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Defining Boring
Defining Boring
I always say that an episode should make you laugh, cry, think, groan, educate, or entertain. If it doesn't - t's boring. Is this too harsh…
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May 22, 2022

Defining Boring

Defining Boring

I always say that an episode should make you laugh, cry, think, groan, educate, or entertain. If it doesn't - t's boring. Is this too harsh? SPONSOR: If you need podcast artwork, logos, or a full website (or a branding audit) reach...

I always say that an episode should make you laugh, cry, think, groan, educate, or entertain. If it doesn't - t's boring. Is this too harsh?

If you need podcast artwork, logos, or a full website (or a branding audit) reach out to Mark at not only is Mark an award-winning graphic artist, he is also a podcaster.  He has made the artwork for my last few shows. 

Mugshot: Based On a True Story Podcast
Ever watch a movie that is based on a true story and wonder how much of the movie is true, Go to and listen as they compare holly wood to history.

MVP: Dog Podcast Network
In a dog eat dog world . . . we’ve got you covered. Dog Podcast Network (DPN) is your premiere source for unique content related to our love of dogs. Check out

Mentioned In This Episode


The Wealth of Connection: A New Approach to Making Business Personal

Find Your Red Thread: Make Your Big Ideas Irresistible

Rodecaster Pro I

Balancing the Christian Life episode 100

Dan Miller Mastermind Course

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School of Podcasting Use the Coupon Code "coach"


00:03:19 The Wealth of Connection
00:06:02 Is My Boring Criteria Too Harsh?
00:14:36 Mastermind
00:21:04 Getting Feedback From Dave
00:21:41 Rodecaster Pro II Leaked
00:32:17 Awesome Supporters
00:33:33 If We are Safe Are We Boring?
00:38:36 Why Don't We Curse?
00:49:17 Do you create a new podcast or add it to the current one?
00:54:22 Podcast Trailer Show Trailer
00:55:15 Bad Trailer Habits
01:01:44 How Long Do You Give a Podcast To Find It's Legs?
01:07:41 Jim is battling an Internet issue today
01:09:49 Apple News
01:14:58 Podping? and Podcasting 2.0 Value
01:22:30 Paula Joins
01:25:13 Quick Review of Website

Every week Dave Jackson from the School of Podcasting and Jim Collison from the Average Guy Network answer your podcast questions.
This episode 392 is part of the Power of Podcasting Network


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