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Are You Missing Out? - Changing Feed Locations
Are You Missing Out? - Changing Feed Locations
Call in your question for the show at 888-563-3228 1:20 I had a client pose an interesting question to me today: Is there a way to turn off…
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Sept. 2, 2016

Are You Missing Out? - Changing Feed Locations

Are You Missing Out? - Changing Feed Locations

Call in your question for the show at 888-563-3228 1:20 I had a client pose an interesting question to me today: Is there a way to turn off comments/ratings for their podcast on iTunes/Google Play etc? I've never had anyone ask me to do that for...

Call in your question for the show at 888-563-3228

1:20 I had a client pose an interesting question to me today: Is there a way to turn off comments/ratings for their podcast on iTunes/Google Play etc? I've never had anyone ask me to do that for their yet to launch show. Has anyone else had a similar experience? -Jennifer Navarrete

It's great to want to get things right, but sometimes people over think things.

FOMO. Fear of missing out. 

3:50 Can you be too laid back in podcasting?

7:40 Shutting Down a Podcast - The Real Brian, Dan Patrick, and Pivoting.

11:00 Dave is shutting down the Clammrcast

13:50 Personality is a part of podcasting

15:05 Confusing People make make them listen but not forever (What is Tori Amos talking about???)

17:00 Podcast Review Show Where We Were Lost in Jargon

19:30 Jim's Because of my podcast" story he won an award at Work

22:50 The people who are good make it look easy Valerie Geller. (Beyond Powerful Radio) Valerie's "Never Boring"

Talent Multiplied by Effort is Jim's equation for success

30:24  I think I did this once before when I changed services but I really don't remember how I did it. I currently use Spreaker to host. I'm planning to move my files this weekend to Archive and create an RSS feed through feedburner from a wordpress blog. My question is how do I get iTunes to change the RSS feed that they currently have to the new one so that I don't lose any subscribers? I know that Stitcher was very easy before because I just sent them an email and they did it with no problem but iTunes support is always hard to deal with. -Shawn Wray is not meant to be an active media host and feedburner stalls every now and then. 

33:50 Mike Dell from on 301 redirect is the best way to move your file. 

38:30  What do you define as "Podcast Success" 

Mentioned "Congrats on not making the list"

41:40 Cale Nelson started a podcast with his 8 year old son

44:40 Multiple Mic setup. Do I need a mixer?

48:50 Sound Baffles  Daniel J. Lewis spoke about these on his episode

50:30 Podcast Stats From Blubrry and Podcast Players

Mentioned:  Simple Podcast Press

56:30 Outro Songs (full) make Dave skip forward.


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