting you're like, oh, I'm worthless and I can't do anything.

00:22:48.619 --> 00:23:04.536
And then if it's disabling you from doing any of those kinds of things, if it's stopping you, or if you're spending all the time that you have checking stats and not doing anything else, then stop checking your stats.

00:23:04.536 --> 00:23:05.217
It's not that hard.

00:23:05.460 --> 00:23:10.011
That's where I say you cross the line when you're spending hours on your stats.

00:23:10.119 --> 00:23:10.642
I'm like no.

00:23:10.642 --> 00:23:13.340
Spend hours making your content, tom says.

00:23:13.340 --> 00:23:16.691
By the way, if you haven't bought Tom's book, the audience is listening.

00:23:16.691 --> 00:23:17.701
I'm here to tell you.

00:23:17.701 --> 00:23:20.127
It's required reading for every podcaster.

00:23:20.127 --> 00:23:20.729
It's amazing.

00:23:20.729 --> 00:23:22.011
Make your ads better.

00:23:22.011 --> 00:23:23.545
This is the truth.

00:23:23.545 --> 00:23:25.467
Take agency in your show.

00:23:25.467 --> 00:23:32.181
If people drop out of your show on a host-read ad, they're dropping out on you because you didn't provide quality.

00:23:32.181 --> 00:23:36.770
Amen, my brother, it really is tricky Daniel's in the house here.

00:23:37.152 --> 00:23:44.944
I remember when the New Media Expo purchased the podcast awards and the host started doing a parody of a live ad read during the ceremony.

00:23:44.944 --> 00:23:48.266
But then I was horrified to realize it wasn't a parody.

00:23:48.266 --> 00:23:49.769
I remember that vaguely.

00:23:49.769 --> 00:23:50.471
I remember they were.

00:23:50.471 --> 00:23:52.384
I think it was MeUndies, if I remember right.

00:23:52.384 --> 00:23:54.911
But yeah, they started sticking ads in.

00:23:54.911 --> 00:23:57.103
You know, yeah, you guys are funny.

00:23:57.103 --> 00:23:57.644
Here we go.

00:23:57.644 --> 00:24:04.071
For the folks that obsess and don't want to obsess, I wonder if the hosting platform can turn those numbers off.

00:24:04.071 --> 00:24:05.818
Nope, so you don't see them.

00:24:05.818 --> 00:24:06.441
That'd be nice.

00:24:06.441 --> 00:24:09.990
I remember a developer created a code to turn off unsubscribe.

00:24:09.990 --> 00:24:11.192
Yeah, it's just.

00:24:11.192 --> 00:24:14.770
This is where I'm going to tie this into football.

00:24:14.770 --> 00:24:17.400
So it sounds like I am taking a tangent.

00:24:17.400 --> 00:24:18.281
But here's the thing.

00:24:19.644 --> 00:24:22.451
When I live in Ohio, the Cleveland Browns moved away.

00:24:22.451 --> 00:24:26.230
It was some of the best years of my life because I didn't have to worry about football.

00:24:26.230 --> 00:24:30.525
And football started this Thursday in America and I watched the first game.

00:24:30.525 --> 00:24:36.685
It was a really good game and you wondered who was going to win, because there's that whole storytelling thing about oh I wonder what's going to happen next.

00:24:36.685 --> 00:24:39.921
Sports has that built in, and if it's a close game you watch.

00:24:39.921 --> 00:24:44.284
And then the NFL is the only one because it's a gazillion.

00:24:44.284 --> 00:24:50.128
I would love to know how much of the gross national product of America is the NFL?

00:24:50.128 --> 00:24:53.211
It's insane, but they've now made it.

00:24:53.211 --> 00:24:55.212
They're making it hard to get their content.

00:24:55.212 --> 00:25:10.446
So I actually spent $7 last night to watch a game that was only available on Peacock and I felt dirty afterwards, like I needed a shower, like they made me do something I didn't want to do, and then I didn't even watch the game because I was on the phone for most of it.

00:25:10.559 --> 00:25:15.410
But it's one of those things where I'm feeling myself getting sucked in right.

00:25:15.410 --> 00:25:28.729
I'm like, hey, if I start watching this now and then, because it is fun, if you watch the whole season, and now you know the whole story of the season and, oh my gosh, I was there when they were, you know, oh and four, and now look at them, they're in the playoffs.

00:25:28.729 --> 00:25:34.847
I I get that, but in the grand scheme of, what do you want to do with your life?

00:25:34.847 --> 00:25:43.941
Football, yes, it's uh, an escape, and sometimes we need that and this, but is it going to help me grow my podcast, which one's more important right now?

00:25:43.941 --> 00:25:52.075
An escape and relaxation, or growing my podcast, or I don't know, spending time with your kids or, you know, your spouse, or things like that.

00:25:52.075 --> 00:26:07.767
But I'm just like, yeah, in the grand scheme of things, football shouldn't be a high priority for me right now, and yet I feel my and I know why I'm getting sucked in, because there's lots of stories, you know, is Taylor going to be there that whole nine yards?

00:26:08.227 --> 00:26:14.372
So realize, sometimes bringing it back then to podcasting is staring at your stats.

00:26:14.372 --> 00:26:15.553
Yes, there is definitely.

00:26:15.553 --> 00:26:24.770
There's always a benefit of that because you can see is this working or not and, as Jim said, if you see that it's not working, be ready for that.

00:26:24.770 --> 00:26:27.885
Same thing when you see how far people are listening to your show.

00:26:27.885 --> 00:26:34.428
I was working with someone and their numbers were not great and when they saw that stat, they're like well, what does that mean?

00:26:34.428 --> 00:26:40.613
I'm like it means most people are tuning out fairly quickly, you know, and you have to be ready for that.

00:26:40.613 --> 00:26:44.269
But for me that's as much as you hate to get that information.

00:26:44.269 --> 00:26:49.347
At least you know where you're starting from, and in some cases you can only go up from here.

00:26:49.989 --> 00:26:55.067
So just kind of step out of yourself and go am I getting sucked in?

00:26:55.067 --> 00:26:56.450
Cause I noticed.

00:26:56.450 --> 00:26:57.980
I'm like, oh, I'm getting sucked into football.

00:26:57.980 --> 00:26:58.441
Look at this.

00:26:58.441 --> 00:27:03.589
We're only two days in and you know the Browns game is on Sunday and they're playing the Cowboys.

00:27:03.589 --> 00:27:08.404
And so the one thing I do, just to the whole sports thing, never watch it live.

00:27:08.404 --> 00:27:09.644
And I was watching it live.

00:27:09.644 --> 00:27:12.469
Oh, because you can watch a football game in about 15 minutes.

00:27:12.469 --> 00:27:13.082
We need to skip.

00:27:13.082 --> 00:27:14.106
Next play skip.

00:27:14.106 --> 00:27:17.743
So I was like, not only am I watching football, but I was watching it live.

00:27:17.743 --> 00:27:20.807
And I was like, no, just be careful, especially with the obsession.

00:27:21.429 --> 00:27:26.602
Yeah, with the obsession.

00:27:26.602 --> 00:27:27.023
Yeah, dr, just it can.

00:27:27.023 --> 00:27:27.526
It could be overwhelmed.

00:27:27.526 --> 00:27:28.048
Well, dave, but in in.

00:27:28.048 --> 00:27:36.810
There could be a case, though, where the folks that you're hanging out with, or even in your podcast, were knowing that football information could actually be beneficial yeah, that's right.

00:27:36.810 --> 00:27:45.976
So again, not to bash the nfl, by the way, the answer to your question, the us gdp last year or 2022, 25 trillion dollars.

00:27:45.976 --> 00:27:50.826
Okay, the nfl's revenue, yeah, 25 billion dollars.

00:27:50.826 --> 00:27:55.134
A bill a trillion is a trillion a thousand million million.

00:27:55.855 --> 00:27:58.826
No, you're right, billions, yeah yeah it's a lot of money.

00:27:58.826 --> 00:27:59.647
Let's not do the math.

00:28:00.009 --> 00:28:08.388
It's yeah, it's a lot, but it's not as much as you think, right, it's one of those kinds of things you're like, yeah, 20, it's a lot, but it's not as much as you think, right, it's one of those kinds of things you're like, yeah, 20 billion, that's a lot, but 25 trillion, that's a lot more too.

00:28:08.388 --> 00:28:11.664
Yeah, I think like don't to your point.

00:28:11.664 --> 00:28:16.713
I mean be does that mean you need to as a podcaster?

00:28:16.713 --> 00:28:21.684
Does that mean you need, I need to just write off the NFL or write off sports Because I don't have time for that stuff?

00:28:21.684 --> 00:28:25.517
Well, maybe, but in most cases, like you said, figure out a way.

00:28:25.517 --> 00:28:30.347
You might need it for life just to have conversations at work, right, Whatever.

00:28:31.088 --> 00:28:32.692
Find a way to make that reasonable.

00:28:32.692 --> 00:28:46.130
You know, for you, like you said, in this particular case, youtube has the actual recaps of every game that you can watch, right, and you can go in there and watch those shows, watch the best of those.

00:28:46.130 --> 00:28:48.986
It's even easier than recording it and fast-forwarding it.

00:28:48.986 --> 00:28:53.119
You can just watch the best of it in 10 minutes or 15 or 20 minutes, something like that.

00:28:53.119 --> 00:28:56.747
So figure out what works for you in that, but be reasonable.

00:28:56.747 --> 00:29:07.001
I think sometimes we just we swing too far one direction or the other and you kind of say, well, no, you do need some entertainment time, dave.

00:29:07.001 --> 00:29:10.288
And that Chiefs Ravens game was awesome.

00:29:10.288 --> 00:29:13.780
Now I did a podcast during the Chiefs Ravens game.

00:29:13.780 --> 00:29:18.932
That's my Thursday nights, 8 pm Central is when I do my podcast.

00:29:18.932 --> 00:29:26.840
And yeah, while that game was on, I had it up on another screen and I was podcasting during it.

00:29:26.840 --> 00:29:29.366
So sometimes you can multitask.

00:29:30.308 --> 00:29:34.143
Yeah, the boy, if you bring up the NFL, the chat room goes crazy.

00:29:34.143 --> 00:29:39.942
Yeah, it's, somebody said, if you go and the NFL YouTube recap is about 15 minutes of the game's highlights.

00:29:39.942 --> 00:29:40.423
That's true.

00:29:40.423 --> 00:29:56.669
And yeah, my favorite is if you think we have billionaires who have a team of millionaires that are commented on by other millionaires and eventually gets down to the fans who are like, hey, man, we paid that guy a lot of money.

00:29:57.160 --> 00:30:03.204
If you ever want to do live stuff and you bring people on live, like in this case, ask the podcast coach dot com.

00:30:03.204 --> 00:30:03.846
Slash question.

00:30:03.846 --> 00:30:07.201
Just be ready, because you have to cut some people off.

00:30:07.201 --> 00:30:08.346
Because I love sports radio.

00:30:08.346 --> 00:30:09.869
They're like Tom from Poughkeepsie.

00:30:09.869 --> 00:30:10.401
What do you think?

00:30:10.401 --> 00:30:11.984
Oh, that guy's a bum.

00:30:11.984 --> 00:30:13.848
Why are we paying that quarterback so much money?

00:30:13.848 --> 00:30:15.580
I told you you shouldn't have hired him.

00:30:15.580 --> 00:30:19.727
Well, you know he is making a lot of money and you know that one guy did drop the pass.

00:30:19.727 --> 00:30:20.728
You know that's the way it is.

00:30:20.728 --> 00:30:24.292
And then Tom comes back with yeah, guy's a bum man we shouldn't get.

00:30:24.292 --> 00:30:27.057
He has one string and that's all he's got.

00:30:27.057 --> 00:30:30.845
So you have to remember that if you are bringing people on live, at times you have to go.

00:30:30.845 --> 00:30:32.851
Hey, thanks so much for the call and moving on.

00:30:32.851 --> 00:30:40.368
We've had a few of those here on this show, but by the way, 1 billion divided by 1 trillion 0.001.

00:30:40.730 --> 00:30:42.051
That's the math on that.

00:30:42.051 --> 00:30:47.903
So we're clear on what that it's pretty small it's small, it just seems huge well, what?

00:30:47.944 --> 00:30:49.607
20 billion dollars a year?

00:30:49.607 --> 00:30:50.470
Now it's revenue.

00:30:50.470 --> 00:30:54.929
It's very expensive to run the nfl right, so it's just a revenue number.

00:30:54.929 --> 00:30:56.275
I it'd be interesting to see.

00:30:56.275 --> 00:30:59.223
It'd be almost impossible to figure out what their profit was on that.

00:30:59.223 --> 00:31:01.229
But you just think of revenue from that.

00:31:01.229 --> 00:31:03.221
It's still a pretty small percentage.

00:31:03.221 --> 00:31:05.970
But for us us, like you said, these are billionaires.

00:31:05.970 --> 00:31:11.704
I mean, uh, the hunt family that owns the Kansas city chiefs, I mean he's worth billions.

00:31:11.704 --> 00:31:15.625
So there, yeah, they pay those guys millions.

00:31:15.625 --> 00:31:21.631
But the amount I mean it fills stadiums, it sells ads, yeah, it's Actually interesting.

00:31:21.631 --> 00:31:23.972
And how do we know it's interesting?

00:31:23.972 --> 00:31:31.096
Now may not be interesting to you, the listener right now this morning, or if you're listening to this podcast, you're like Brazil, right, they're doing games in London.

00:31:31.096 --> 00:31:48.938
They've got games going on in Mexico City.

00:31:48.938 --> 00:31:50.596
They're expanding.

00:31:50.596 --> 00:32:00.819
You know the NFL has realized, hey, maybe we have a good product here that could translate to other locations, and so they're testing it out in these various places.

00:32:03.376 --> 00:32:08.693
How do you grow your podcast, getting in front of people who aren't, you know, consuming your content?

00:32:08.693 --> 00:32:15.297
That should, and that's basically what the NFL is it's like hey, yes, you have that thing with the round ball and the black and white.

00:32:15.297 --> 00:32:28.075
You know patches on it, but there's another type of football and you know come watch giant men give each other concussions.

00:32:28.115 --> 00:32:28.497
It's great fun.

00:32:28.497 --> 00:32:28.877
So it is kind of.

00:32:28.877 --> 00:32:29.440
It is kind of gladiator.

00:32:29.440 --> 00:32:30.625
It is remember on saturday mornings when they what was the?

00:32:30.625 --> 00:32:31.146
They had a gladiator show.

00:32:31.166 --> 00:32:39.651
There was gladiator there's a great documentary on that on netflix, I think it was, and those guys did not get paid at all.

00:32:39.651 --> 00:32:45.809
And the guys that ran it, they finally like, hey, like, hey, you made me a celebrity, now you have to pay celebrity prices.

00:32:45.809 --> 00:32:47.616
And they're like, oh, you're fired.

00:32:47.616 --> 00:32:53.761
And I was like, yeah, and they were all doing all sorts of drugs to make themselves look the way they looked.

00:32:53.761 --> 00:32:54.771
And yeah, that was.

00:32:54.771 --> 00:32:57.480
It's a great lesson in showbiz.

00:32:57.480 --> 00:33:01.580
And make sure you get somebody who understands the contract before you sign it.

00:33:01.580 --> 00:33:08.540
Yeah, that's all that fine and fun stuff, but you brought up pricing, which leads us to if I can find my button here.

00:33:08.540 --> 00:33:10.964
That's right, we're switching topics, everyone.

00:33:10.964 --> 00:33:21.114
It's time to talk about our good friends over at StreamYard.

00:33:21.114 --> 00:33:27.045
Now, if you haven't heard, streamyard was bought by something like Bending Spoons, which is the company that bought meetup, which also bought net.

00:33:27.045 --> 00:33:30.056
One note right is that the no what's is that?

00:33:30.076 --> 00:33:31.038
evernote evernote.

00:33:31.077 --> 00:33:33.723
Yeah, something note and evernote.

00:33:33.723 --> 00:33:38.420
The reason I left evernote is they like raised their prices way too much.

00:33:38.420 --> 00:33:43.936
And, jim, you got some emails from streamyard this week yeah, not spec, not speculating.

00:33:43.977 --> 00:33:55.753
We now know with the new purchase we've been talking about this for a little while With the current rollout of dark mode, rounded corners on the video.

00:33:55.753 --> 00:34:04.179
Now you can get 4K local recording, which sounds pretty cool if you want that kind of quality and a few other enhancements on the back end.

00:34:04.179 --> 00:34:14.518
As of the end of September, for those of us who are on the monthly plan, your price is going up, and if you were, you know, listen, I started StreamYard almost the day they opened.

00:34:14.518 --> 00:34:19.559
I was on their free plan for a long time, then took advantage of the $10 plan.

00:34:19.559 --> 00:34:50.652
Thank you, dan and Gage, for your generosity back in those days, and I've been on the $10 plan forever.

00:34:50.652 --> 00:34:52.719
So I have gotten just hear this $45, dave, 10 to 45.

00:34:52.719 --> 00:34:53.822
Well, okay, but let's keep this in context, right?

00:34:53.822 --> 00:34:55.806
If I wanted the same plan on Riverside, it's 35.

00:34:55.806 --> 00:34:56.088
And I could.

00:34:56.088 --> 00:35:04.304
If I go from monthly on StreamYard to annual, they'll give me $10 off, and so that's 35 bucks.

00:35:04.304 --> 00:35:11.333
Annual, they'll give me $10 off, and so that's $35.

00:35:11.355 --> 00:35:13.460
All of a sudden, when you think, was I underpaying for my service before and just getting a value out of it?

00:35:13.460 --> 00:35:15.045
Yeah, I mean, go to $10, $10 to $45 is a huge jump.

00:35:15.045 --> 00:35:22.757
But then when you start thinking about all the other services, so to speak, I'll bring Riverside in, because I've been looking at Riverside If I wanted to use their plan.

00:35:22.757 --> 00:35:32.255
I'm at $35 for that same and Riverside does a thing where you can just use their recording or you can pay $10 extra, right.

00:35:32.255 --> 00:35:37.231
So I could use their $25 plan, but it's going to cost me $10 extra to stream to YouTube.

00:35:37.231 --> 00:35:48.190
Well, I'm more interested in the streaming part of YouTube than I am going to the recording stuff For me, I just rip it off of YouTube to produce it.

00:35:48.190 --> 00:35:49.474
Anyways, I don't care about all that.

00:35:49.474 --> 00:35:50.436
That's just me, right.

00:35:50.436 --> 00:35:52.581
So, yeah, that's a huge jump.

00:35:52.581 --> 00:35:59.231
So if you were on the $10 plan before, check your junk mail if you haven't gotten it, I got that email this week.

00:35:59.231 --> 00:36:10.117
The same day at work, I got the same email, except it was written a little bit differently and it wasn't like I mean I'm not saying they were mean to me saying going from 10 to 45.

00:36:10.117 --> 00:36:11.780
It was a well-written email, right.

00:36:11.780 --> 00:36:16.612
It just said hey, thank you, but whatever plan you had before is now going to be 45.

00:36:17.893 --> 00:36:25.742
The email I got at work as a business on the business side was hey, we are, you know, we are going to be raising prices, but we're going to grandfather you in.

00:36:25.742 --> 00:36:27.963
It's a little kinder Like.

00:36:27.963 --> 00:36:29.766
It was a little more gentle.

00:36:29.766 --> 00:36:30.907
It was a little more.

00:36:30.907 --> 00:36:38.032
We're going to work with you, and which is great.

00:36:38.092 --> 00:36:38.893
Well, I'm going to renew my plan.

00:36:38.893 --> 00:36:39.554
It's coming up here in October.

00:36:39.554 --> 00:36:40.576
We buy annually at work as opposed to month.

00:36:40.576 --> 00:36:42.137
Well, I'm not going to do it that way and I'll go.

00:36:42.137 --> 00:36:44.762
I will now go annual just to get the savings.

00:36:44.762 --> 00:36:51.181
I mean, $10 was just a great deal and I kind of wish I'd have bought the $10 annual because that was even cheaper, but I didn't.

00:36:51.181 --> 00:36:56.152
So we'll go at work, we'll just renew that and go forward with it.

00:36:56.152 --> 00:36:58.436
It's reasonable, it's actually what we paid before.

00:36:58.436 --> 00:37:03.382
We're going to plus a little, just a little bit, and then we're going to get all the new features.

00:37:03.382 --> 00:37:07.572
And so it's funny the difference in perspective.

00:37:07.692 --> 00:37:08.693
Dave, I lived on both.

00:37:08.693 --> 00:37:15.951
I'm literally living on either side of the fence as both a solo podcaster who does a podcast.

00:37:15.951 --> 00:37:20.775
It's not gigantic revenue, I do it for fun, it's kind of a hobby thing.

00:37:20.775 --> 00:37:31.891
Listen, even $35 a month's probably a little more than I want to spend on that kind of podcast where that same pricing again, it's a little bit more.

00:37:31.891 --> 00:37:40.543
We're more in that $50 plan over there on StreamYard 4, which is going to, I think, $79 or $89, something like that.

00:37:40.543 --> 00:37:42.150
Yeah, that plan Does it work?

00:37:42.150 --> 00:37:44.670
No, actually, because we have multiple people using it.

00:37:44.670 --> 00:37:47.733
We have a Teams account, we do some things with it.

00:37:47.733 --> 00:37:49.554
It gets tons of use.

00:37:49.554 --> 00:37:51.514
It's very valuable to us at work.

00:37:51.514 --> 00:37:59.117
Yeah, I'm going to, we're going to, and even that's pretty, that price I think 600 is what we're going to pay.

00:37:59.117 --> 00:38:00.619
A year, something like that six 700.

00:38:00.619 --> 00:38:04.500
That's a super big value for us at work for all the things that it does.

00:38:04.500 --> 00:38:09.382
So just an interesting difference of opinion If you're on StreamYard today, you better check.

00:38:09.483 --> 00:38:10.543
You might want to go out and check.

00:38:10.543 --> 00:38:19.327
For those of you who are on annual plans, that annual plan is going to hold for you until it renews and then you're going to get the new pricing at renewal.

00:38:19.327 --> 00:38:26.052
So just know when you're renewing a type deal, in-year renewing type deal.

00:38:26.052 --> 00:38:27.096
So because of this, dave, I'm really looking.

00:38:27.096 --> 00:38:28.581
We talked a little bit about this on Home Gadget Geeks.

00:38:28.601 --> 00:38:35.791
I had Jay Franzi on the show on Thursday and we talked about, and I'm kind of looking at, three options and I want to spend a little bit of time with you on this.

00:38:35.791 --> 00:38:43.681
I'm definitely looking at Ecamm, because and these are my criteria is about $20 a month and all these are under $20, right.

00:38:43.681 --> 00:38:58.076
So we're looking at Ecamm, which you and I have tried here, and so we've I've seen a little bit of that experience, but I'm going to move to Ecamm on their free plan next and try that for a month or whatever, however long their free plan lasts, for I'll try that on my show.

00:38:58.076 --> 00:39:00.038
We're also looking at Restream.

00:39:00.038 --> 00:39:06.166
I forget who it was, but somebody encouraged me to maybe it was Jay to look at Restream as an option.

00:39:06.166 --> 00:39:09.952
They're $19 a month on their plan and I will probably give them.

00:39:10.193 --> 00:39:14.722
By the way, dave, you and I had a question on Restream's page.

00:39:14.722 --> 00:39:22.610
It wasn't clear how long you could stream to YouTube for, or whatever.

00:39:22.610 --> 00:39:31.012
I went into their chat, their support chat, asked that question and they're like oh no, it's, you can stream as long as you want in those.

00:39:31.012 --> 00:39:37.050
So good for you, restream, for having that, and it was AI-based chat to give me the answer that I needed.

00:39:37.050 --> 00:39:37.911
That was pretty awesome.

00:39:37.911 --> 00:39:39.313
I got that right before the show started.

00:39:39.313 --> 00:39:43.518
And then EVMux, another one you and I have looked at in the past.

00:39:43.518 --> 00:39:49.085
They're also $16 a month and gives me all the options that I need.

00:39:49.085 --> 00:39:54.623
Those three give me all the options that I need to do home gadget geeks.

00:39:54.623 --> 00:39:59.681
It just will kind of depend on kind of where we land after we test each one of them.

00:40:00.731 --> 00:40:09.045
Yeah, when I was working at Libsyn, we used Crowdcast, which I think had more marketing like follow-up with people later after the thing.

00:40:09.045 --> 00:40:17.284
But in terms of the actual live streaming tool, it wasn't horrible, but it wasn't stellar.

00:40:17.284 --> 00:40:35.601
Where, when we switched to Restream, I loved Restream because I could share my screen and it would put me as a little picture, like picture and picture kind of thing, so it wasn't death by PowerPoint quite as much and I could see the chat room at the same time, and that I really love because I could see as I'm going through my slides.

00:40:35.601 --> 00:40:41.041
Oh, wait, a minute, you know Stephanie has a question or something like that, so I could stop as I'm on this.

00:40:41.041 --> 00:40:42.634
So I thought that was always really cool.

00:40:43.034 --> 00:40:45.240
I know Jason Bryant from Matt Talk Online.

00:40:45.240 --> 00:40:53.137
He uses Restream and it's just they call it Restream because it used to be like Todd.

00:40:53.137 --> 00:41:01.298
Right now Todd Cochran has been saying he's on Starlink, but for anybody that is bandwidth challenged, you would basically connect a Restream and then Restream would.

00:41:01.298 --> 00:41:06.739
Then I know they're clever it would then Restream whatever you're doing.

00:41:06.739 --> 00:41:17.541
So if you were doing a webinar or whatever, it would send it to YouTube and LinkedIn and Facebook and then I think, depending on how many places you stream to like.

00:41:17.541 --> 00:41:23.119
I think on the $19 plan you got to go to three and then, if you went to the another one, you could go to five places.

00:41:24.612 --> 00:41:35.146
And I don't care about any of those things Like the Restream $19 plan would work out just perfectly for me.

00:41:35.146 --> 00:41:35.365

00:41:35.670 --> 00:41:36.635
And then you could be like Jeff C.

00:41:36.635 --> 00:41:39.880
He says, hey, I use Ecamm and Restream at the same time.

00:41:39.880 --> 00:41:40.411
Look at him.

00:41:40.411 --> 00:41:46.079
Multitasking to go out everywhere Helps with bandwidth, upload speeds plus restream pairs.

00:41:46.079 --> 00:41:48.838
It's great for guests to go live to their platforms.

00:41:48.838 --> 00:41:50.155
Yeah, that's something that was cool.

00:41:50.155 --> 00:41:56.670
When I was on Jeff's show he gave me a link and it automatically went to my YouTube channel and a bunch of other places.

00:41:56.670 --> 00:41:59.500
So it's again how do you grow your podcast?

00:41:59.500 --> 00:42:06.170
Get your stuff in front of people who should be listening or watching your stuff, but don't.

00:42:06.170 --> 00:42:06.871
And it goes that route.

00:42:06.871 --> 00:42:08.375
It'll be fun to watch.

00:42:08.896 --> 00:42:10.739
I thought EVMux was interesting.

00:42:10.739 --> 00:42:14.054
It was kind of a cross between Ecamm and StreamYard.

00:42:14.054 --> 00:42:17.552
Now they don't give you separate channels and that might be a deal breaker for some people.

00:42:17.552 --> 00:42:35.059
Restream, I believe, gives you separate channels, and why that's kind of a big deal is if Jim had a dog barking or I don't know if the roofers really started going crazy right now and we heard all that well, I could mute Jim's channel while I'm talking and fix it in the mix, as they say.

00:42:35.059 --> 00:42:35.740
I didn't know this.

00:42:35.740 --> 00:42:37.891
Chris says StreamYard has pairs as well.

00:42:37.891 --> 00:42:40.556
Guests can share on two of their channels.

00:42:40.556 --> 00:42:45.744
I did not know that, so pretty cool yeah they're all kind of coming.

00:42:45.864 --> 00:42:48.394
It's like host providers, right, it's like podcast host providers.

00:42:48.394 --> 00:42:50.740
They've all kind of just become the same.

00:42:50.740 --> 00:42:53.978
For the most part, the pricing may be a little bit different.

00:42:53.978 --> 00:42:55.521
A few things here, a few things there.

00:42:55.521 --> 00:43:07.614
The older ones not naming any names, but the older ones where I used to work with have a lot of technical debt that they've gotta overcome sometimes to get some of the newer features that exist out there.

00:43:07.614 --> 00:43:14.077
But for the most part, and some of the newer ones, don't have some of the things that the older podcast hosts have because they've been doing it for so long.

00:43:14.077 --> 00:43:16.302
So let me be, you know, fair there.

00:43:16.302 --> 00:43:30.817
But you know you, I think we're getting to a point where these streaming services we're going to get down to three or four or five in the next couple years that all are basically the same at, kind of all, at the same prices.

00:43:30.817 --> 00:43:41.378
Boy StreamYard had no problem matching what I say the highest price, maybe the highest price of the current streaming options that are out there, right?

00:43:41.378 --> 00:43:48.032
They definitely bought this for a value play value for them, not for us, right?

00:43:48.032 --> 00:43:50.235
And that's listen, that's business Like.

00:43:50.235 --> 00:43:51.739
That's what they do Now.

00:43:51.739 --> 00:43:54.532
It'll be interesting to see what happens.

00:43:54.532 --> 00:43:56.097
I have not been out there.

00:43:56.117 --> 00:44:07.289
You know combing the interwebs for the backlash for all the podcasters who were on that $10 plan and I'm sure there are quite a few who were who are now screaming.

00:44:07.289 --> 00:44:08.675
We know, you know screaming.

00:44:08.675 --> 00:44:11.996
This is a foul and what are you going to do about it?

00:44:11.996 --> 00:44:26.711
We know you and I saw this drama happen at otterai who said, hey, we're going to raise prices and lower the minutes that you get on your plan, and I think they thought everybody would just take that laying down.

00:44:26.711 --> 00:44:34.032
And there was such a backlash at otter that they were like, oh, just kidding, sorry, you still get the six thousand.

00:44:34.032 --> 00:44:35.034
You know, I think we're on.

00:44:35.034 --> 00:44:37.782
We're on the ten dollar plan, or I think so, do you?

00:44:37.782 --> 00:44:40.155
You're on the ten dollar plan at otter, you think still?

00:44:40.255 --> 00:44:47.710
yeah, because I remember for for yearly it was like 99 bucks and I'm like okay, yeah, that's what I pay $99 a year.

00:44:47.710 --> 00:45:06.730
Well, somebody brought up Canva and, as much as we love AI, look it'll wipe your butt for you and blah, blah, blah and I'm like, okay, great, but if you listen to the no Agenda show and some of these other shows, they're talking about the actual expense of running a large what is it large language?

00:45:07.831 --> 00:45:08.974
model whatever.

00:45:09.114 --> 00:45:26.563
That takes some electricity and power and computers and so when somebody goes like I know Captivate is announcing something later this month and a lot of people are like I bet they're adding AI, and I'm like I kind of hope not because Canva is raising their prices I'm not sure how much.

00:45:26.563 --> 00:45:36.561
Somebody said they thought they heard by 300%, something like they're going to triple their and they have said one of the reasons it's going up is because we added AI, to which I want to go.

00:45:36.561 --> 00:45:41.202
I raised my hand to give me a plan option where I don't use it because I don't use it.

00:45:41.202 --> 00:45:44.681
I don't need somebody with seven fingers on my artwork, thanks.

00:45:46.371 --> 00:45:47.974
It's getting better, dave, that's getting better.

00:45:47.974 --> 00:45:52.262
Listen, we're in the AOL CD days of AI.

00:45:52.262 --> 00:46:01.851
Remember you can sign up and get free internet as long as you sign up for two years and give away your firstborn.

00:46:01.851 --> 00:46:03.356
Remember those crazy days?

00:46:03.356 --> 00:46:06.951
And it it even got so bad they were giving away computers.

00:46:06.951 --> 00:46:09.697
Right, we're kind of with these AI services.

00:46:10.217 --> 00:46:11.862
They are definitely losing money.

00:46:11.862 --> 00:46:21.331
When you think about what they're paying to have this AI run, they're definitely losing money, but everyone's so afraid of being not being the leader in AI.

00:46:21.331 --> 00:46:23.054
They're giving most of it away for free.

00:46:23.054 --> 00:46:29.735
You should absolutely be ready for future costs to go up.

00:46:29.735 --> 00:46:34.103
If you are heavily invested in the AI space for all these things that are doing it.

00:46:34.103 --> 00:46:38.141
It's not sustainable for these companies to keep giving it to you for nothing.

00:46:38.141 --> 00:46:42.525
Now, in the current context of StreamYard, they're not using any AI.

00:46:42.525 --> 00:46:46.536
They're just taking advantage of the current market environment for this.

00:46:46.536 --> 00:46:55.132
But those companies like Canva and some of the other ones I think you're going to start seeing they're either going to go out of business or they're going to have to raise their prices.

00:46:55.132 --> 00:46:56.597
It's just the way it's going to have to be.

00:46:56.597 --> 00:46:57.420
It's too expensive.

00:46:57.710 --> 00:47:02.282
But that's one of the reasons why I think Otter wanted to raise their price, because it used to be transcription.

00:47:02.282 --> 00:47:05.309
And here it is, and now it's transcriptions.

00:47:05.309 --> 00:47:07.956
Oh, now I can ask it questions and all sorts of stuff.

00:47:07.956 --> 00:47:12.032
Well, that's the old, you know ai stuff yes, it is, yes, it is.

00:47:12.072 --> 00:47:21.400
And there and the listen, I've been messing with the aphonic transcription piece too and I think we're actually gonna also, at work, move to aphonic.

00:47:21.400 --> 00:47:25.315
I'm working on that right now for their transcripts and away from otter.

00:47:25.315 --> 00:47:27.802
But the but they, you know that's got.

00:47:27.802 --> 00:47:36.105
They're listen, they're sending that off to open the OpenAI API or something to get that thing run, and it's coming back.

00:47:36.105 --> 00:47:38.710
They're paying that for you, right?

00:47:38.710 --> 00:47:39.690
You think, oh, it's free.

00:47:39.690 --> 00:47:41.572
Well, no, not really.

00:47:41.572 --> 00:47:42.472
They're paying for it.

00:47:42.472 --> 00:47:44.432
Those guys are paying for it for you.

00:47:44.472 --> 00:47:52.476
So just keep your eyes open for all this AI stuff as we figure out how to get.

00:47:52.476 --> 00:48:03.380
I mean, boy, NVIDIA is not doing well just because they're selling GPUs to gamers and even crypto the AI piece on this has, they are buying.

00:48:03.380 --> 00:48:06.041
I mean, the chips that they make are perfect for AI.

00:48:06.041 --> 00:48:12.844
I mean, now NVIDIA lost a whole bunch of value in the last two weeks, so some of that's been was unrealistic and has been pulled back.

00:48:12.844 --> 00:48:20.467
But in that space, you're gonna don't get too dependent on these free versions of AI for too long.

00:48:20.467 --> 00:48:23.987
You'll probably need to start ponying up for those here pretty quick.

00:48:30.429 --> 00:48:35.139
Yeah, that's, it's going to be tricky and I'm with Chris Stone said can people please quit using AI as a marketing tool when it's not AI, it's just, you know.

00:48:35.139 --> 00:48:42.800
To me it just seems like, look, here's a kitchen timer now with AI, and you're like, wait what?

00:48:42.800 --> 00:48:46.820
Yeah, when I hit this button, it guessed 20-minute timer.

00:48:46.820 --> 00:48:51.697
I don't know what it is, but it just seems like everything you know, frosted Flakes Now with AI.

00:48:51.697 --> 00:48:58.300
There, you know, it's like enough with that, because it's just, it's like podcasting.

00:48:58.300 --> 00:49:02.001
It used to be like ooh, wow, whirlpool started a podcast.

00:49:05.610 --> 00:49:06.572
And now it's like who doesn't have a podcast.

00:49:06.572 --> 00:49:07.353
It's like it's different if you don't.

00:49:07.353 --> 00:49:11.362
But you know, you know what's not artificial is our awesome supporters.

00:49:11.362 --> 00:49:12.411
They're real.

00:49:12.411 --> 00:49:21.980
It's real support and you can be an awesome supporter by going over to askthepodcastcoachcom slash awesome and support the show.

00:49:21.980 --> 00:49:31.543
The show is also brought to you by some guy named Dave Jackson at the School of Podcasting, where you can get courses, unlimited coaching and a really awesome community.

00:49:31.543 --> 00:49:34.074
This is the best way to wake up.

00:49:34.153 --> 00:49:41.480
I woke up this morning and some guy who's going to do a show about old Western guns just joined the School of Podcasting.

00:49:41.480 --> 00:49:51.592
So I'm looking forward to working with Andy and you can use the coupon COACH when you sign up and that comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee If you go to askthepodcastcoachcom.

00:49:51.592 --> 00:49:52.514
That's pod page.

00:49:52.514 --> 00:50:00.896
And hey, if you are a pod page user and you hated that you couldn't delete the messages that came in from the contact form, you can do that now.

00:50:00.896 --> 00:50:09.259
So for all you inbox zero people that were freaking out that's a new feature that was just added and we're always adding features that people send in.

00:50:09.259 --> 00:50:15.186
So go check out PodPage at podpagecom or, if you want to use my affiliate link, try podpagecom.

00:50:15.186 --> 00:50:16.510
And I can't get the slide to go.

00:50:16.510 --> 00:50:16.911
There we go.

00:50:17.291 --> 00:50:18.833
Right now we were talking about Ecamm.

00:50:18.833 --> 00:50:21.396
I love Ecamm.

00:50:21.396 --> 00:50:23.820
I won't lie and say it's not a learning curve.

00:50:23.820 --> 00:50:27.445
It just works completely different than any other program that you've ever used.

00:50:27.445 --> 00:50:29.715
And once you get it, you got it and it's good.

00:50:29.715 --> 00:50:30.699
So I love Ecam.

00:50:30.699 --> 00:50:33.599
Go to askthepodcastcoachcom, slash ecam.

00:50:33.599 --> 00:50:40.675
And hey, if you need more Jim Cullison, and who doesn't Nice princess dye wave, Just go to theaverageguytv.

00:50:40.675 --> 00:50:49.813
Or if you want to be crazy, you can go to home gadget geekscom.

00:50:49.813 --> 00:50:51.057
And it's time for our featured supporter of the week.

00:50:51.057 --> 00:50:56.514
So when we come over, will it be, you know, shane over at the radio gdr or ross brand?

00:50:56.514 --> 00:50:59.521
Will he make it a three-peat craig and ai goes to college?

00:50:59.521 --> 00:51:07.344
We're going to do a shuffle, just so, if anybody the drama of the spin so here we go round and round, it goes in.

00:51:07.364 --> 00:51:09.693
This week's featured supporter, is it?

00:51:09.693 --> 00:51:14.641
Oh, it is, I mentioned him earlier shane whaley from radio gdr.

00:51:14.641 --> 00:51:22.610
Check that out if you're interested in and I always forget which side of germany it is, but it's a show about germany.

00:51:22.610 --> 00:51:24.556
He's, uh well, chains from everywhere.

00:51:24.556 --> 00:51:30.838
He's in the us, but he's from the uk and he likes I cannot remember which one was the nazi one.

00:51:30.838 --> 00:51:32.702
See, this is where this is.

00:51:32.702 --> 00:51:36.597
This is your american education, if it's not about america neither.

00:51:36.958 --> 00:51:41.452
Yeah, neither one was you know the west and one was the east for a while.

00:51:41.452 --> 00:51:43.795
Right, yeah, it's a sylvia block country there was.

00:51:43.976 --> 00:51:47.001
So whichever one you couldn't get into, he's doing a show about that.

00:51:47.021 --> 00:51:48.585
That would be East Germany, east Germany.

00:51:48.585 --> 00:51:50.315
I think those are East German colors.

00:51:50.516 --> 00:51:53.177
And thank you, Shane, for being an awesome supporter.

00:51:53.177 --> 00:51:57.875
We deeply appreciate that and I'm hoping this will work, because I can't see my buttons anymore.

00:51:57.875 --> 00:51:59.619
There we go, If you accept.

00:51:59.619 --> 00:52:06.413
Are you seeing my slides?

00:52:06.413 --> 00:52:07.135
Are we still seeing the wheel?

00:52:07.135 --> 00:52:12.193
Okay, so if this show saves your time, saves your money, saves your headaches, or does it just keep you educated, Well then you might consider giving some of that value back.

00:52:12.193 --> 00:52:15.206
We talked about value for value and yes, here we go.

00:52:15.206 --> 00:52:16.291
Randy is helping us out.

00:52:16.291 --> 00:52:19.885
East Germany was under Soviet control, so thank you so much.

00:52:19.885 --> 00:52:26.041
Now, if I listened to Radio GDR, I would know that, so I need to go listen and get my education up.

00:52:26.041 --> 00:52:31.201
But yeah, you can be an awesome supporter by going over to askthepodcastcoachcom slash.

00:52:31.201 --> 00:52:34.974
Awesome, and we will move on.

00:52:35.273 --> 00:52:37.518
Here is a fun question.

00:52:37.518 --> 00:52:45.920
This one says, hey, can I make host read ads on my podcast using affiliate links, To which I say yeah.

00:52:45.920 --> 00:52:48.556
He says I know it's probably an incredibly dumb question.

00:52:48.556 --> 00:52:50.710
Well, there are no dumb questions, just dumb people.

00:52:50.710 --> 00:53:00.121
Wait, no, that's not how that goes, Just kidding, but I was at Podcast Movement last week and one of the sessions mentioned using affiliates as a method of monetizing my podcast.

00:53:00.121 --> 00:53:05.199
Yes, kids, when we talk about Ecamm and EVMOOCs and let's see.

00:53:05.199 --> 00:53:06.601
Jim mentioned Alphoniccom.

00:53:06.601 --> 00:53:10.956
All those bad boys have affiliates and, yes, I've signed up for all of those.

00:53:10.956 --> 00:53:19.617
Now, I don't just sign up for stuff because they have an affiliate program, but if they do and I like the product absolutely, that's called free money, kids.

00:53:19.617 --> 00:53:26.342
And then it occurred to me wait, do I have affiliate links with a few other software services, such as SiteGround, Reclaim?

00:53:26.342 --> 00:53:27.391
So can.

00:53:27.391 --> 00:53:32.222
Should I just do host-read ads on my podcast that direct folks to use my affiliate link?

00:53:32.829 --> 00:53:37.422
I think the tricky part is I don't know if you can say they're a sponsor.

00:53:37.422 --> 00:53:42.581
Like I can't say this show is sponsored to you by Ecamm.

00:53:42.581 --> 00:53:44.637
Go to askthepodcastcoachcom.

00:53:44.637 --> 00:53:45.461
Slash Ecamm.

00:53:45.461 --> 00:53:50.224
I think if I call them a sponsor and they're not a sponsor, there might be some funkiness there.

00:53:50.224 --> 00:53:56.731
I don't know if it's going to get you in trouble, but sponsor means somebody paid you money up front to talk about their product.

00:53:56.731 --> 00:54:01.382
Like Mark is a sponsor, Dan is a sponsor, they paid us money up front to talk about them.

00:54:01.382 --> 00:54:07.878
So when you treat someone like an affiliate link as a sponsor, there might be some wonkiness there.

00:54:07.878 --> 00:54:09.744
So that's where you could just go.

00:54:09.744 --> 00:54:13.393
Hey, this week's feature product is Ecamm.

00:54:13.393 --> 00:54:16.360
Go to askthepodcastcoachcom slash Ecamm.

00:54:16.360 --> 00:54:21.155
You're looking at it right now, that kind of thing without using the word sponsor.

00:54:21.155 --> 00:54:33.112
And then I think, if it's an affiliate the word sponsor you know and then I think if it's an affiliate you do to the FTC you have to say, oh, by the way, if you use that link, it helps support the show, and blah, blah, blah, Cause you can't.

00:54:34.153 --> 00:54:35.538
The FTC has woke up there.

00:54:35.538 --> 00:54:36.219
Hey, wait a minute.

00:54:36.219 --> 00:54:37.021
There's a lot of people.

00:54:37.021 --> 00:54:43.840
I was listening to Tom Buck has a podcast and there are straight up sponsors or not sponsors.

00:54:43.840 --> 00:54:46.945
There are people, because he's a YouTuber but he has a podcast.

00:54:46.945 --> 00:54:48.436
I was like, oh, wow, Tom has a podcast.

00:54:48.570 --> 00:54:57.764
He was explaining this that there are companies that will go hey, we're going to send you this thing to review on your YouTube channel because you have tons of people watching you.

00:54:57.764 --> 00:55:03.054
And if you could kind of keep it on the DL that we gave this to you, that'd be great.

00:55:03.054 --> 00:55:05.416
Well, that's illegal, that's just straight up.

00:55:05.416 --> 00:55:06.378
That we gave this to you, that'd be great.

00:55:06.378 --> 00:55:08.360
Well, that's illegal, that's just straight up, that's not good.

00:55:08.360 --> 00:55:12.143
And so I was, and I was, as I was in, like, wow, people are really doing that.

00:55:12.143 --> 00:55:14.724
And it turns out, yeah, companies are really doing that.

00:55:14.724 --> 00:55:16.007
They're like, yeah, don't let people know.

00:55:16.007 --> 00:55:16.726
We gave this to you.

00:55:16.726 --> 00:55:19.099
And I was like, yeah, that's not good.

00:55:19.099 --> 00:55:27.018
So the FTC has already said if you are inflating your numbers, especially if you have sponsors, that's not good.

00:55:27.018 --> 00:55:30.802
But I don't know Thoughts, Jim, I mean because I know you've talked about it.

00:55:30.802 --> 00:55:31.202
I think you had.

00:55:31.242 --> 00:55:31.943

00:55:31.943 --> 00:55:33.646
For a while you used as a sponsor.

00:55:33.646 --> 00:55:34.365
I did yeah.

00:55:35.690 --> 00:55:37.072
And they were affiliate.

00:55:37.072 --> 00:55:43.240
I think I tried this whole idea of sponsored by thing and I was like this doesn't feel right.

00:55:43.240 --> 00:55:45.644
You could say featured, affiliate.

00:55:45.644 --> 00:55:52.097
You know, type like this month that we're featuring this affiliate link.

00:55:52.097 --> 00:55:54.346
I think it's actually good to let them know it's an affiliate as opposed to a sponsor.

00:55:54.346 --> 00:55:57.376
When it's affiliate, I think your listeners go oh, I know what that means.

00:55:57.376 --> 00:55:57.697
That means.

00:55:57.697 --> 00:56:02.155
If I follow the link they make, they get something out of it as opposed to sponsor.

00:56:02.155 --> 00:56:04.280
Your oh, their ads are just showing up on their page.

00:56:04.280 --> 00:56:06.063
They paid them in advance for it.

00:56:06.063 --> 00:56:14.494
So I actually think it's beneficial to let your listeners know that they you have an affiliate relationship with them rather than having a sponsored relationship.

00:56:14.534 --> 00:56:20.971
And then Chris Nessie uses the term support, for this episode comes from yeah, you could say it.

00:56:20.971 --> 00:56:22.092
You could say it that way.

00:56:22.092 --> 00:56:23.474
You know, comes from HelloFresh.

00:56:23.474 --> 00:56:29.585
Like I said, I actually prefer to say affiliate, right, yeah.

00:56:29.585 --> 00:56:42.914
And so I have a, although now that I say that I do have a sponsor tab on my site at HomeGadgetGeekscom and I include the affiliates in there, I think I'm clear.

00:56:42.914 --> 00:56:45.536
The only one that's left at this point is Nespresso.

00:56:45.536 --> 00:56:45.996
I don't.

00:56:45.996 --> 00:56:50.896
I am not hunting down affiliate relationships, just because it's just not what I'm doing right now.

00:56:50.896 --> 00:56:52.900
But it's a good question, dave.

00:56:52.900 --> 00:56:53.322
It's a.

00:56:53.322 --> 00:56:54.389
I think it's a real.

00:56:54.389 --> 00:57:01.260
Those we've been sloppy as podcasters about and the YouTubers, I think, are doing this all the time.

00:57:01.260 --> 00:57:10.586
They're saying that this episode, you know, you know, sponsored by whatever, there's a link down below and it's an affiliate link and you know, I don't know if anybody's going after him.

00:57:10.586 --> 00:57:18.472
Maybe are you thinking like the organization would say hey, I didn't sponsor, you just have an affiliate link.

00:57:18.472 --> 00:57:19.215
Is that what you're thinking?

00:57:19.416 --> 00:57:23.030
yeah, especially if you know how everybody's supposed to be brand safe.

00:57:23.030 --> 00:57:29.623
And if we said booger on this show you know we're sponsored, maybe I don't think Mark would be like, hey, you said booger.

00:57:29.623 --> 00:57:37.773
I don't want podcastbrandingco associated with people who use the word booger, you know.

00:57:37.773 --> 00:57:39.596
And Dan might say did you say you know feces on your show?

00:57:39.596 --> 00:57:41.599
That's not a brand safe word, you know.

00:57:41.599 --> 00:57:44.704
That's the thing where, if it's a true sponsor, they might be like.

00:57:44.704 --> 00:57:51.114
And, in the event, if you say booger you might lose they might kick you out of their affiliate program.

00:57:51.134 --> 00:57:51.795
So that's one of those things.

00:57:51.815 --> 00:57:52.918
Randy makes a good point.

00:57:52.918 --> 00:57:55.143
You have an affiliate agreement.

00:57:55.143 --> 00:58:05.911
You and I were talking about Amazon last week and you challenged me on something and I'd read through the agreement pretty thoroughly to make sure I was doing.

00:58:05.911 --> 00:58:13.179
What I was doing was fine, but it challenged me a little bit on that, so I went back into the affiliate agreement on it through Amazon Boy.

00:58:13.179 --> 00:58:17.675
It reads like a legal document and every sense of this super confusing.

00:58:17.675 --> 00:58:24.715
I wanted to drop it into AI and get a summary of it, kind of thing, and I was like, okay, I was kind of okay, but kind of not.

00:58:24.715 --> 00:58:26.157
I'm going to make this a little clearer.

00:58:26.157 --> 00:58:27.460
I'm going to change this a little bit.

00:58:27.460 --> 00:58:36.351
So, that being said, make sure you are reading your agreements thoroughly to make sure you know what you're doing is okay, based on the agreement.

00:58:37.032 --> 00:58:50.922
Yeah, I interviewed the guy that makes GeniusLink, which is a tool that helps you not get kicked out at Amazon, and I interviewed him on my Profit From your Podcast show and there are things that like I thought I had them here.

00:58:50.922 --> 00:58:53.173
I guess I don't Bad.

00:58:53.173 --> 00:58:57.182
Show notes, dave oh, nine reasons affiliates get banned from Amazon.

00:58:57.182 --> 00:58:57.831
So that was his.

00:58:57.831 --> 00:59:03.737
He has an article on this and one of them is like putting affiliate links in your newsletter and I was like wait what?

00:59:03.737 --> 00:59:06.141
And they're like wow, enough with the pop-ups kids.

00:59:06.141 --> 00:59:08.364
Jeez, does he not have these as a list?

00:59:08.764 --> 00:59:10.871
One would think, yes, cloaking links.

00:59:10.871 --> 00:59:12.996
So there's cloaking links.

00:59:12.996 --> 00:59:22.378
So that means if I go profitfromyourpodcastcom slash book and that sends them to Amazon, that's nope, can't you got to let them know?

00:59:22.378 --> 00:59:24.101
They're Links in eBooks.

00:59:24.101 --> 00:59:26.204
That used to be a big money generator.

00:59:26.204 --> 00:59:29.559
So, again, if they don't know, it's an affiliate link.

00:59:29.559 --> 00:59:37.452
Mentioning prices this is one like if you say, hey, the Samsung Q2U is on sale for 65 bucks, you should get one.

00:59:37.452 --> 00:59:39.112
Now, affiliate link.

00:59:39.112 --> 00:59:49.476
They're not going to like that because Amazon changes their prices all the time Using the star rating and reviews, so that's bad Asking for a click or bookmark.

00:59:49.476 --> 01:00:03.389
So if you're like, hey, go to askthepodcastcoachcom, slash Amazon and bookmark it, which was a great strategy, because then, when people would use their bookmark, anything they bought would be an affiliate thing.

01:00:03.389 --> 01:00:06.336
Well, amazon was like nope, sorry, can't do that either.

01:00:06.336 --> 01:00:11.076
Amazon really makes it kind of hard to use their not linking to products.

01:00:11.096 --> 01:00:13.389
So if you're just linking, I guess, to a page, I'd have to read this.

01:00:13.389 --> 01:00:16.336
I'll put a link to this article from Genius Link.

01:00:16.336 --> 01:00:19.150
But that's what they do when you go to a Genius Link.

01:00:19.150 --> 01:00:25.034
If you go to supportthisshowcom, slash the letter Q, the number two and U, you'll see where it's.

01:00:25.034 --> 01:00:26.677
Well, here, let's just do that right now, shall we?

01:00:26.677 --> 01:00:31.300
And, by the way, of course, this Genius Link have a, an affiliate program?

01:00:31.300 --> 01:00:33.902
Of course they do Support this show dot com.

01:00:33.902 --> 01:00:40.347
Slash Q to you, send you over to my Genius Link, yep, and this is what a Genius Link does.

01:00:40.347 --> 01:00:52.260
It basically it's a picture of the microphone and then a link to Amazon, a link to Sweetwater, a link to B&H and something called Adorama, and basically it says note, commissions may be earned from the links above.

01:00:52.260 --> 01:00:55.074
And so you know right there that this is an affiliate link.

01:00:55.074 --> 01:00:59.764
And that's what Genius Link does to stop you from breaking the rules with Amazon.

01:00:59.764 --> 01:01:03.521
But yeah, their terms of service is crazy nuts.

01:01:03.521 --> 01:01:07.931
Their terms of service is crazy nuts.

01:01:07.952 --> 01:01:19.275
That when you try to read it, no wonder, because I remember Jay Moore, the comedian his son had was little, I forget his name, but anyway he would say, hey, if you want to support the so-and-so college fund, go over to the website, click on the Amazon link.

01:01:19.275 --> 01:01:20.278
And that got him kicked out.

01:01:20.278 --> 01:01:33.777
You know, I got kicked out once because I just said support the show and put an Amazon button, and they're like, like, yeah, you can't do that and I'm like, but it does it, like it's.

01:01:33.777 --> 01:01:35.382
You know, and I, I, you know amazon thinks differently than I do.

01:01:35.382 --> 01:01:38.592
When, when it comes to that kind of stuff, that's always a weird one, but that will.

01:01:38.592 --> 01:01:41.759
But you could again now, again, be careful.

01:01:41.759 --> 01:01:44.711
When you say affiliate links, I think I'm with you.

01:01:44.711 --> 01:01:46.356
I think if I were to do this, you could.

01:01:46.356 --> 01:01:50.693
I like Chris's thing, like this show is supported by, like that.

01:01:50.829 --> 01:01:53.882
The other thing you might do, and I've had, I finally built one.

01:01:53.882 --> 01:02:05.882
If you go to what is my website, school of Podcasting I know it's under About, but I have a page of just affiliate links, because people always say, hey, do you have an affiliate link.

01:02:05.882 --> 01:02:12.226
I'm going to sign up at Captivate and instead of having to find it, I can go to where is it under About?

01:02:12.226 --> 01:02:20.730
Yeah, if you go under About on the School of Podcasting website, it turns out the website is schoolofpodcastingcom slash affiliate links.

01:02:20.730 --> 01:02:26.588
And this is just a page of here's equipment, here's editing software.

01:02:26.588 --> 01:02:31.706
And so now I have people that are like, oh, I just go to this website first if I'm going to buy anything.

01:02:31.706 --> 01:02:39.021
This little crossout thingy here just means that mouse flow didn't load quick enough because I have a tool that looks for dead links.

01:02:39.594 --> 01:02:48.701
But you know, these are all things that I've either used, like here, captivate I don't know why I might turn off that plugin because that's making it look like that's a bad link and it's not.

01:02:48.701 --> 01:02:53.320
It's a long list, but it's all live streaming and most of these like Switchy.

01:02:53.320 --> 01:02:54.364
I love Switchy.

01:02:54.364 --> 01:02:58.918
Switchy is my kind of my own version of Bitly.

01:02:58.918 --> 01:03:00.485
And now do I make a ton of money with this?

01:03:00.485 --> 01:03:03.976
No, but pennies make dollars, I know.

01:03:03.976 --> 01:03:10.188
Captivate it's usually, you know, somewhere in the tens of dollars.

01:03:10.188 --> 01:03:16.726
Podpage is at times a decent one and we're still trying to figure out is Dave still an affiliate now that I'm working for them?

01:03:16.726 --> 01:03:18.740
You know, but you never know.

01:03:19.222 --> 01:03:27.186
My favorite was I did a podcast about Jillian Michaels because she had a podcast and then quit and people are looking for the Jillian Michaels podcast.

01:03:27.186 --> 01:03:28.697
She's a fitness trainer, so I made one.

01:03:28.697 --> 01:03:45.583
And then I just got lucky and she came out with a book and it was the first time she had narrated her own book and it was on audible and I made 15 bucks a person and I said, hey, jillian michaels fans, her new book is out and she actually read it and I got a nice four-figure affiliate check.

01:03:45.583 --> 01:03:52.106
Now, that was one check and it lasted for one month, you know, and it wasn't like the next month I got another four.

01:03:52.106 --> 01:03:54.239
It was like everybody bought it already.

01:03:54.239 --> 01:03:58.056
But you know, if you could do that every week, that adds up, you know.

01:03:58.056 --> 01:04:00.867
Oh, here Jeff says go ahead, oh, go ahead, no, go ahead.

01:04:01.074 --> 01:04:01.476
Jeff says.

01:04:01.516 --> 01:04:06.027
I made a Notion database with all the things I use that show specifically affiliates.

01:04:06.027 --> 01:04:07.900
It's easier to update than a website.

01:04:07.900 --> 01:04:10.364
You know what I need to not to switch gears.

01:04:10.364 --> 01:04:21.351
But I switched from Evernote to NoteJoy because it was cheaper than Evernote, because, again, bending spoons, I think I was paying $60 and it was going to be $120 for Evernote.

01:04:21.351 --> 01:04:30.275
So I switched to NoteJoy, which was more expensive than Evernote used to be, but less expensive than Evernote was now, and for what I use it for.

01:04:30.275 --> 01:04:34.300
In theory, I should just use Notion because it's free, but, Jim, I cut you off.

01:04:34.300 --> 01:04:34.960
What were you going to say?

01:04:35.021 --> 01:04:35.621
no, no, that's fine.

01:04:35.621 --> 01:04:36.463
I interrupted as well.

01:04:36.463 --> 01:04:38.244
The I just changed.

01:04:38.244 --> 01:04:47.956
So I had a tab at the average guytv that used to just say sponsor and then it would all it have all the spot anyone who sponsored the show plus the affiliates, and it was mostly affiliates.

01:04:47.956 --> 01:04:57.081
So to cover myself, I just changed the label and it just now says sponsor slash affiliates, so that it covers me right in both cases.

01:04:57.581 --> 01:05:10.925
The nespresso affiliate link that I have is the gift that just keeps giving somehow I it's basically anytime I order fifty dollars or more, I get ten dollars off for every purchase that is made.

01:05:10.925 --> 01:05:14.320
I get one of those kind of things and man, I think I don't.

01:05:14.320 --> 01:05:17.648
I must've earned a dozen or two dozen of those things.

01:05:17.648 --> 01:05:18.617
It never stops.

01:05:18.617 --> 01:05:27.757
I'm always surprised when I go make an espresso purchase and it automatically adds that for me on my purchase on the way out, and so it's been a handy little.

01:05:27.757 --> 01:05:29.702
You know that's from an affiliate standpoint.

01:05:29.702 --> 01:05:30.585
That's one of those things.

01:05:30.585 --> 01:05:31.996
I don't buy coffee.

01:05:31.996 --> 01:05:35.625
I mean I buy it every other month from Nespresso.

01:05:35.625 --> 01:05:37.469
Make a $50 order.

01:05:37.469 --> 01:05:38.860
It takes $10 off.

01:05:38.860 --> 01:05:45.181
Like that's been a really nice affiliate relationship to have with them and it's on the site.

01:05:45.434 --> 01:05:48.494
We talked about it from time to time when it's appropriate.

01:05:48.494 --> 01:05:49.894
That's one of those kinds of things.

01:05:49.894 --> 01:05:57.802
I have Erin Lawrence on and she's a gadget, you know, she's a gadget, blogger, YouTuber, and we always end up talking about Nespresso.

01:05:57.802 --> 01:06:00.623
So I say, head over to the average guytv slash Nespresso.

01:06:00.623 --> 01:06:02.068
It makes sense.

01:06:02.068 --> 01:06:08.065
Then for a while I was bringing that in as a weekly, I was trying out the hey.

01:06:08.065 --> 01:06:08.646
This month.

01:06:08.646 --> 01:06:10.478
You know the featured affiliate, I don't.

01:06:10.478 --> 01:06:15.027
I think I might've said sponsor is Nespresso, so I don't know.

01:06:15.027 --> 01:06:17.373
So I made that change in real time here.

01:06:17.373 --> 01:06:26.019
It looks a lot better and I think it's a little truer and I also think I won't use the word sponsor going forward in those cases.

01:06:26.019 --> 01:06:30.135
I haven't done that in a while, but I think it's smart to say affiliate if they're an affiliate.

01:06:31.217 --> 01:06:40.355
Yeah, speaking of affiliates, I'm on podgagementcom slash affiliates affiliates.

01:06:40.355 --> 01:06:42.800
I'm on podgagementcom affiliates and daniel just revamped his program so he's now earning 30.

01:06:42.800 --> 01:06:50.648
So if you're a person that talks to podcasters and your audience would benefit from using podgagement, then you might want to consider signing up for his program.

01:06:50.648 --> 01:06:55.661
Jeff was saying he uses he calls it a toolbox that he speaks for.

01:06:55.661 --> 01:06:59.742
He says it's on my website, then they get access to my welcome email.

01:06:59.742 --> 01:07:05.643
And so I went to Jeff's site, which is awesome, and I looked under services.

01:07:05.643 --> 01:07:07.898
I went under.

01:07:07.898 --> 01:07:14.483
I was like toolbox, at least it's not on the front page, so maybe it's in the show notes or something like that.

01:07:14.483 --> 01:07:22.827
But I was like but I like that idea of a toolbox, that's you know, and then just put the disclaimer at the top, because Amazon does want that at the top as well.

01:07:22.827 --> 01:07:26.034
But yeah, I've seen people really crush it with affiliates.

01:07:26.034 --> 01:07:32.887
If you have the right product for the right audience, it can really take off Well.

01:07:32.927 --> 01:07:33.307
I love it.

01:07:33.307 --> 01:07:33.949
I'm a user.

01:07:33.949 --> 01:07:35.719
I'm a user.

01:07:35.719 --> 01:07:36.702
Sounds like they're drugs.

01:07:36.702 --> 01:07:37.574
It kind of is.

01:07:37.574 --> 01:07:39.215
I guess caffeine is technically a drug.

01:07:39.215 --> 01:07:41.797
You, yeah, I love my Nespresso.

01:07:41.797 --> 01:07:44.259
I have a Nespresso machine at home and at work.

01:07:44.918 --> 01:07:50.121
Whenever we're talking about, I mean, I still I mean, listen, I still perk the coffee for this show.

01:07:50.121 --> 01:07:53.905
I could use Nespresso, but you know, I perk it because I like perked coffee.

01:07:53.905 --> 01:07:55.164
I perk it because I like perked coffee.

01:07:55.164 --> 01:07:58.907
But there's times when I want to make a latte, I use the Nespresso machine.

01:07:58.907 --> 01:08:03.010
There's times when I want just a cup of coffee instantly, I use the machine.

01:08:03.530 --> 01:08:14.922
So it makes sense for me because it's going to come up in conversation as we're talking on the show, and if somebody mentions it I'm like oh hey, don't forget theaverageguytv slash Nespresso.

01:08:14.922 --> 01:08:17.269
And if you are interested in having an Nespresso machine, you can use that affiliate link too.

01:08:17.269 --> 01:08:25.336
Dave, it reminded me, like as I was going through these StreamYard replacements you're an Ecamm, you have an Ecamm affiliate, so I have to keep okay.

01:08:25.336 --> 01:08:32.284
Before I go sign up for the free plan, I need to make sure I'm going through Dave's affiliate link so that you get credit for that.

01:08:32.284 --> 01:08:37.270
I wouldn't have used Ecamm if we weren't using it here and I think it's important that I do that for you.

01:08:37.270 --> 01:08:42.186
So what I use just to remind everyone if I'm going to sign up for Ecamm what do I use?

01:08:42.375 --> 01:08:49.305
Right now it's askthepodcastcoachcom slash Ecamm and Ecamm is E-C-A-M-M because, mmm, it's good.

01:08:49.305 --> 01:09:04.962
I actually went over to Jeff's site in incognito because I think I'd been there once but and in incognito because I think I've been there once, but I know I've been there once before, many times before.

01:09:04.962 --> 01:09:07.650
And so when you go to Jeff's site he has a pop-up for his toolbox which then gets people on their website or on the email list.

01:09:07.650 --> 01:09:21.060
And now you know and I know, when we talk about with Amazon and again I just it's six bucks a month for GeniusLink and the fact that I can now put links in an email and not have to worry about breaking Amazon's terms or whatever.

01:09:21.060 --> 01:09:22.944
I'll pay $6 for that.

01:09:22.944 --> 01:09:32.389
And it's weird because there are times when I will go into my Amazon Associates to see like, okay, what are people buying today?

01:09:32.389 --> 01:09:38.654
And it's weird because they'll buy a Samsung Q22u and a flat screen tv and you're like, wait, what?

01:09:38.654 --> 01:09:40.457
Why did I get a 13 commission?

01:09:40.457 --> 01:09:46.109
Like, oh, they bought a 900 tv, the size of my you know house, so is that?

01:09:46.314 --> 01:09:48.220
is it a 40 48 hour cookie?

01:09:48.220 --> 01:09:49.341
Is that what it the?

01:09:49.341 --> 01:09:58.655
I thought I was reading through the terms and I think they tell you in there how long that survives past them making the initial purchase or something like that.

01:09:58.655 --> 01:09:59.417
It is a guy.

01:09:59.417 --> 01:10:00.600
Yeah, it's a good.

01:10:00.600 --> 01:10:03.927
Be careful, read the terms yeah, and about the times?

01:10:03.948 --> 01:10:04.917
you understand them.

01:10:05.279 --> 01:10:10.359
They'll change them, which is great fun and they can change them at any moment without any recourse.

01:10:10.359 --> 01:10:16.618
They can just say nope, this is the way we do it now, and you just have to say yeah remember how we used to pay you seven percent on stuff?

01:10:16.658 --> 01:10:18.863
yeah, we're gonna drop that down to four.

01:10:18.863 --> 01:10:21.306
Enjoy, yeah, there were, you know.

01:10:21.306 --> 01:10:26.283
That's why, to me, when it comes to podcast monetization, it's almost like a portfolio.

01:10:26.283 --> 01:10:28.648
You want invest them in affiliates?

01:10:28.648 --> 01:10:30.943
You want to invest some in crowdfunding?

01:10:30.943 --> 01:10:34.917
You want to do this because when one goes down, hopefully the other one will go up.

01:10:34.917 --> 01:10:37.916
Gary says I've used Dave Sweetwater link several times.

01:10:37.916 --> 01:10:38.838
Well, I appreciate that.

01:10:38.838 --> 01:10:41.645
And Gary uses something called OptinMonster.

01:10:41.645 --> 01:10:45.583
That's a pop up tool that I think I have on the School of Podcasting right now.

01:10:45.583 --> 01:10:46.846
That's a pretty cool tool.

01:10:47.614 --> 01:10:57.685
Another fun field as I go over to my NoteJoy which, again, I probably am going to eventually switch to Notion I'll have to look into that and see if they have some sort of transfer.

01:10:57.685 --> 01:10:58.868
What do I do now?

01:10:58.868 --> 01:11:01.063
This is for the new podcaster.

01:11:01.063 --> 01:11:03.074
It says hello everyone.

01:11:03.074 --> 01:11:05.684
I just finished editing the first episode of my podcast.

01:11:05.684 --> 01:11:08.622
I sent it to all my family to critique it.

01:11:08.622 --> 01:11:09.645
But then what?

01:11:09.645 --> 01:11:10.957
I want to publish it.

01:11:11.198 --> 01:11:13.365
But I'm worried I'll be shouting into the void.

01:11:13.365 --> 01:11:18.895
That seems to be.

01:11:18.895 --> 01:11:20.399
I think we should just all assume we're going to be shouting into the void.

01:11:20.399 --> 01:11:21.904
You know, it's kind of weird because people.

01:11:21.904 --> 01:11:30.180
First they worry that nobody's going to listen and then, once people start listening, they freak out because, oh my gosh, people are actually listening.

01:11:30.180 --> 01:11:31.823
It's a weird kind of transition.

01:11:31.823 --> 01:11:33.568
Does anyone else feel this way?

01:11:33.568 --> 01:11:38.326
When they first began, I don't know, I just assumed nobody was going to listen.

01:11:38.326 --> 01:11:39.247
I don't know.

01:11:39.247 --> 01:11:43.557
And if that was, I don't know that I find that scary, I just assume.

01:11:43.557 --> 01:11:43.979
I don't know.

01:11:43.979 --> 01:11:44.641
Jim, did you?

01:11:44.641 --> 01:11:46.457
I never.

01:11:46.457 --> 01:11:49.086
I just started and was like let's see what happens.

01:11:49.086 --> 01:11:51.984
And then it was like oh, holy cow, I got 20 downloads.

01:11:51.984 --> 01:11:52.716
That's you know.

01:11:53.399 --> 01:11:55.045
And in 2005, that was amazing.

01:12:00.614 --> 01:12:01.497
I studied for sure.

01:12:01.497 --> 01:12:10.966
I started as a guest host on another show and so I it wasn't my show, I didn't really worry about it, and I knew there were listeners because I had been a listener of that show and said, hey, I've got some things I want to say.

01:12:10.966 --> 01:12:12.556
If you need another voice, let me know.

01:12:12.556 --> 01:12:17.766
And so I did that show for maybe a year before I started my own and then.

01:12:17.766 --> 01:12:23.904
So I kind of had a built-in audience already, like I already knew there were going to be folks that would listen.

01:12:23.904 --> 01:12:34.601
I was listening to those listeners from the show I was currently on and I thought, oh yeah, I mean we'll create another tech show and somebody will listen to it for sure.

01:12:34.601 --> 01:12:36.787
I don't know, I've never worried about that, dave.

01:12:36.787 --> 01:12:42.435
I mean listen.

01:12:42.435 --> 01:12:45.774
Some days I think I have six listeners because I get two people to email me and you know when something breaks, the same guy lets me know every time.

01:12:45.774 --> 01:12:48.018
But somehow there's a.

01:12:48.018 --> 01:12:52.354
You know there's a couple hundred to a thousand downloads every time we put that out.

01:12:52.354 --> 01:12:53.216
I don't know.

01:12:53.216 --> 01:12:54.577
I guess I never worried about that.

01:12:54.577 --> 01:12:58.338
I just thought I'd do this and they'll come or they won't Listen.

01:12:58.378 --> 01:13:02.001
I spent some time every Thursday when I record Home Gadget Geeks.

01:13:02.001 --> 01:13:08.966
I get done and I'm like you know what that conversation was so enjoyable Jay was on last month or last week.

01:13:08.966 --> 01:13:13.969
The conversation was just so enjoyable that I do it regardless.

01:13:13.969 --> 01:13:15.449
I mean, I do this with you.

01:13:15.449 --> 01:13:23.341
We have an awesome chat room and today's show, the value, is in the chat room for sure, like there's so much good conversation going on.

01:13:25.478 --> 01:13:31.609
But I do this with you even if we started just goofing off with no listeners.

01:13:31.609 --> 01:13:36.603
We're just goofing around, so, yeah, I guess I don't worry about it too much.

01:13:36.603 --> 01:13:42.064
I hope that doesn't sound too altruistic, but that's genuinely the way I feel like it's.

01:13:42.064 --> 01:13:44.176
You know, it's like no, I'd do it regardless.

01:13:44.176 --> 01:13:50.347
Yeah, it's great that we have live folks and it's great that we have a couple hundred or whatever listen to this on the podcast side of things.

01:13:50.347 --> 01:13:51.895
But yeah, no, I just like hanging out with you.

01:13:51.895 --> 01:13:52.536
That's the.

01:13:52.536 --> 01:13:53.878
I listen, I win regardless.

01:13:53.878 --> 01:13:56.023
I get to hang out with you for an hour and a half.

01:13:56.023 --> 01:13:57.865
I mean, who else gets to do that every week?

01:13:58.287 --> 01:13:59.710
Nobody this guy does.

01:13:59.710 --> 01:14:07.103
When I listen to people, well, likewise, it's like you know, if there's nothing, I'm like if nothing else, I get to hang out with Jim Collison.

01:14:07.103 --> 01:14:28.761
And when I listen to people who are now doing this for a living the Danny Pena's, the Jordan Harbinger's they started out doing it for fun I think sometimes that added pressure of making money and, in case anyone is wondering, yes, Screaming Into the Void, many podcasts already are using that as a name I was like that sounds like a great name for a podcast and I'm like, oh, somebody beat me to it.

01:14:28.761 --> 01:14:39.287
But yeah, I really think, especially when you first start out, if you're trying to make money, that can be the thing.

01:14:39.287 --> 01:14:39.908

01:14:39.908 --> 01:14:48.161
That's the one thing that's really interesting now with PodPage, when you get the person that says, hey, I've decided I'm not going to podcast anymore, I can go over and see how many episodes they have.

01:14:48.161 --> 01:14:51.502
It's scary how many times it's six.

01:14:51.502 --> 01:14:53.681
That whole, like people don't get past.

01:14:53.681 --> 01:15:00.970
Because if you're trying to make money and grow your audience at the same time, you now have two things to be depressed about.

01:15:00.970 --> 01:15:05.569
One, my audience isn't growing as fast as I want and two, I'm not making a dime.

01:15:05.569 --> 01:15:10.884
Well, you're not making a dime because you don't have an audience yet, and so that's the one thing I kind of get worried.

01:15:10.884 --> 01:15:11.385

01:15:12.086 --> 01:15:15.661
Gary has a fun filled question here and that is.

01:15:15.661 --> 01:15:18.488
He says I thought I pinned this, maybe I didn't.

01:15:18.488 --> 01:15:20.099
He said he wanted to know.

01:15:20.099 --> 01:15:23.648
Yes, would love to know how to get listeners to leave us a review.

01:15:23.648 --> 01:15:29.145
And number one if you're using PodPage, of course you can go to your.

01:15:29.145 --> 01:15:33.503
If you go to askthepodcastcoachcom slash rate, that should in theory.

01:15:33.503 --> 01:15:49.443
I've never used this link cause I'm not a big review person, but yeah, it takes me right to a page where you can leave me a review in Apple podcast, in Spotify or in pod chaser if you want to, but you kind of have to ask.

01:15:49.443 --> 01:15:57.988
I know that sounds kind of a duh, but you could say hey, you know, I need some social proof that people are listening.

01:15:57.988 --> 01:16:04.063
Could you do me a favor and go to mywebsitecom, make an easy-to-remember link?

01:16:04.063 --> 01:16:15.515
So whatever, slash review, slash rate, whatever, I do kind of cringe when I hear people go I think there's ratethispodcastcom slash something.

01:16:15.515 --> 01:16:19.377
I'm like no, make it something you can control, because that website might go away.

01:16:19.817 --> 01:16:27.676
I hear a lot of people now talking about episodes dot FM which, if you, let's just do a live thing, we'll do it live.

01:16:27.676 --> 01:16:49.198
So if we go to episodes dot FM and then I type in, ask the podcast coach Survey says there it is, and I click on it and there are all the links I mean all the links, there's like 20 plus different ways and I'm not going to click on anything.

01:16:49.198 --> 01:16:51.484
Because if I go CastBox what's that?

01:16:51.484 --> 01:17:05.078
And I click on that, the next time I go back to this site because you have a URL at the top, it's going to think I want to listen in CastBox Because on one hand it's a feature as long as you click on the thing you wanted first.

01:17:05.078 --> 01:17:10.297
But if you're just like, wait, I've never heard of this, and then it shows your episodes and this is all RSS based, yep.

01:17:10.297 --> 01:17:11.319

01:17:11.319 --> 01:17:27.869
But to me I'm like I would love to copy these links and put them on my website I know I'm kind of weird about that or just have a link Like if you go to schoolofpodcastingcom, slash follow, that's me using Podgagement from Daniel.

01:17:29.778 --> 01:17:38.442
If you go to schoolofpodcastingcom, slash support or not support, slash subscribe, that's me using Daniel's WordPress plugin.

01:17:38.442 --> 01:17:40.657
So both of those I control.

01:17:40.657 --> 01:17:53.856
But when you send somebody off your website, you're potentially losing some SEO, because if people start sharing your follow page on your domain, you know that's more backlinks that could boost your SEO.

01:17:53.856 --> 01:17:56.541
I'm not sure by how much, but it's something to.

01:17:56.541 --> 01:17:59.646
But you know I don't do much with ratings and reviews.

01:17:59.646 --> 01:18:02.435
I get them, but, jim, any ideas on how to get people?

01:18:02.537 --> 01:18:04.701
Yeah, this gave me an idea.

01:18:04.701 --> 01:18:10.020
No, I think reviews are kind of silly, but some people find them very important.

01:18:10.020 --> 01:18:12.667
So if you're in that boat, keep asking for them.

01:18:12.667 --> 01:18:13.595
But you got to ask.

01:18:13.595 --> 01:18:14.396
You have to ask.

01:18:14.898 --> 01:18:18.182
But I kind of thought I was thinking, you know, it's been a while since I asked.

01:18:18.182 --> 01:18:19.345
I asked a while back.

01:18:19.345 --> 01:18:20.787
Hey, I'm doing some things.

01:18:20.787 --> 01:18:25.681
It'd be great, it would help me if you would put some reviews in.

01:18:25.681 --> 01:18:28.226
I put a new widget on our site.

01:18:28.226 --> 01:18:30.797
I'm just like for new people coming to the site.

01:18:30.797 --> 01:18:31.979
There'd be some social proof there.

01:18:31.979 --> 01:18:34.162
I'm bringing in your comments.

01:18:34.682 --> 01:18:38.149
But I was thinking, you know, it'd be funny for my audience.

01:18:38.149 --> 01:18:41.238
Do a review but put in a funny joke.

01:18:41.238 --> 01:18:52.324
Let's get some dad jokes going out in the reviews, because I don't really care about them for the most part, but it may be fun to get some engagement in that way and see what kind of funny jokes we could get in the reviews.

01:18:52.324 --> 01:18:54.212
Just dad jokes, just dad jokes.

01:18:54.212 --> 01:19:00.238
Okay, it's unique enough for my audience, because my audience is honestly a bunch of dads.

01:19:00.238 --> 01:19:02.663
They're just like me, they're a bunch of dads.

01:19:02.663 --> 01:19:09.967
So to say, hey, we're looking for the funniest and the most unique dad jokes, throw them in the reviews.

01:19:09.967 --> 01:19:12.726
You don't need to leave a comment about the show, let's just do that.

01:19:12.726 --> 01:19:16.180
But that may generate something I mean for you.

01:19:16.180 --> 01:19:19.146
You figure out what would motivate your listener.

01:19:19.146 --> 01:19:21.659
It'd be unique enough not just to leave a review.

01:19:21.659 --> 01:19:23.422
What could you do with those reviews?

01:19:23.422 --> 01:19:28.940
That might be fun and interesting All of a sudden if a bunch of dad jokes showed up in the review section.

01:19:29.521 --> 01:19:37.203
That may be novel enough that some people are like oh a dad joke, I got a good dad joke, I'll leave a dad joke right, and it just kind of creates again.

01:19:37.203 --> 01:19:40.167
I don't think those reviews do much, but it would be a fun.

01:19:40.167 --> 01:19:41.048
It'd be fun engagement.

01:19:41.048 --> 01:19:43.963
You can read them on the show, get some engagement that way.

01:19:43.963 --> 01:19:45.670
So I may write that down.

01:19:45.670 --> 01:19:47.775
I may try that starting next week.

01:19:47.775 --> 01:19:56.287
Say it, do it early in the show and just say hey, we're collecting dad jokes in our reviews on the various podcast platforms.

01:19:56.287 --> 01:19:57.871
Take a second when you have a moment.

01:19:57.871 --> 01:19:59.841
I want to hear what your favorite dad joke is.

01:19:59.841 --> 01:20:00.984
Throw that in the review.

01:20:00.984 --> 01:20:02.179
Don't send it to me via email.

01:20:02.179 --> 01:20:05.341
Put it in the review and I don't know, maybe that would work out.

01:20:05.341 --> 01:20:07.203
Well, you've got some super chats coming in, dave.

01:20:07.314 --> 01:20:10.104
We do have super chats coming in, holy cow.

01:20:10.295 --> 01:20:11.560
So, dr, thank you so much.

01:20:11.560 --> 01:20:12.896
Wait a minute, I remember right.

01:20:12.896 --> 01:20:14.380
Jim, I think we can make it.

01:20:14.380 --> 01:20:19.109
Rain Survey says look at that, isn't that fun.

01:20:19.109 --> 01:20:26.420
And Jeff C, thank you so much for the $20 super chat and, of course, if you're listening to this later, you can still do that.

01:20:26.420 --> 01:20:27.363
It doesn't have to be live.

01:20:27.363 --> 01:20:28.626
But thank you, folks for your support.

01:20:28.626 --> 01:20:32.421
Deeply appreciate that and I'm looking at I thought it was on.

01:20:32.621 --> 01:20:34.644
I know Daniel has a thing.

01:20:34.644 --> 01:20:42.264
If you go to podgagementcom I know he has an email Just go to podgagementcom and reach out to Daniel.

01:20:42.264 --> 01:20:44.028
Or the Audacity to Podcast.

01:20:44.028 --> 01:20:48.907
I know he has, I think, an email thing on how to get more reviews.

01:20:48.907 --> 01:20:56.288
But podgagement has the tool where you can get them from all I think it's 127, 137.

01:20:56.288 --> 01:21:05.177
It's a lot of countries which, if you ever I don't know that you could you used to be able to do that in iTunes, where you can switch the country and then look at your reviews.

01:21:05.177 --> 01:21:10.734
And I don't know in Apple podcasts if you can switch countries anymore.

01:21:10.734 --> 01:21:14.801
You could do that in iTunes, but I don't know about Apple podcasts.

01:21:14.801 --> 01:21:16.966
But holy cow, look at the time.

01:21:16.966 --> 01:21:18.748
Man, that went quick.

01:21:18.748 --> 01:21:27.380
And here's the fun thing that was fun Just hanging out talking, podcasting, answering questions.

01:21:27.579 --> 01:21:28.922
Always a good way to start the day.

01:21:28.922 --> 01:21:31.855
Thank you to all the awesome people in the chat room.

01:21:31.855 --> 01:21:33.118
It really is.

01:21:33.118 --> 01:21:36.104
To me that's half the fun.

01:21:36.104 --> 01:21:37.688
Yes, I get to hang out with Jim Cullison.

01:21:37.688 --> 01:21:39.319
I also get to hang out with.

01:21:39.319 --> 01:21:43.402
I have no idea how many people are in the chat room today, because I'm not on YouTube.

01:21:43.402 --> 01:21:45.279
I'm sure it shows it somewhere in Ecamm.

01:21:45.279 --> 01:21:48.145
I see we had 200 24?

01:21:48.686 --> 01:21:50.046
Yeah, 24 are watching live.

01:21:50.248 --> 01:21:54.337
Yeah, yeah, and I can see we had 274 comments today.

01:21:54.358 --> 01:21:55.899
Oh comments 174 comments today.

01:21:55.899 --> 01:21:57.300
Oh, comments, yeah, yeah, a lot.

01:21:57.300 --> 01:21:58.180
These guys do a great job.

01:21:58.180 --> 01:22:01.842
Listen, I learn every week from you guys as well, so I appreciate your.

01:22:01.842 --> 01:22:05.064
I mean, I'll echo what you just said, dave.

01:22:05.064 --> 01:22:14.613
It'd be fun just the two of us, but we're better when we're all together, and so pretty great that you guys have given me a lot of help and a lot of great ideas as well.

01:22:15.194 --> 01:22:17.302
Yeah, uncle Marv says we topped out at 33.

01:22:23.234 --> 01:22:24.859
So it's a magic number, you know, and so that's very cool.

01:22:24.859 --> 01:22:25.783
Jim, what's coming up on Home Gadget Geeks?

01:22:25.783 --> 01:22:30.756
Yeah, I mentioned it twice, I pimped it twice already, but Jay Franzi joins me this week for 621.

01:22:30.756 --> 01:22:33.180
We spend a little bit of time catching up with him.

01:22:33.180 --> 01:22:34.721
I do some listener emails.

01:22:34.721 --> 01:22:37.405
We spend a little time talking about crypto at the end.

01:22:37.405 --> 01:22:40.510
Don't be afraid of that, it's an easy conversation.

01:22:40.510 --> 01:22:41.110
It's super fun.

01:22:41.110 --> 01:22:45.342
If you want to check it out, it's posted today homegadgetgeekscom.

01:22:45.703 --> 01:22:47.587
There you go On the school of podcasting.

01:22:47.587 --> 01:22:58.228
Somebody asked how do I go about outsourcing my podcast and what should I outsource, and so I made a rather long list of all the things you do when you do a podcast.

01:22:58.228 --> 01:23:04.662
And spoiler alert outsource is stuff you don't like to do, but the list was kind of insane when I actually looked at it.

01:23:04.662 --> 01:23:05.564
Thanks to everyone.

01:23:05.564 --> 01:23:09.539
We will see you next week with another fun-filled episode of Ask the Podcast Coach.

01:23:09.539 --> 01:23:12.824
Thank you.