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Does Lean Back Listening Work For Podcasters?
Does Lean Back Listening Work For Podcasters?
Jim has never listened to Serial? It turns out that a whole bunch of people have not heard the Serial podcast. Mike Dell from and was sayi…
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Dec. 18, 2015

Does Lean Back Listening Work For Podcasters?

Does Lean Back Listening Work For Podcasters?

Jim has never listened to Serial? It turns out that a whole bunch of people have not heard the Serial podcast. Mike Dell from and was saying he thinks they drag out the stories too long. 
Using Two Instances of Skype on the Same...

Jim has never listened to Serial? It turns out that a whole bunch of people have not heard the Serial podcast. Mike Dell from and was saying he thinks they drag out the stories too long. 

Using Two Instances of Skype on the Same machine


Live365 Live Streaming System

09:26 Live365 has partnered with Blubrry to create which is $89 a month. Dave explains how he has had a streaming station and doesn't get that much traffic. He is paying around $15 a month. 

Dave us getting around 70 listeners a month. 


It depends on what format you stream, and how many total listeners you can have at one time. So with Live365 are paying for unlimited listeners, and when you first start off you don't need it (this will obviously depend on your genre, and your audience). My peak listener number was 7 at the same time.

You can list your station in iTunes Radio, Window Media Player, TuneIn, and other sites to be in directories (just like podcast). Dave feels they may be a little early (and that they need to taylor this to podcasting). Jason Bryant said he blocked over 300 ads on their site (that's a bit crazy)

What is Going to be the Big Thing In 2016 For Podcasters?

20:19 There are tons of people creating custom players for podcasters. Clammr has already stepped up their game. Bookmarks are pretty cool. Do players add to downloads? Probably not but they add to the experience. Dave uses Simple Podcast Press on this site. It would be nice if there was a player or app that made it easy to "take notes" in the app

There may be a bit of a divide between the NPR type podcasts because they are getting all the press because they have friends on the press. There may be a bit of divide between pro and amateur podcasters

How Do Get Money and Conversions with Podcasting?

26:50 CPM (pay per thousand downloads) is a horrible way to monetize a podcast. Dave explains to an "Internet Marketer" the ins and outs of podcasting and how it is a "Value for Value" model. You need to develop a relationship with your audience. 

It takes time to develop a relationship (just like you do with your friends). Any sales is all about relationships. 

I interview Glenn the Geek on the School of Podcasting who is making a living using Sponsors without selling CPM. Hear that episode here.

Directories Vs Apps Sticher/Spreaker/iTunes Confusion

33:25 Dave and Jim help explain the differences between these tools, and the difference between media hosting, directories, and "podcatching" apps. In some cases (Spreaker) a directory is also a host. 

Do I Need and Expensive Microphone?

37:40 No, you can get the Audio Technica 2100 for around $50, or package it with a pop filter and stand for around $100 a (Dave's Amazon Site)

Some microphone's don't work for everyone. It depends on the timbre of your voice. 

My Laptop Does Not Have a Line Out/Line In - Mix Minus Issue

44:18 Dave uses the Griffin imic to add a soundcard that has a line in and out. 

Using Chrome Book To Podcast: What Kind of Computer Do I Need

46:35 It would depend the application you would be using the record. 

Should Non-Tech People Be Podcasting?

53:00 This is a great question. If they are afraid of technology and don't want to learn, then they need to outsource the technology end. This is not their strength, and unless they are willing to wade through the learning curve, then they should hand it off. If they don't have the budget to hand it off, then they need to learn how to do it on their own. 

Blab Community Tired of Podcasters Complaining About Audio Quality

56:55 It seems users are tired of hearing podcasters talk about the importance of getting a good microphone. 

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