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Does Your Podcast Make You Happy?
Does Your Podcast Make You Happy?
You never know who is listening says Cale from who got a message from NASA. In this episode we also talk about: Microph…
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July 1, 2017

Does Your Podcast Make You Happy?

You never know who is listening says Cale from who got a message from NASA. In this episode we also talk about: Microphone Technique How do you gauge success if you don't count downloads and money? How do you make money with a...

You never know who is listening says Cale from who got a message from NASA.

In this episode we also talk about:

Microphone Technique

How do you gauge success if you don't count downloads and money?

How do you make money with a podcast?

FIRST, make a show that is great and obtain an audience. This may take a year or two. (depends on the content, and depends on the niche, it may not take long, but if you have 50 downloads per episode after 30 days, and you're not hyper-niche, start focusing on being GOOD instead of being rich.

It boils down to a few things

  1. Sell your stuff (if you have any)
  2. Sell other people's stuff (affiliate sales that match your audience)
  3. Donations/Patreon
  4. Advertising (automated ads pay almost nothing)
  5. Opportunities (speaking)
  6. Relationships (get to talk to people who NEVER would talk to you)
  7. Free Stuff

How do I see how many subscribers I have in iTunes?

How many people should I expect to join my Patreon?

When you just don't have time to produce a full episode, do you think its better just to skip it, or put out a "placeholder" episode?

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