Auphonic Phone Only Test - Podcast Movement Conference

Feedback on New Mixlr Interface [2:20] We talk about a beta version of the new Mixlr site. We use that interface at
Live Sound Test - Autonomic [4:30]
Dave plays two sound tests for Jim to hear. One uses Dave's phone, and the other uses his phone...
Feedback on New Mixlr Interface [2:20] We talk about a beta version of the new Mixlr site. We use that interface at
Live Sound Test - Autonomic [4:30]
Dave plays two sound tests for Jim to hear. One uses Dave's phone, and the other uses his phone (and iPhone 5) with the headset. The headset was slightly more "trebly". Dave was playing with the Auphonic smart phone app. This goes through Auphoinic that can level sounds, remove hiss, and more. It is also available on the Android. It then can be programmed to upload it automatically to,, Amazon S3, Dropbox (FTP, etc). It's pretty cool. You can add your meta data (ID3 tags) to your file right on your phone. There is a desktop app for the mac which speeds up the process (instead of being web based).
Podertainment Magazine
Podertainment will be a digital magazine in the iTunes newstand featuring articles by podcasters for podcasters. Currently we are waiting for Apple to approve the app.
Was It Simpler Today than it Was Three Years Ago?[15:28]
Yes. With great tools like the Audio Technica 2100 its super easy to get great audio quality. Expectations have changed. You can't just put crap out there and get people to listen. There is more competition. Dave mentions how when he first started he would record as an mp3, and edit, and edit and edit and the file would sound awful. (You want to record as a WAV file or AIFF) then mix down to mp3 when all the editing is done. The mixlr issue we are having is we get some clicking in the one channel. this has to do with the griffin imic usb device.
Updates From Rich and His Private Podcast [24:35]
Rich was able to get icatcher app that allows people to login and get his private podcast that he created using sharepoint. One thing you can do when you get a very long RSS feed location is put it through a URL shortener like pretty link lite for Wordpress.
Spreaker Going to Non Flash Based Interface [31:00] is going to a non flash based
Podcasting with Family - Working with Co-Host[32:49]
Kenn Blanchard wants to podcast with his son. Needs a quick simple mixer. Check out the Behringer Mixer XENYX 802. It simple and would work great for taking two microphones and getting them into your computer. You would also need an RCA to 1/8" cable Be sure to determine who owns the show, and who is doing what on the show. Dave got in a sticky situation with his wife when we wanted to bring in additional people to work on "their" show. Technically it was "Dave's show." If you want to hear that show, it's the Podcast Review Show.
Things to Think About with a Private Business Podcast [42;30]
If you are worried about a new "ex-employee" can still access the content - they can't. When you disable their login, you disable their access. The employees were thinking it was going to be "corporate", so making it too polished may work against the employees embracing the content. Nobody likes to be "sold to."
Uberconference Drops Calls Too![45:45]
This is our second service we are using to have calls come in live, and this service also is dropping people.
Podcast Movement [48:14]
A new podcast event that is PODCAST ONLY will be held in Texas in August. For details go to Dave will be speaking there, but hasn't picked his topic. Kathy from would like to hear things on content. There will NOT be loud parties for "networking." You can hear an interview with some of the organizers at You can always check sites like for local items.
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