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June 2, 2024

The Power of Starting With the End in Mind

The Power of Starting With the End in Mind

You jump into podcasting. You're excited to get going. I helped some folks this week that hadn't thought things through which reminded me that we need to start with the end in mind, and then work backward. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from...

You jump into podcasting. You're excited to get going. I helped some folks this week that hadn't thought things through which reminded me that we need to start with the end in mind, and then work backward.

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.


If you need podcast artwork, lead magnets or a full website, has you covered. Mark is a podcaster in addition to being an award-winning artist. He designed the cover art for the School of Podcasting, Podcast Rodeo Show, and Ask the Podcast Coach. Find Mark at

Mugshot: Based on a True Story Podcast

Ever wonder how many of those "Based on a true story" movies are real? Find out at

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Mentioned In This Episode


Max at Aviation News Talk 

Seven Habits of Highly Effective People Book 

Buy Me a Coffee 


Home Gadget Geeks 

The School of Podcasting 

Become an Awesome Supporter 

How to Ask For Advice Jordan Harbinger 

Podshow London Discussed (Spotify's Booth) 

Chapter Markers:

00:00:00 - Introduction and Greetings 
00:00:39 - Credit Card Expiry Woes
00:01:01 - Coffee Subscriptions and Branding
00:01:17 - Podcast Branding and Sponsorships
00:02:48 - Movie Reviews and Historical Accuracy
00:04:43 - Coaching and Consulting Insights
00:06:59 - Starting a Podcast: Essential Tips
00:16:49 - Building and Managing Communities
00:20:14 - Newsletter and Domain Management
00:27:04 - Challenges of Online Communities
00:33:57 - Listener Feedback and Community Vibes
00:34:50 - Publishing a Route 66 Book
00:35:57 - Self-Publishing Tips and Challenges
00:39:02 - ChatGPT and AI Tools for Content Creation
00:43:05 - Eye Contact and Presentation Techniques
00:49:14 - Spotify's Walled Garden at Podcast Show
00:57:32 - YouTube Strategies: Like and Subscribe Debate
01:04:40 - Rich Hay's Journey at Microsoft
01:05:27 - The Demands of Community Management
01:06:05 - Balancing Personal Projects and Work
01:07:54 - Podcasting Breaks and Returns
01:08:53 - Consistency in Podcasting
01:12:27 - Monetizing and Rebranding Podcasts
01:17:16 - Crypto and Digital Payments in Podcasting
01:29:58 - Upcoming Episodes and Final Thoughts

Every week Dave Jackson from the School of Podcasting and Jim Collison from the Average Guy Network answer your podcast questions.
This episode 485 is part of the Power of Podcasting Network


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Podchaser - Ask the Podcast Coach



00:00 - Introduction and Greetings

00:39 - Credit Card Expiry Woes

01:01 - Coffee Subscriptions and Branding

01:17 - Podcast Branding and Sponsorships

02:48 - Movie Reviews and Historical Accuracy

04:43 - Coaching and Consulting Insights

06:59 - Starting a Podcast: Essential Tips

16:49 - Building and Managing Communities

20:14 - Newsletter and Domain Management

27:04 - Challenges of Online Communities

33:57 - Listener Feedback and Community Vibes

34:50 - Publishing a Route 66 Book

35:57 - Self-Publishing Tips and Challenges

39:02 - ChatGPT and AI Tools for Content Creation

43:05 - Eye Contact and Presentation Techniques

49:14 - Spotify's Walled Garden at Podcast Show

57:32 - YouTube Strategies: Like and Subscribe Debate

01:04:40 - Rich Hay's Journey at Microsoft

01:05:27 - The Demands of Community Management

01:06:05 - Balancing Personal Projects and Work

01:07:54 - Podcasting Breaks and Returns

01:08:53 - Consistency in Podcasting

01:12:27 - Monetizing and Rebranding Podcasts

01:17:16 - Crypto and Digital Payments in Podcasting

01:29:58 - Upcoming Episodes and Final Thoughts


This is an unedited transcript from Castmagic

Dave Jackson:
Ask the podcast coach for June 1st. June, are you crazy? June 1, 2024. Let's get ready to podcast. There it is. It's that music that means it's Saturday morning. It's time for ask the podcast coach, where you get your podcast questions answered live. I'm Dave Jackson from the school of, and joining me right over there is the one and only Jim Jim, how's it going, buddy?

Jim Collison:
Greetings, Dave. Happy Saturday morning to you. Happy 1st June. I don't think that's a holiday or anything, but it's always good to be on Ask the Podcast Coach.

Dave Jackson:
Yeah. The other fun thing was my latest credit card expires at the end of this month, and I woke up to 8,000,000 emails of companies going, you need to update your credit card before it expires. And I was like, well, I guess that's a good thing. So because that's always a bummer when, you know, all the stuff you pay for, you know, no you no longer have access to.

Jim Collison:
Yes. Stops. Yeah. Stops working.

Dave Jackson:
So if I had a subscription to coffee, I would definitely wanna update my, my credit card.

Jim Collison:
Yeah. You definitely would.

Dave Jackson:
You can't survive without, no.

Jim Collison:
And you can't have subscriptions to coffee these days. That's the crazy thing.

Dave Jackson:
You can have So

Jim Collison:
let's pour this. Yes. Let's pour this thing.

Dave Jackson:
And, of course, that coffee pour is brought to you by our good friend, Mark, over at If, you wanna look good, there's really just one place to go, and that is You're looking at the screen. You're seeing Ask the Podcast Coach School of Podcasting and Podcast Rodeo Show. But wait, there's more. That's right. Your podcast website and the new podcast hot seat, which is now up at, are all done by Mark. And if you're thinking, hey.

Dave Jackson:
I bet Dave didn't have to pay for any of those. No. No. I paid for every single one. I don't know if I paid for the school of podcasting. Like, Like, I don't have to fiddle around and every time I look at my logo or upload it someplace, I'm like, man, I'm so glad this guy just makes great looking artwork. So he's so different than somebody on, say, Fiverr because number 1, he's an award winning podcaster, and he's got the marketing brain. Tell him about your show, and he'll come up with something that fits your show.

Dave Jackson:
And I'm not done, so forget the cappuccino lady. I'm not I'm not done talking about my buddy, Mark, and, plus, I have more slides today, so I was playing with

Jim Collison:
this. Lady?

Dave Jackson:
No. That's a dude.

Jim Collison:
Okay. Alright.

Dave Jackson:
But, anyway yeah. So go over to podcast branding dotco. Because remember, they're gonna see you before they hear you. So with that, we do have another fun, this is the mugshot if I remember right. In fact, let me get you over to Jim.

Jim Collison:
Look at that. Because, Big thanks to my good friend, Dan Lefebvre, over there based on a true story. Based on a a true also sponsored this nice mug. And if you head over there, Midway is the movie they're looking at and the latest on the podcast. The 19, the 2019 version, a very, if you're into the war movies, World War II movies, that was a very interesting take on the Battle of Midway. And the cinematography and the CGI is amazing in that movie. I just, I watch clips of it on YouTube all the time. But check it out.

Jim Collison:
Based on TrueStory, they're talking about Midway. Dan, as always, thank you for your sponsorship.

Dave Jackson:
Yeah. I love his, 2 truths and a lie thing that he does at the beginning of the show. And I love that he had a guy on talking about Napoleon. And they're like, so how accurate was the movie? And the guy went d minus, like d, maybe something like that. It wasn't, apparently, a little, well, the problem is you're trying to you know, anytime you have any subject of anything and you have a ton to cover and you decide, okay. We're going to cover this in 90 minutes when we really need maybe 2 hours and 10 Yeah. It it gets a little little crazy. So you gotta cut stuff.

Dave Jackson:

Jim Collison:
in 90 minutes is a little it's a little hard, especially for a guy like Napoleon, right? You know, as famous as he was. There's a, there's a really interesting clip in there where he's up on a hill and they're hiding, and the enemy comes in and they start shooting and they move him over. The lake is frozen. And so they basically chase them out onto the lake and then just bomb the lake and everybody falls, everybody falls in. The, the cinematography on that one is also incredible. Like that, it's just really, really well done. So on that movie too, the newest Napoleon, whether you agree with it or it's accurate or not, it's actually a really spectacular I think some of the, some of the, the cinematography was done really, really well.

Dave Jackson:
Nice. Well, Jim, I was do I was doing some consulting this week, and I thought you being a, you know, person that works with coaches, I'm like, this would be a fun way to open it up because if you've never read the back the book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, it's worth the reads by Stephen Covey. And I know they just came out with some sort of, like, 30 year edition or 40 or something. It's been around forever.

Jim Collison:
And Been a while. I read that when I was young.

Dave Jackson:
Yeah. I read it when I was, I think 20. I just remember like, oh, this is gold. But number 2 is start with the end in mind because I was doing some coaching this week and I'm not throwing people under the bus, but it was just one of the things I love about this show, about hanging out in Facebook groups is Jim, how long have you been doing this? You've been doing this over a decade. Right?

Jim Collison:
Oh, yeah. Yeah. 12, mate. 13? I think Home Gadget Geeks is 13 years old.

Dave Jackson:
Yeah. So I love seeing the when I see somebody who's brand new, and I'm like, oh, man. It's been a long time since I was this person. And so this person jumped in, and it was just like, wait a minute. They they hadn't answered a lot of questions. So if I'm a coach and I want people to hire me as a coach and I wanna do a podcast, number the number 2 habit is start with the end in mind. So that's the end. I wanna be hired as a coach.

Dave Jackson:
So what do I need to do that? I just the basics. Right? What would you suggest?

Jim Collison:
Well, I, we tell, I get this question all the time in my space. You know, what do I do? And I say, well, I, you know, this is like any small business that you start. It's like, you know, if you opened a hot dog stand, Okay, you gotta, what's, where's the location? Is there a need for it? Are you, what are you good at? And this is from a strengths based perspective, like, what are you good at and what are you not good at? And what you're good at, you should do and what you're not good at, you should get some help with. Hire it. Find, you know, find somebody, some of those kinds of things. Anyway, so we, we're, we're constantly thinking, you know, I always kind of think through, I think some folks in that realm think it just happens. And it's like any job. You've got to, you gotta kind of work it like a small business, you know, passive capital.

Dave Jackson:
Well, like, so, like, one thing was I I asked him and and I'm like, so because he also has had a book. He's like, well, it's not really so much about selling the book as hiring me as a coach. And I go, great. And I go, do you have a website? And he said, no. And then later, it turned out he has a domain that he pointed at a landing page. I'm like, okay. Good. You have a domain.

Dave Jackson:
That's good to go. And but then it was like, do you have any kind of, like, scheduling tool? I go, I use TidyCal. I go, I I for a while there, I wasn't recommending it, but they fixed all their bugs. It's a one time fee of $39. And I go, because you're gonna need a way for people to schedule you and to have them pay for it. And he was like, oh, and he hadn't really thought about that. And I was like, okay. Well, that's something you're gonna need whatever if it's acuity scheduling or calendar year.

Dave Jackson:
I'm like, you're gonna need a way for people to schedule your time and for a way to pay for. And he he had something where he could accept payments. It might have been PayPal or something like that. And I'm like, but, you know, there's gonna be that. And I go, now do you actually have, like, a website? Nope. Just a domain that points at a landing page. And I go, well, if you're gonna do a podcast, I go, you kinda need a website. And I go, you want, in fact, Tim said earlier, he said, hey, I've been bingeing my new show, your podcast website.

Dave Jackson:
And I go, you kinda need one of these because, you know, if you tell people how to hire you, you know, it can't be, oh, hold on. I'll, you know, let's get on a phone call or whatever. I go, you know, your website works 247. So and so I'd explain to him that I I think it's a great idea to put the episodes on there, you know, things like that. So are is there anything you see people kinda getting stuck on or they skip or they go, oh, I've totally forgot about that?

Jim Collison:
I think finding the need in the in the marketplace and then gravitating towards it. I think sometimes I mean, listen, we talk about finding our passion and doing, you know, and working and those things we love the most. But there's got to be opportunity in some of these things. And I find individuals who look for, find a need, things people actually need or need help with,

Dave Jackson:
need work.

Jim Collison:
I mean, think, think of Gordon. Right? I mean, how, in the space and in our bubble and I don't know what's like outside our bubble, because I'm not there but in our bubble, you know, when people think of the legal stuff, they go, Oh, it's Gordon. You know, he filled a need.

Dave Jackson:
He was,

Jim Collison:
Right? And one of those like, Oh, yeah, this legal stuff is hard. I need to be there to help people to do that. And I think sometimes we don't, we try to solve problems that don't exist. You know? And you're like, nobody really needs that, to be honest. Right? You know?

Dave Jackson:
I watched the, there was a WeWork kind of a not so much a documentary, although I'm sure there's documentaries on them, but it was kind of a it was a Netflix series kind of like how it came about and how this guy was a little bit on the the crazy side and doing all sorts of stuff. And somewhere in there, somebody said, yeah. But WeWork is a solution to a to a problem that nobody's really identified yet. You know, everybody, you know, I get it that I guess if you wanna hang out with other people while you work, but, you know, that's any time I say if you want to monetize your show, that's the goal. You got to solve a problem. It's now even if it's like premium content, well, that premium content should solve a problem. Now the problem might be I've had a long day at work and I wanna laugh. Right? So it doesn't always have to be how to stuff, but it's it's one of those things that he kind of, if that's the goal, you have to somehow solve a problem.

Dave Jackson:
Coach Dave is going crazy in the chat room here. He says, for businesses, it's a 2 parter. I generally accepted that the product service is only what sits above the waterline. You need to do the following, a mission, cash flow, resource management, marketing and communications, operation, legal compliance, product service, a team, and a leadership of 8 elements. So, yeah, it's one of those things where especially as you get bigger and bigger. But I just like, we never even talked about microphones or, you know, what he was gonna do. It was all like we'd he he just kinda jumped in. I wanna do a podcast.

Dave Jackson:
He's kind of a a dating slash, I guess, life coach. That's such a wide thing. But and he'd been doing it a while, so he had experience and stuff. And and I just explained to him. I go, well and we just talked about things like, well, what are you going to how are you gonna end your show? Because he was like, well, how do I start my show? And I go, well, here's a template. It you don't have to stick to this, but it's a great place to start. Welcome to the blah blah show where we blank so you can blank and I go, you can even add in there. Welcome to the blah blah show where people like this trying to do this, we help them do this so blank.

Dave Jackson:
You know? So if it's if it's, you know, welcome to the fat 50 and frisky show where we help men in their fifties regain their, you know, youthful appearance and, you know, yeah, etcetera, etcetera. Exactly. So it was just interesting because he had in one hand, kudos to this person for just saying, hey, I'm gonna start a podcast. I really don't know what I'm doing, which is why I got some coaching. But it was just in a way kind of fun that, like, okay. I got into this. I have no idea what I'm doing. And I was like, oh, and I'm like, well, hold on.

Dave Jackson:
And we did the whole why are you doing it? Who's it for when they overlap? That's your what kind of thing. But I just thought it was fun that that he had just jumped in. I was like, well, again, you have to know how am I going to measure the success of this? It's not always downloads. And in his case, he wanted people to hire him. And I'm like, okay. Well, we gotta have a way for people to hire you and things like that. So Mhmm. But that was, it's always fun starting at the very beginning and going, oh, I remember I remember this.

Dave Jackson:
When you're when you go, oh, I I didn't realize that, You know? If like, I've had people at Libsyn where they don't realize if they quit paying Libsyn, you know, a place that hosts your files. And if you don't pay us, we're not gonna host your files. And then your your podcast goes dead, and you get removed from all the apps and things like that. And like, yeah, it didn't didn't really think that went through. So In

Jim Collison:
in our space, in our in our coaching space, we we identify coaching and consulting as 2 different activities, too. And not that it matters. Like, again, this is the, this kind of, it goes back to some, you know, there's a little bit of wordsmithing in this. But I think sometimes we mistake coaching for consulting or vice versa. Lots of times, coaching is like, is a lot about asking questions and guiding someone to their own, through their own journey to kind of answer their own questions, but to work with them to pull out and, and, and help them with lots of introspection and lots of, lots of questions, right? Not a lot, not a lot of answers. In our world, the coach is more about questions and listening, and then they are about answers. Oftentimes, though, we see sometimes on the consulting side is giving answers. Like, What microphone should I use? The answer is consulting.

Jim Collison:
That's a consulting answer. I think you should use this one and avoid these. Right? And again, I don't, I don't think in a lot of cases it matters what we call it, or even if we know we're doing 1 or the other. In my world, we spend a lot of time talking about the difference between the 2. But in, in a lot of cases, I'm not sure it really, and maybe even in, in that world, I don't know if saying, Oh, no, no, that's the, you're not a coach you're a consultant. Or the other way. I don't know if that matters. But that is, there is some differentiation between thinking you know, when you think about a sports coach, they're telling their players what to do.

Jim Collison:
Right? There's, there's no, there's no question. I don't know, what do you, what play do you think we should have run that, you know, or, right, the, it's, it's the, on the performance side of things or in the sporting side of things that takes but definitely in the business world today, in the business environment, we're seeing more coaching being more of a guiding exercise and consulting being a more telling exercise. And I think in, if you're going to do this, if you're going to be in this space and maybe this is what I'm getting to a good question to ask someone is, as you start the engagement, Are you looking for me to tell you what to do? Or are you looking at, for me to help you, help guide you through the process? Right. And so that, that may be a good question to start with. Because some individuals will say, You know what, I'm just paying you to just tell me what to do. I don't, don't ask me questions. That's why I hired you. Well, they hired a consultant in that case, right? Some, some folks just want to, you know, and I think, you know, as, as we think about Mark, as he's working through your logo stuff, he's asking you questions.

Jim Collison:
He's like, What do you think about that? And what about this? And what are you trying to do with this? And what are you trying to do with that? So I don't know what that long diatribe was all for, but that, those are

Dave Jackson:
No, that's that's helpful though.

Jim Collison:
Coaching and consulting.

Dave Jackson:
Because I've I've had people that have hired me to be a coach, and they're like, just tell me what to do. Like, yeah, I'm gonna do interviews. They're gonna be online. What's the best mic? What's the best service? Blah blah blah. Just tell me what to do. Now here's the other another fun question here that the chat room has, has brought up, and that is Jeff says, so what about community? Do you start a podcast around a community and create a podcast? Or wait. Do you do you start a podcast around a community, or do you create a podcast to then start a community? And Todd the Gator is say, hey. That's what I did for his Guardian Downcast.

Dave Jackson:
He says I was part of a community, and I'm it made it bigger. So and I'm sitting here thinking I'm clicking these on the screen, and instead, I'm unstarring them, which doesn't do a thing. It's well done.

Jim Collison:
You know what? Some you want some consulting around that?

Dave Jackson:
Yeah. That's it. Yes. But, basically, coach Dave says it's depend it depends on top for for seasoning. He says perspective matters. 1 may start with a community. He says, I built my youth sports show after I had a large and local state wide community. But I know ask Ralph.

Dave Jackson:
He's often in the chat room as he just started a community and he's already got, like, a 100 people in it. So it's it is I think it's a depends because if you're on episode 2 and you're getting, you know, 27 downloads an episode, when you start a community and there's just nothing there but tumbleweeds, that could be a little tough. But on the other hand, you could smother the people that show up and say, what did you think of that? And and, you know, go from there. But but what's a good I I know at some point, it's it's a great idea to have a community. My community is in a couple of different places. I have the school of podcasting 1. I use my newsletter as a community where I'll be like, I'm thinking of doing this. What do you think? Or what are you struggling with? Or things like that.

Dave Jackson:
So it's it's kinda tricky, but I I think a community I just interviewed Mark Lawley from the Practical Prepping Show, and he's got, like, since January, he's, like, 14,000 people in this community. And so now he's got some people that are moderators. He basically has the rules, like, don't do this. We don't talk politics, don't call names. And if he has like a one strike rule, like you break the rule, you're out. That's it. We got 13,999 people in here. Like just don't, you know, don't be an idiot.

Dave Jackson:
And so I think a community can help. But it is one of those things where much like a Patreon or some sort of crowdfunding, you can't just set it up and go, Hey, we have we have a Facebook group. We we set up something on heartbeat. You've got to kind of prime the pump and get people talking to each other. I interviewed a guy. I'll put a link in the show notes on the School of Podcasting. Like, a great strategy for communities is if somebody asks you a question, say, oh, it's a great question. Could you do me a favor? Can you put that in the community? And then let them ask it, And then you answer it there for everyone to see.

Dave Jackson:
And then people can chime in and kind of go in on that. And then what happens is he's and I've seen this happen where if you start to do that, you'll say, hey, can you put this question in the in the community? Well, the 3rd time they asked that, they just put the question in the community. And then before you even know it's there, the community started to answer the question before you even know about it. Then at that point, that's really what you wanna do. Jeff says, hey, how do I get on that newsletter? If you go to there's 2 ways. There's podcasting because that's the name of the newsletter or if you go to school of, the, yeah, podcasting is is I believe that's still working. Let Let me know if it's not. It might be one of those weird things where I am horrible at domains where I I need to I know it's a thing where you redirect the thing of the thing of the IP DNS thing.

Dave Jackson:
But most of my domains, you have to put www in, which I know makes me sound like I'm 4000 years old. You know? But I I know some domains you don't have to. It'll just go there. Most of mine you do. So I need to take a domain class on what little extra step I have to do to, to do that because I think that might be one where you have to go to. You can try podcasting That's my Substack newsletter, which I'll be putting out later today. And then, if if that doesn't work, go to www podcasting observations.

Dave Jackson:
Or you can go to school of where you can have your choice. You have my daily podcast tips, which I'll give you right now about 90 days of daily stuff. And then, there's one at the bottom that'll get you to podcasting observations. So Todd DeGator, he says community is awesome. I can get ideas for shows, make great relationships, collaborate with other podcasts in the niche. And just I just had a live show last night talking with my Discord. Yeah. It's I know Mark with his practical prepping, and I'm sure Ralph is doing this with his ask

Dave Jackson:
You you can also then get feedback on an episode. And so what Mark was saying is he has people because it's a Facebook group that are typing and prepping or whatever, and they're finding his group. And then somebody will say that was a, a really good episode. And then the people that have no idea what they're talking about are like, what are you talking about? Where's the podcast? So it is leading more people to his, thing. There we go. I knew Randy would know. Randy's a, he's a big IT guy. Dave needs c name records to redirect www to the at symbol on the domain.

Dave Jackson:
And it was something simple.

Jim Collison:
Your domain, that'll be in your domain registrar Yeah. Site.

Dave Jackson:
Yeah. So and then, coach Dave says, yeah. What what Dave said? I knew it was something stupid. It was just like something I haven't done yet. So that's always fun.

Jim Collison:
Generally set up for you. That's kinda I think, like, I use hover, and I think they do that automatically.

Dave Jackson:
So You would think. I just I know anytime I do stuff with domains, like I was playing with speaking of newsletters, mailer lite because I had a member of the school of podcasting because I recommend either MailerLite or ConvertKit and MailerLite. Here's the good news. They're really really really focused on making sure your email gets delivered and so you have to do the hokey pokey with the c name in your domain thing and they even had a video like here's how to do it in GoDaddy and GoDaddy went to the Descript school of interfaces, meaning that every time I log into GoDaddy, it's a little different. And so as you might imagine, their GoDaddy video instructional thing on here's how you can set up GoDaddy to put the stuff we need in at Miller Lite to verify that you're you and that whole 9 yards. And that was out of date. And that's when he went, and so I said here, ConvertKit has a free version as well. You can try this.

Dave Jackson:
And ConvertKit has a bit of a learning curve. They do some some really cool stuff, but that was that was one where I was like, you know, there are times when I really hate domains because that was another one where the school of podcasting I'm using, I believe it's just to handle my email. And And I think in the process of setting that up, I now don't have all the controls in GoDaddy again. Domains that's that's my Achilles heel. That's something when we get, you know, deeper than 3 inches in in domains, I'm like, okay. Hold on. I gotta go to, tech support or something like that. Speaking of routes

Jim Collison:
I threw in the direct link, right, to your Substack? Jackson. Is that that they can register there too. Right? That's just a redirect for that? So I threw that in chat if you wanna get signed up for Dave's newsletter.

Dave Jackson:
Yeah. And all the newsletter is, it's it's like the last one. I think I went crazy. I had 3 paragraphs about, hey. I always talk about laugh, cry, think, grown, educator, entertain, and I was talking about how I was watching young Sheldon. Well, young Sheldon is based in the the eighties slash maybe yeah. Pretty much eighties. Eighties.

Dave Jackson:
And he's watching these really old video games. And the fact that people are talking on a phone or on a wall and all this other, you know, they're listening to Walkman's. And I go, this this show makes me really feel things. And I said, so maybe that's another thing we should look at. Laugh, cry, think, grown, educate, entertain, but also how are we making people feel? And so that took me 3 paragraphs to to do that. And then it's just, here's all the episodes I did since last time. Here's what caught my eye and here's what's coming in the future. And I've had people when I put it out, I was like, this is not a newsletter.

Dave Jackson:
This is a paragraph and a half. And I've had people say, I really like your newsletter because I can read it in about 3 minutes. I'm like, okay. And then when I checked my stats last month on, some of my stuff, 30% of my traffic is coming from my newsletter. Like, some of my my more obscure stuff, like podcast and things like that. I was driving people to that, and then Jim was gone. Okay. So let me see if, yeah, he's just gone.

Dave Jackson:
I went to put him back and he's not here. Well, that's always fun. But yeah, so I was just using that, and that's what I've been doing with the newsletter. That's it doesn't have to be war and peace. But what I love about it is it a lot. It's another place where you can ask people without putting out a podcast that, hey, what do you think of this idea? And so I got some, I got some great ideas from from Ralph from ask about the new podcast hot seat, but I threw some of those idea by my newsletter. And so it's just a fun way, and he's back. Okay.

Dave Jackson:
So let's, we'll hop in.

Jim Collison:
I just didn't agree with what you were saying.

Dave Jackson:
Peace out. I'm out of here, man. Forget you. Yeah. So that's what I use the newsletter for. So any kind of community, anything you can do to, you know, have a better interaction with your audience is always a good thing.

Jim Collison:
Yeah, we I have a 1,000 of those, that community they're not all in my community, but at work, a 1,000 are showing up this weekend to be a part of this conference that I'm doing for work. And it's a listen, community, community can be challenging too. If you build it, they will complain. So, you know, you're, you're gonna get a lot of that. I, it's such a good and a bad thing all at the same time. I mean, there's moments I really struggle with that you're thinking, Oh, they can answer each other's questions. Yes, but sometimes wrong. Like, you know, they, they'll fight with each other.

Jim Collison:
Right? And I don't, I don't get too much of that. But I've seen that kind of happen before, where they start, you know, they start going back and forth. And that can be damaging to the community. They can divide the community. They can turn on you. You know, you, you get those personalities that get in there. And then you're like, Hey, wait a minute. This is, I made this thing.

Jim Collison:
And a personality who wants to be bigger than you comes in and disrupts it, tries to take it over, tries to be, tries to, you know, do something to affect your relationship with the community, whatever. And the bigger it gets, the harder it is. I think sometimes we think, Oh, if I could just grow it, this would be so great. Well, the more people you have, the more accountability is out there. And people will absolutely call you out. This is the thing. And you know this, Dave, you've, you've gotten feedback on things, you know, that you've said or you've posted to your site. Somebody's like, How dare you? Or Why can't you spell this correctly? Right? And you'd think, Hey, you know, some of your, some of your, your best listeners, some of the best folks that are closest to you are the ones who just flat out call you out publicly in these groups.

Jim Collison:
And you're like, Dude, just send me an email. Like, we could handle this behind the scenes. And you don't have to be such a jerk about it. Right? I don't, and I don't think they think they're being a jerk. I think honestly, and I think I've said this before here, but I'll say it again. I think we are still trying to figure out socially how to handle social as humans. I think it's an, it's a fairly new technology, and many of us are not good at it. And I still think we've got, as a culture, as a, as, as humans, we've got some work to do to come up with some global standards, some global assumptions, some global politeness, you know, things that you do and you don't do.

Jim Collison:
And I think there's some folks listen, there's obviously, there's absolutely folks who know what they're doing, and they know why they're doing it, and they do it on purpose, and they do it to dig. Right? But I think there's others who are type, who are putting things in there who are being offensive, but they don't know they're being offensive. Or they're being demeaning, and they don't know they're being they think they're just answering a question, or they think they're just doing something. And then, of course, text creates, you know, that it's negative by default to be we all read. I don't know why with the text, but when we read text, we think people are yelling at us, or it's always negative, right? So you immediately come back defensive, and that leads this toilet bowl of conversation that goes down. So I think we've got to, I still think, you know, it's not going away. Some, in the, in the public, in the, in the, in, with public discord, some people are like, Oh, wait, social has changed culture. Yes, it has.

Jim Collison:
It absolutely has. It's not going away. We've got to figure out, as a, as the human race, we need to figure out how to deal with each other in that space and be better. I know one thing: We can control ourselves. And so be a good example out there. Right? Be a good example. We have a great listen, physician, heal thyself. I have, I have snapped back at people super fast.

Jim Collison:
You You know, I got a, I got a message from them and I just, they didn't intend to, it wasn't intended to be a bad thing. I took it, and in a fight or flight moment, I snap back at him. Right? I'm speaking from experience. I may be the worst at this. I, I need to take a deep breath. But those are things I think we need to learn. You know, we're gonna need to learn to do that better. It's not going away.

Jim Collison:
So we're gonna have to learn how to do this area of public discord discourse. We're gonna have to figure out a discourse. We're gonna figure out a better way to do it.

Dave Jackson:
Yeah. Jody Kringle says bulletin boards actually changed the culture, which is true. If we go back in the day, man, I forget the thing I was using for bulletin boards back in the day, but, Jeff says the live show on Friday mornings. Well, the only thing I hate about Jeff's show on Friday is I do lunch with Dave at 12:30, so I don't get to watch the the whole thing. But he says, it's it's been a great, you know, community for him. It's a great group of people, and I've, I try to watch that. Here's the thing. If you have a problem child in your group, if you don't wanna kick them out, sometimes making the person who's the disruptor and admin can be helpful.

Dave Jackson:
Jody says, I had a huge community of songwriters on a message board, and they mostly regulated themselves. That's good because that's a pain in the butt when they're they're arguing.

Jim Collison:
Well, if, if we think the internet was the first, very first time this happened, let's just be really, really clear. The newspapers of the, during the Revolutionary period, Ben Franklin trolled people in

Dave Jackson:
the newspaper,

Jim Collison:
right, with his editorials. And so the, the passive aggressive, the, the snarky, the trolling, that's not unique to the internet. Like that, that was happening 2 300 years ago in newspapers, if you go back and read some of those, some of those papers. So don't, listen, don't think that's a new invention. We, this, it just got easier to do it before. And I don't know, even in the '80s, '70s '80s, the letters to the editor in the paper go back and read some I mean, some super hardcore trolling going on there. So don't, listen, listen, friends, Xers and boomers, you didn't invent trolling. Okay? You didn't invent it.

Jim Collison:
It's gone on long before this. Don't, don't be proud of yourself for that. It's been going on for a long time. We still have to figure out how to handle it.

Dave Jackson:
When I spoke at the, Irma Baumbach writing conference, and you don't realize how she stood up for women's rights back in the seventies. And you had all these letters to the editor just like, why are you letting this woman do this stuff? I was like, holy cow. Coach Dave. Yeah. Coach Dave says I had an audio account with SoundWise private feed essentially. He says I put my content there for my staff, for example, but I would never put it out in public. It's just his personal thought. So that's a way you can do a community.

Dave Jackson:
Todd, the gator said, I have a separate chat channel for just feedback from the podcast. It can really fill the tank. Yep. And get the immediate responses from listeners. Yeah. Getting those responses that that's really it does put gas in the tank.

Jim Collison:
Sometimes. Sometimes.

Dave Jackson:
Yeah. Sometimes it's Depending on what it is. Yeah. Sometimes it'll empty the tank. He says you have many personalities and sensibilities, and it can be a very fragile thing. And he says he says, I'm sorry. I just get hyped up when you guys start talking community. So Yeah.

Dave Jackson:
Yeah. Yeah. For sure. It's when you got a good when you get a good one, it's amazing. It's that's that's the cool that's I really for me, I like yesterday was lunch with Dave, and I look forward to that. And we talked a little bit about outsourcing your stuff, but a big chunk of that was just, you know, 6, 7 people just hanging out, talking about what's up with you, what's up with you. And it's nice to be around other people that are doing the same thing you do so you don't feel like a weirdo. You know, that whole 9 yards.

Dave Jackson:
Anthony has a question, and Anthony was on the podcast review show forever ago. He does a show about Route 66. He says, here's my question. I'm interested in publishing a book featuring some of the stops along Route 66 that have been featured as episodes such as Diners, Businesses, and and and I've either missed the last half of his and historic motels. Okay. Do it. It's it's not that hard. You can, obviously, you can have it transcribed, but you're still gonna need an editor to, edit those out.

Dave Jackson:
And it's another stream of of income. It may not books are are okay, But the nice thing is it it's one of those things if somebody, a, wants to take the book with them as they go down Route 66 as when my brother they did a Route 66 tour and I pointed them in Anthony. I'm like, oh, here's the podcast you guys want to listen to. And so it's cool, but it's easier to flip through a book to find what you're looking for maybe than going through 17 episodes. And you're like, where's the thing where he talks about the thing? You might be able to find that in the book. But, yeah, it's when when you self publish, it's it's really not as hard as you think. Check out, my buddy, Thomas Umstatt Junior. And I just love saying Umstatt because how much more German can you get? Real I mean, that guy, he knows podcasting, and he knows books and such.

Dave Jackson:
He was actually a agent, a book agent for a while. I did not know that. This is a guy that if you sit around, he's just a walking encyclopedia when it comes to, author stuff. But it's, you know, and then there are places like Lulu and all sorts of places if you want, you know, the more people you It's

Jim Collison:
a lot of work. It's a lot of work.

Dave Jackson:
Yeah. It's the the thing that got me when I when I wrote my book, you know, profit profit from your podcast.

Jim Collison:
Wait a minute. You wrote a book? Yeah. When did that happen?

Dave Jackson:
My favorite

Jim Collison:
We almost never talk about that.

Dave Jackson:
My favorite thing was I got done writing it, and they're like, yeah. We need, like, another 1,000 or so words. And I'm like, yeah. But I'm like, I don't have anything else to say. And so if you read the book and there's a big part where I go into different membership sites saying this is probably gonna be outdated when you read it later but here's some things to know And I was kinda like, I don't really wanna put this in the book because it's gonna be outdated by the time it comes out. And, I was I was right on that, you know, but they needed a couple, you know, need more words. I'm like, and it's something to do with literally, like, how big and how tall the book was. And so if I had if I had self published that, that would not be in the book.

Dave Jackson:
But I was like, oh, okay. So that's always fun. But, yeah, it's it's the thing just like a podcast, right? So you have to figure out like who and what it's for. But then a book, this is gonna make it sound easy and it's it's not. It's, it it just takes discipline. But okay. First of all, but in your case, Route 66. Okay.

Dave Jackson:
So you say I've got these 5 episodes. Great. Here are the names of the episodes. Those are now chapters. And now in this chapter, we're gonna talk about that. So for me, it was, you know, okay, let's talk about monetization. Okay. Here are the 7 ways to monetize.

Dave Jackson:
Each of those gets a chapter. Or our subchapter or things like that. You just break it into little bitty pieces, and then you're like, okay. I've got my layout. This is these are my chapters. This is the title. Okay. Here's chapter 1.

Dave Jackson:
Then you start typing. And then about, you know, months later, you're done. And then you want to have an editor and then you get a second editor because the first editor is gonna miss stuff. And then the thing that really that I kind of go really was when I got my book and, you know, it's the first time I'd worked with a publisher. I was like, I can't wait to see what the the front cover is gonna be. And so when they sent me a red book with yellow text, I'm like, I'm pretty sure I could have done that in Canva. You know? I was like, really? No cool money. Something, you know? You know, Larry says I had the same issue with my book.

Dave Jackson:
Praise to Chat GPT for inspiring me with the additional content needed to publish it. Yeah. I need to buy Larry's book because he he said a big chunk of it was based on stuff he fed Chat GPT, and then it wrote it. And then he added personal stories and things like that. So that might be something to do. I did see I logged in to Chat GPT last night and because I and I asked it. I go, hey, give me the the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, but do not expand on them. Just give me a list.

Dave Jackson:
And it was like, and I saw I was like, oh, start with the end in mind was number 2, according to chat gpt. But I noticed and this may not be new, but it looked new to me. You can now upload files to it. And

Jim Collison:
so It's limited if you don't have a subscription,

Dave Jackson:

Jim Collison:
to be clear.

Dave Jackson:
I just need it.

Jim Collison:
You get so much. Yeah. They you're on you're now this is at chatgbt.comoropenai. You, if you don't have the plan, they have, still have a free plan, 3.5, is what they're doing. And that goes forever. But they, they're, they're teasing you with Foro. And then, then it's like, Oh, you've used up all your tokens. That's what they call them.

Jim Collison:
You've used up all your tokens, and it takes you back to 35. Now the 4.0 version of it is good. I mean, there's a lot of things you can do, including loading files. Right? You can't do that on 3.5. So, so it's worth, it's worth a look. Just, just know it's limited

Dave Jackson:
for now. Because the thing I want to do I've heard people talk about this is if I I can export my stats, which have the title of my episode and the number of downloads, and I wanna upload that file and go based on this where and, again, just talk to these things. Like, based on this table where the first column is the name of the episode and the second column is the number of downloads, and I might even get, you know, where the higher the number, it's better. Come up with 10 additional topics that based on this table should be popular or whatever. And I've heard people do that and I was like, I want to take that one for a test drive because I the the one I still love that I just was like, will it do this, which was, like, on this show. I'll be like, hey. Give me a list of all the companies and their u r or URLs mentioned in this show. And that's when I was like, oh, okay.

Dave Jackson:
That that shaved some time off of editing because I'm always I'm a big fan of if we mention anything. Like, in this show, if you go to the show notes when I'm done, we'll have a link to my newsletter. Why? Because we talked about it. We'll have a link to the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Why? Because that's on Amazon, and that's an affiliate link. So I can do that as well. So it's, you know, always fun. Let's see here.

Dave Jackson:
The chat room is saying, you gotta have yeah. There you go. Larry says the reason it had to be more more words. You have to have a spine that will hold the title. He said I had the same issue with my book. Praise to chat t p t for inspiring me with additional content needed to to do that. I get it. Oh, there you go.

Dave Jackson:
And, I'm gonna Larry might give me a book. Thank you for that. So and then t r says chat g p t 4 o. So Yeah. Yeah.

Jim Collison:
444 point o.

Dave Jackson:
They just open up all the functionality on the accounts as well. So you got custom GPTs, DALL E, data analytics. So they're basically opening up the floodgates, trying to

Jim Collison:
Sort of. Sort of. Like, it's a lot more than it was. It's not everything. You still need to pay if you want everything all the time. It's $20. Like, it's not terrible.

Dave Jackson:
Right. It's, it's, it's funny where things that people will pay for, but they won't pay for this. You know, Jeff said I had to analyze my Facebook stats. It was really impressive. And so there you go. Lane Robinson. Most of my episode research starts with write a 30 minute podcast episode script in the voice of Seth Godin on whatever. Don't use it verbatim.

Dave Jackson:
And here's something that I was working with Ralph because Ralph's got a cool show if you're into finance. What and his his thing that's interesting is he he comes up with stuff that is good for personal finance, but also applies to business owners. So but he used the thing in Descript where if you've seen this yet, the AI can control your eyes. So even if you I'm looking over here at my screen. But the thing I noticed I was watching there's a channel I believe it's Think Media and this guy kind of drives me nuts because he has a Stream Deck in front of him and all of a sudden he'll go to the side camera. And so now he's talking like this. But, you know, you see the different side of his bookcase. And then all of a sudden he'll do this and then he's talking straight at you.

Dave Jackson:
And then after about 5 or 7 sentences, now he's talking to you from this side and it's different camera angles. I don't I just have the one camera. But I noticed that when you talk to people a lot of times you might kind of just go, well, you know, you're gonna kind of like you don't always and I was telling Ralph, I said, I'm not sure if this is weird, if it's just me or what. But the fact that he never looked away. Now, he wasn't like staring at me, you know, in a weird way, but I was like, it was one of those things I'm like, what is going on? And the fact that he never looked away. Is that just a Dave thing? Or is that normal? Because I was like, I need another opinion on this.

Jim Collison:
Yeah. It's a little creepy, like somebody who doesn't blink. My I just keep my eyes nice and squinty so you can't even see where they're looking at.

Dave Jackson:
Like, so

Jim Collison:
you have no idea. Is he looking at the camera? Is he, you know, this thing, this, it's funny, this idea, this love looking at the camera takes a life of its own. There are some folks who are just so dead set on like, you gotta be, you know, it's got this, it's TV, you know, you gotta be looking at it. You got, you know, I'm still staring at it right now, you know. You gotta be looking at straight at it, you know, those things. And then there's others that are kind of like, yeah, no, that's kind of creepy if you're just staring at it the whole time. So I always say go with what you're comfortable with. You know, if you want to be that person who stares at the camera and does it that way, that's fine.

Jim Collison:
There's tools to do that. You can, there's all kinds of, they're making all kinds of things where you can get it, including teleprompters. I had somebody at work tell me, Hey, you need to get this teleprompter at work. And I'm like, I don't, I'm not gonna. Appreciate it. I always, this freaks people out when I say things like this. But they'll give me advice. You need to.

Jim Collison:
And I'll go, Yeah, Okay. Yeah, but I'm not gonna do it. I just want to be really clear with you. I'm not doing what you told me to do. I don't know if people get that response very much from people. I think a lot of, Oh, yeah, well, thank you. Thank you for your advice. I learned a long time ago, especially in the world of the open internet, people tell you things.

Jim Collison:
And because they said them to you, they think you're going to do it. Like if you give them the passive aggressive answer, like, Oh, I'll consider that. What they hear in their head is, Oh, he's gonna do that. That's awesome. Right? And then you don't, and then they start flaming you like, I told Dave months ago he needed to, you know, whatever. And you're like, Yeah, yeah, yeah, you did. But that doesn't mean we're gonna, that it's gonna happen. Like just, just because you said it in chat, even multiple times, doesn't mean it's true, it's valuable or it's what we're gonna do.

Jim Collison:
Right? That is kind of back to the conversation before. That's really hard for I'm noticing that's really hard for people. I see this all the time. I told him to, you know, you're like, Yeah, that's okay. Appreciate the feedback. I'm not gonna do so I'm, I've changed my tune with people. And when they give me, they're like, Hey, do you think, you know, what would really be great is if you did a show on such and such and such. And I'm like, Oh, I appreciate the feedback.

Jim Collison:
We probably won't do that, just to be really clear. I don't want to, I don't want to mislead you. And they're like, Oh, oh, you know. But that keeps it from, that keeps it come from flying back at me. Certainly, if you're going to consider it, consider it.

Dave Jackson:
But I think

Jim Collison:
we gotta be, sometimes we gotta be honest with folks and just say, you know, Jim, that red does not look on you, does not look good on you today. You should never wear a red

Dave Jackson:

Jim Collison:
Okay, but I'm gonna, again, probably. I and I know it doesn't. It's not I should be blue. That's my color that I'm wearing.

Dave Jackson:
It's funny because as I say this, I'm like, oh, you're adding another thing for your show notes here. But Jordan Harbinger did a great episode on people asking for feedback. And he goes, 9 times out of 10, what they're really saying is, I want you to agree with everything I've done to this point. He goes, they're they're not really which I get that, but it was just he's like, yeah, that doesn't work. Jody says, I know where the camera is, and I'll look into it for a bit. Sure. But I look away to the, you know, out of the frame of of my guest on my computer screen, I'm not going to worry about it. Yeah.

Dave Jackson:
That's the thing. I think if we worry about it, then you end up getting then it becomes weird because then you're you're like like Ralph was perfectly normal. Like he was blinking. He wasn't. It was just like, you know, it was just like, oh,

Jim Collison:
it's fine. It's fine. It'll get better. That's, we're saying this in the chat room. This technology will get infinitely better. I'm just afraid I'm gonna turn my head and my eyes are gonna come out my ears. You know, that's just, that's just what I'm worried about.

Dave Jackson:
Yeah. Ralph is saying, So what I'm hearing is lighten up on the eye contact. Woo, maybe, you know.

Jim Collison:
You gotta move around a little. I think you gotta move around a little bit.

Dave Jackson:
Yeah. Yeah. And he said yeah. Randy says not blinking is the issue. Well, he is blinking. It was just I like I said, I I was wondering sometimes, you know, I listen through the ears of a podcaster and I watch the the eye of a of a content creator and I'm like, what is different? So it's, I was like, is it just me? Am I being too picky here? So

Jim Collison:
Lighten up, Francis. To you, that's a really bad spot in the movie. That's, it was a great quote. It's a terrible spot in the movie. It doesn't it that doesn't hold up anymore in 2024.

Dave Jackson:
Oh. There's a

Jim Collison:
You can't you can't watch that. You can't you can't do that, though.

Dave Jackson:
I need a psycho. Do it.

Jim Collison:
No. Don't do it. It's a bad spot, dude.

Dave Jackson:
Don't call me Frank. It's Francis. That's too funny. Stripes, if you haven't seen it, classic Bill Murray.

Jim Collison:
I know, Francis.

Dave Jackson:
Well, the one thing I thought I would bring up, if I can find it here, is the podcast show in London came up and James Cridland was talking about it. And you know how much I love Spotify. And this is yet another reason we should call this the yet another reason why Dave is not a Spotify fan. But here is James talking about the one thing because they had like they reported, like, 10,000 people at this thing. And it was he said, really, there wasn't really anything wrong with it except for this one thing.

Dave Jackson:
Yes. It does. So I I heard that. My favorite part of that whole thing, a delicious rumor. Oh my

Jim Collison:
god. But James Cridland? Who is that? I've never heard that.

Dave Jackson:
That is James Cridland. Yeah. Who? No. Pod News Weekly is I I listen to his daily stuff, and then he and Sam Sethi from True Fans get together for Pod News Weekly, and they kinda go over the top stories and, report on stuff. So, yeah, everybody it's funny. Larry's like, was there really 10,000 people? We're all kinda, like, going, well, it was reported 10,000 people. And I'm like, well, I'm reporting I'm a male model, but that doesn't make it true. So I'm like, you know, come on now.

Jim Collison:
Don't make fun of my you googly.

Dave Jackson:
Yeah. And so that was the kind of the thing Jody says, well, isn't that what Spotify is? It's a walled garden, especially now that they no longer use the accepted stat strikers. Yeah. And John John is like, look, I just despise Spotify and YouTube. So James is a good guy. If you're not listening to pod news, he he covers the news. Like, I'll put it this way. There were 2 other people doing, like, podcast news and newsletters, and they're both gone.

Dave Jackson:
Like, he just came in. And how he does it? I don't know. But it was he just he's all over the globe. Like he's like, oh, from Guadalupeur. And then I'm in New York. And it was funny. At the end of that, he said he was talking about how he got to go to New York City and he was in more of the financial district versus midtown. So it wasn't quite so crazy.

Dave Jackson:
And he goes, and now I'm in Florida. And he just left it like that, like, okay, maybe not his favorite place, especially this time of year. It's got to be super muggy down there, but he he covers it all. And the thing I like about James Cridlin is for the most part, if he gets something wrong, he will say, okay, I got this wrong. This is what was in the press release. And this is, you know, this is what the truth is. And, you know, so it's not so much that he lied. It's that maybe the press release was not as accurate as it should have been.

Dave Jackson:
And if that guy had to fact check every press release, he'd never report on anything. So

Jim Collison:
Yeah. I he hustles for sure. Like, you know, people are gonna say, how how I how did he, how did he get so successful? How did because he kind of came I don't want to say came out of nowhere, but when all of a sudden, boom, it was there. And to do what he does at the volume he does in the spaces he does, he's gotta be hustling all the time. I think this is one of those areas I'm sure he's working 7 days a week in most cases. And he's doing things at all hours of the day and night. That's, if you want to be in journalism, that's the life you need to live. You can't take breaks, because stuff is happening all the time.

Jim Collison:
And yeah, in the podcast space, maybe it slows down a little bit. But I'm sure he is working hard. To go all the way back to our beginning conversation about creating a business as a coach, I think the No. One bit, you got to hustle. And I know people don't like that. You know, they're like, Oh, I need a worklife balance. Well, then go work for somebody. If you want balance, go work for somebody.

Jim Collison:
If you want to, if you want to set your own hours, you're gonna set a lot of them. You're gonna set a lot for yourself. Just, just get, get it, just get that in your mind, right? Now, if you're saying right now to yourself, Jim, you're wrong. Good prove me wrong. Do it. Like, I don't care. Listen, if you have a successful business on 2 hours a day or 2 hours a week, good for you. The rest of us need to hustle.

Dave Jackson:
Yeah. Absolutely. Well, Doctor has a fun point. She goes, Pod News and the feed, they give me street cred. It's so weird where my, computer is because you know what else what else would give you street cred? Being an awesome supporter. That's right. If you wanna be an awesome supporter, you can go over to ask the podcast And that, of course, some other things here.

Dave Jackson:
You can be an awesome supporter. You can also be a member of the School of Podcasting where you're gonna get access to my step by step courses. You get unlimited coaching. I was talking about some coaching clients today. And like I said, I got to do some coaching at Lipson, which is always fun. And the awesome community. We're talking about that. I will put my community up against anybody's because we've got a just a wide variety of people, and they're all awesome.

Dave Jackson:
And Ask the Podcast Coach runs on PodPage. If you wanna try PodPage, go to try Or if you wanna learn PodPage, go to learn Both of those use my affiliate link. And right now, we're using E cam. If you wanna check it out, go to ask the podcast And that's E cam with 2 m's because, it's so good. And I'm going to be at and it's all Jeff's fault.

Dave Jackson:
Jeff, I spent money because of you. So if this sucks, I'm coming for you. No. I'm just kidding. I'm going to, Ecamm Creator Camp in, kind of Boston, but not really. So if you're going there, I will see you there. That's gonna be fun. And, if you need more Jim Collison and look who doesn't need more Jim Collison, then go over and it's your pick.

Dave Jackson:
You can go to home or if you want to be crazy and wild, you can go to the average guy dot tv and those both take you to the same place. And it's time for our awesome fun filled, as soon as I get it ready, the Wheel O' names. Here we go.

Jim Collison:
We have them all? Are they all on there?

Dave Jackson:
We have them all. I just have to I double checked this morning, and I was like, okay. So we'll we'll spin the wheel here and round and round it goes. And who will it land on? It is Max Trescott from aviation news If you are a pilot and you wanna stay up on the news, it's, I know occasionally you go over there and you'll get the news where, unfortunately, somebody crashed and and they'll dig into what happened and things of that nature. So, Max, thank you so much for your awesome support. I always appreciate that really good guy too. And if you find this show that it we're saving you time, we're saving you money, maybe we're saving you headaches, maybe we're keeping you educated, Maybe we're just making you feel like you're not alone in the world.

Dave Jackson:
But then you might wanna consider going over to ask the podcast and being an awesome supporter today and since let's go back here and except that's not where I wanted to go. The next little kind of topic I thought we could talk about is there was a not a kerfuffle, but it was an interesting take. I love this guy. This is one of the guys that he's he's more of a like, he yeah. He talks about YouTube. He's really popular on YouTube. If you wanna learn DaVinci Resolve, this is your guy, Daniel Batal, b a t a l. And he says, the last thing I want to hear at the end of a video is thanks for watching my video.

Dave Jackson:
Don't forget to like and subscribe, which I've been telling people, no, you you probably should do that because, Jim, if you ever liked and subscribed to something because he somebody said, hey. If you like this video, I can so yeah. Me too.

Jim Collison:
I have.

Dave Jackson:
Yeah. I've and so he said this isn't 2017, and viewers don't need to be reminded that they are watching a video or that the like and subscribe button exists. Take the opportunity to offer something of value, like recommending an additional video you've made that might really serve the needs of that viewer. He says, look, don't get me wrong. Engagement is great, but additional video views and longer watch time sessions will help grow your channel faster than clicking a like and subscribe button. He says new viewers who watch and enjoy multiple pieces of your content in a single session are far more likely to subscribe and engage. They're also likely to be served more of your content in the future. Don't waste your ask.

Dave Jackson:
And I was like, interesting. So

Jim Collison:
That's a little strong, I think. A little strong. However, there is some, there is a little bit of evidence that YouTube subscribing, right? You can get all notifications or just important ones, of subscribing, right? You can get all notifications or just important ones, whatever that means, right, or on the bell. Smash the bell, as folks used to say. There is some evidence that the, it used to be when you were subscribed, those on the top row would always show up. There were new ones, they'd always show up on the top row of your search. That may not be true anymore. And so there, there may be some validity to this that the subscribe may not be as important.

Jim Collison:
That used to be everything. Subscribe was everything on YouTube. There's some evidence that's getting, that that may be getting downplayed. Because the, the search page on YouTube is the most important thing. Every, almost everyone goes there to get to, when, especially when they're just surfing for stuff, right? So it may not be as important. I don't agree with the ask. Don't, don't waste your ask. I think you can blend that in to the video itself at some point in time.

Jim Collison:
And so like, if you're currently watching us on YouTube right now, why don't you like and subscribe? Why wouldn't you just do that

Dave Jackson:
for me? Please. And smash the bell because it's a bell and all yeah. So I went back and I I went down. This was on, Twitter, I believe, is where this came from. And he says, it's not that I'm against people choosing whatever call to action makes sense for their own goals. He goes, I just hate seeing struggling creators thinking the path to success is constantly asking people to like and subscribe. He goes, that rarely works if the content and channel aren't already providing massive value. And as soon as he said that, I'm like, that's a different story.

Dave Jackson:
That's what I believe creators should be focused on. And I said, yeah. So many people focus on marketing and promotion when they forget to not just make something good, but something wow, which is coming out in 2 weeks on The School of Podcasting. I'm doing an episode about wow content. With that said, I have subscribed because someone reminded me to, but it was because I got value. So I think that's really I think Yeah. You know, like, he's

Jim Collison:
it's bad. Yeah. Yeah. I don't think it's bad. I think you need to ask.

Dave Jackson:
Yeah. And if it's live and you don't know what video to suggest, you know, like, oh, hey, since we talked about this today, watch this video. I've seen people do that with, like, watch this video here, and then nothing pops up on the screen. And you're like, well, wait a minute. Somebody, somebody dropped the ball

Jim Collison:
there. Well, look, look at Jeff. I mean, Jeff dropped a Super Chat in and Yeah, look at that. Look at that. Thanks, Jeff. Thanks for, thanks for supporting Dave in that way. And appreciate that. Dave's looking for some cheering

Dave Jackson:
I am. I'm like, where's my David Lee Roth, man? I got Craig. I got wait. What? Nope. Nothing. Oh, here we go. Whoo. Thank you very much.

Dave Jackson:
We need that.

Jim Collison:
Thanks, Jeff. Yeah. Thanks, Jeff. Appreciate it. Oh, look at that.

Dave Jackson:
That's it. Sure. Yeah. So and speaking of that, you know, you can down down by gym there. There it is. A little like, subscribe, and ring the bell.

Jim Collison:
It's like we planned this whole segment just so people would subscribe. Do you, as as a content creator, do you by the way, there's, there's some backlash against that term now, Content Creator.

Dave Jackson:
Really? What's wrong with that?

Jim Collison:
Yeah. Well, I saw something somewhere. Stop saying you're a content creator. Like, I don't know. It's just, it's like anything. Do you, for, for your subscribes, for your like and subscribes, do you, how often do you go in and check them on YouTube? Is that something you

Dave Jackson:
That is, I don't. I, in fact, I've I need to get like, the only thing I do consistently on my YouTube channel is this. In fact, that's one of the things I wanna do this this weekend is make kinda get, like, it's it's that first step back on the treadmill because I used to do just a little short YouTube thing about once a week and then more like 3 times a month. Like, I'd probably skip 1. And I'm like, I don't know what happened, then I'm not doing YouTube anymore, but I need to do YouTube. And not because I have to, because it's so cool and everybody's doing it. You know? I was just like, no. I I got a couple ideas.

Dave Jackson:
I'm I don't know why. I just kinda, you know, was like, just but yeah. So I because that's my whole thing. Will people you know, if I wanna get on my YouTube's not a podcast, you know, soapbox, I'm like, look. In the end, it was good. We're all just content creators. So if we're not content creators, what are we? That's, you know, like, that's that's a nice broad brush. Whether if you're a blogger, you're a content creator.

Dave Jackson:
If you're a audio podcast, you're a content creator. If you're, you know, if you're a I don't know.

Jim Collison:
Yeah. I don't know. I'm just saying I saw a little backlash to it. That's just That's

Dave Jackson:
always why not?

Jim Collison:
I'm not giving it backlash. I saw some backlash.

Dave Jackson:
I always thought it was funny that people would get upset about the word pod fade. And I never ever heard anybody go, you're just a dirty little podfader. Like, I've never heard it. It was always like, well, you know, and they podfaded. And it was like, it's not like, you know, that Seinfeld, that guy, well, he did 9 seasons, so then he pod faded. But people for a while, like, how dare you say pod fade? You're you're kicking people out of the space because you're shaming them. I'm they pod faded. They quit.

Dave Jackson:
Like, nothing wrong with I maybe I should have said they pod retired. Pod tired. No. Well, then we're all pod tired. I mean, look at us. We got bags on our eyes.

Jim Collison:
Do we have to put Pod in front of it? Does it have

Dave Jackson:
to? Does

Jim Collison:
it have to? I the the, Rich Hay, who I interviewed this week for Home Gage Geeks, he had been a longtime podcaster and blogger and then took a job at Microsoft as a Community Manager for their feedback team. And they said, I think they said, No, stop. You have to stop. If you're gonna do this, you can't do any of your own stuff. And he, he just did. He did he stopped. And, and he's now retiring. And he says, I'm bringing it back.

Jim Collison:
And so good, good on him, right, for going with what was available. I mean, in the role, they were just like, Yeah, no. And to be honest with you, I don't know if they said he needed to stop or he thought, I'm gonna be so busy I'm not gonna have the time to do this, to commit to this. Because, listen, community management is a full time and when I say full time, I mean all the time job. That's what I do. I'm on all the time. I'm even, I mean, as this conference is going on, I'm getting pinged behind the scenes on Facebook and LinkedIn. We're in Omaha! You know, folks are landing right now.

Jim Collison:
My listeners, my, my community is landing right now. And so you, you, Yeah, yeah, and you can divide and conquer and all those other things that you guys want to do to make it, to make it work, but it's a full time job. So Dave, I don't want to, I'm not trying to throw Microsoft or Rich under the bus at all on this and just to, he, let's just say this: He chose to stop, stop blogging and stop podcasting. As he's retiring this summer, he said, You know what? I'm bringing it back. And I really appreciate Do it when you feel like it. I mean, it can just be something you do. It doesn't have to be, you know, you don't have to feel don't, it's hard enough as it is. Don't feel bad when you're doing what works for you.

Jim Collison:
Right? And, and certainly don't bow to the crowd who's, I haven't seen an episode in 45 days. Where have you been? Well, you know, you get it for free. Just relax.

Dave Jackson:
Well, s

Jim Collison:
Just relax.

Dave Jackson:
SP says conflict of interest and brand security are real. So that would be weird. Yeah. So if somebody if somebody hired me and said, you can do this, but you can't podcast anymore, that would be weird. That you'd have to pay me a lot of money to shut me up completely.

Jim Collison:
His his podcast was about Windows. It's one of the reasons he got it's called Windows Observer. And it was one of the reasons he got hired for the job is because he knew so much about the community and

Dave Jackson:
That is a shortsighted company. So you've got an influence No, no, no.

Jim Collison:
I know. Hold on. Hold on. I want to go on record again for saying, I don't know if Microsoft asked him not to, and I don't know if it was his decision. I may have, I may have said they did. And if I did, I could be wrong. So let me just retract. I'll do a James Cridland, whoever that guy is, retraction on this.

Jim Collison:
And say, I'm not sure who, who did that. I assume, I, maybe I could go back and look at my transcripts and see, see what was said. Doesn't, the point, the point of that whole thing is not that. The point was, he decided to take a break. He took a break for 2 years, two and a half years, then he came back.

Dave Jackson:
And you

Jim Collison:
could do that. That was the point. Sorry to, sorry to go down the, to go down that path.

Dave Jackson:
John says, I brought a podcast back after 4 years. It's my favorite. We do it once a month for fun. There you go.

Jim Collison:
Why not?

Dave Jackson:
Yeah. Lane says if you missed a week, I listened to so many podcasts. I probably wouldn't notice until I actually thought about it. You guys wanna you guys wanna hear something? I'm I'm I'm going to cheat. Last night, it was beautiful out, and I'd had a hard week. And I was like, you know what? I'm going to the park. I'm gonna go play in nature, maybe have a deer come up and try to kick me. Something fun.

Dave Jackson:
Right? And so instead of recording your podcast website, I will do that today. But here's the fun part. I'm going to say that it came out yesterday. That's right. I'm gonna lie. So Why

Jim Collison:
do you need to? Why do you need to?

Dave Jackson:
You know, it's a it's a it's a Sheldon kind of thing. I wanna show that it comes out every 2 weeks on Friday. So, yes, I'm a big fat liar because I I didn't it didn't come out. Yeah. But I don't

Jim Collison:
It doesn't have to be a lie. I'm just kind of wondering what's the motivate. Listen, I like a complete list. I like things, you know, I like, if you, if it's gonna come out on Monday, I love that thing to say Monday, Monday, Monday, Monday, Monday, Monday, Monday. I love that. So I would set it just so it looked good. Right? It looked good in the feed or whatever, whatever you're doing there. Now, I'm just wondering what the motivation was.

Jim Collison:
I don't think it's wrong. I'm just wondering what, you know, why? Why do you, why you can help?

Dave Jackson:
It's a very Sheldon thing. You know, it's just like, oh, yeah.

Jim Collison:
It's supposed to come out

Dave Jackson:
on Fridays. And and I guess because in this in this instance, like, I have some shows that are test shows, and that show is kind of a test show. I'm having fun with it, but I'm like, well, for now, I kind of wanted to at least appear that it's consistent even even if I'm 24 hours late because I woke up this morning to 1,000,000,000 of emails going, hey, man. Where's the your podcast? What? No. I did not.

Jim Collison:
So I don't know. Seen it. I haven't seen it. Are you okay?

Dave Jackson:
Yeah. Something else just to throw it up here. Just a way of saying thank you, Jeff, for making, making it rain here. If you go over to social media news, that is where can I not? I cannot make it rain. I guess I can't make it rain if I'm sharing the screen there. So think of that. Yeah, it's a fun show. In fact

Jim Collison:
It is a fun show. It is a fun show. Yeah. Jeff and Jeff is really good at reusing content. Like he I saw, I think I saw yesterday some, a reused clip of when I was on there. He pulled out a little statement. We were talking about being nervous and how I like to think that you can harvest harvest? Yeah. Harness? That's the word I want.

Jim Collison:
You can harness nervous energy for better performance, right? I think it's a good thing to be nervous on some of these things. Anyways, he took that little clip and reshared it. He said to me several times, he goes, I, he goes, I really like to, you know, continue to use bits and pieces. He's probably a good example if you're, if you want to see how other people are taking are not just doing a 1 and done, but are continuing to use Clips and Bits and some of those other things throughout. Jeff's probably doing it as good as anybody.

Dave Jackson:
Absolutely. And I I finally went through his course. He has a a Descript 101. And it's interesting when because I done a thing where I know you can this Descript is the tool where you it transcribes it. You edit the transcription, then it edits the audio. And I know you can copy it and paste it into a new composition, and which I did. And then I couldn't find the new composition. And I'm watching Jeff's thing, and all of a sudden, I see at the top where he's like, oh, you can just switch to the composition up there.

Dave Jackson:
And I'm like, there you go. That was worth the money right there. He solved my one he solved my one problem. I was like, that's it. So Jody says, she stopped her first show because it wasn't what I really wanted to be doing. But it sure taught me a lot about how to do a podcast, and I've used those lessons. I know a lot of people that it was the oh, Grammar Girl is probably my my favorite one. Grammar Girl was Mignon Fogarty's second podcast, you know, the one that got her on Oprah.

Dave Jackson:
But her first show was super labor intensive. It wasn't really her passion. It was kind of something related to her job, and she's like, yeah. No. Thank you. So but and speaking of of changing, this is now available. I I've got my first kind of that's a trailer. It's a really long trailer, but podcast what was formerly podcast rodeo show, so I'm gonna put out an episode.

Dave Jackson:
I have a lot of episodes to do this week, but I'm going to put one out on podcast rodeo show saying unless you pay me, I'm not doing the show anymore, basically, because that's just a show. And I was like, I had fun. I did 500 episodes, but we're not doing this for for free anymore. And the podcast rodeo show was $5. And I was I might do that with that. Like, if you just want the quick 10 minute episode, alright. That's fine. But if you wanna really

Jim Collison:

Dave Jackson:
I did 500 episodes. When that show first came out, I was doing, I think, 3 a week. And Wow. Because it was it's quick. It's like an hour to do that show. And I was just like, yeah. And I was like, okay. And then the fact that it wasn't doing what I wanted it to do, which was drive traffic to the school of podcasting.

Dave Jackson:
So hot seat. Here's what podcast hot seat is really in a nutshell. It's you get a month of the school of podcasting. Oh, and I'll review your show and website and, you know, for free, because because it's basically the price of a month at the school of podcasting. And then, once you sign up, there may be a coupon to have you stick around, but we'll see how it works. But that's another fun filled piece of artwork by the one and only Mark over at And what's kind of cool, I'm gonna ask Mark. And if he wants me to pay him for that, I wouldn't mind it.

Dave Jackson:
But I want a version of that logo. So the logo is a blue chair with a blue Yeti on fire, and then it says podcast hot seat above it. I'm gonna see if he can give me a copy without podcast hot seat, and then I'll have just that big blank space at the top where I can put I can make episodic artwork with that. Oh, yeah. And I was like, that might be cool. Or maybe just a maybe I'll have, the burn. I don't know. I have to talk to him about it, but I need to talk to him anyway because they want him to come on the your podcast website show.

Jim Collison:
And then Just don't fit on that seat. That would be a That

Dave Jackson:
would be bad.

Jim Collison:
A burning, weary Eddie. Yeah. Yeah. No. No.

Dave Jackson:
So SP says, are you, going to redo episode 0? Yeah. I'm treating this like a whole new show, and I'm gonna put I need to put out an episode on the podcast rodeo show that says, hey. The website's not going down. The content's gonna be here, but I'm going to redirect. Like, when you wake up tomorrow, podcast rodeo show is gonna look like podcast hot seat, and there's one episode in it right now. So if you wanna listen to the stuff, you have to go to the website. And I'm gonna leave that there for a month, and then I will turn off the redirect. So if people want to listen to the old episodes, they can do it in their phone.

Dave Jackson:
So it's it's a lot of Dave playing with stuff in this little move. It's like because somebody said, well, what if nobody signs up? Maybe nobody pays for a hot seat. I'm like, then, you know, the podcast rodeo show was was gonna go away one way or another. And I was like, it was gonna be either pay me to do it or not, and maybe they'll both be this way. But it was just like, nah. Just not getting what I want out of it. And people change, life change, You know, changes. Different things like that.

Dave Jackson:
So and coach Dave says, as a former firefighter that cover art with the flaming microphone on the couch says hydrogen. Wow. Cyanide? Gas to me. Yep. Those foam seats are really bad when they burn. Well, I'll have to keep that, in mind. John says, if you quit the podcast rodeo show, I was going to start podcast crimes. I'd be good.

Dave Jackson:
In fact, I might put out an episode because I realized I told everybody going, hey. Podcast hot seat will be available June 1st. Well, that's today. Then it is. You can hear my episode where I explain how Kim from, Kim Nula from the Podcaster's Voice podcast let me know that I had done some changing of the description for the school of podcasting, and I had a typo in the title of my show. And she was lucky enough to to well, I'm lucky. She was nice enough to say, hey, Dave. Do you do you know you misspelled monetize? And I'm like, no.

Dave Jackson:
And I look over plan launch monetize. And I was like, oh, you gotta be kidding me. And then, Rich Graham let me know that in the your podcast website like, the 3rd time I referred to, there's a guy that was talking about designing websites. And the 3rd time I mentioned his website, I said it wrong. So it's my whole point is like, hey, Sometimes you need a second set of eyes to look at this stuff, and, you know, we catch stuff. I see things all the time that I'm like, you know, like the the guy we're talking about at the beginning of the show. All he had was a landing page. And I go, that's great if you're just selling one product.

Dave Jackson:
But now you're gonna be doing a podcast. You need a way to contact you. You know, there's a lot of really low hanging fruit that sometimes you just don't know what you don't know and you end up doing stuff. So, yes. Is the podcast Hot Seat going to be value for value? Yes. And that's something I was I'll be interesting to see because and it's funny because Adam Curry called this. There's a tool called alby, alby. It's at get

Dave Jackson:
And that was the easy way to go and get a wallet. And then it was, you know, everybody can send stuff there and it's it was all went through Albie. Well, the whole point of podcasting 2.0 is to decentralize it. And right in the middle of this whole thing, we centralized our payment system through this website who just went, Yeah, we're not going to do this anymore. I haven't I have no official. I haven't read any. They're kind of bad about communicating this. But I heard on the podcasting 2.0 show that they're getting out of that business because here's a novel idea.

Dave Jackson:
Guess how much they charge for that, Jim? 0. Yes. And the last time I checked, free is not a good business model. And I'm like, guys, shouldn't you be taking a cut of some of the money that's going in and out? And why they didn't? I don't know. I would've given them a, you know, whatever, 5% split or something. But so I'm I am speaking uninformed. I'm I've only heard this. Haven't saw anything official yet.

Dave Jackson:
But that that for the record, that does not mean podcasting 2.0 is dead. In fact, the last episode, they're like, well, we're gonna take this now and build something that we should have back then that's decentralized and makes it easy to get a wallet and blah blah blah blah blah. So, yeah, the Albie is very bad at communication. They they they, like, they for a while, you had they you had to be on a wait list, and they didn't let anybody know. And I'm so I go go over and sign up. And people are like, yeah. I'm on a wait list. I'm like, what? So, you know, that's it.

Dave Jackson:
And Randy says I can become the Simon Cowell of podcast reviewers. I was for a while. If you listen to the early versions of the podcast rodeo show, it was it was literally off the top of my head. Gonna say it. Not gonna think about it. And then I I had one person that basically said, you heard me. And I was like, all right, we need to soften this up a little bit. That's not me.

Dave Jackson:
And I didn't think it was in line with the the fun, happy, helpful podcast coach just smashed my ego and told me I was a turd that couldn't be polished. I'm like, that's not good. So I I had to soften it up a little bit. So that's, sounds like a great name for

Jim Collison:
a day. Little brand. Little The turd that can't be polished?

Dave Jackson:
The the unpolishable turd. So

Jim Collison:
There you go.

Dave Jackson:
Gotta get that on a t shirt.

Jim Collison:
You go. Yeah. It was a little brand confusion. We talked about that. Yeah. I've said that to you

Dave Jackson:
before. So Yeah. That's, that's what we're doing. So and then Chris says, what are we going to do with our 4,354,234 satoshis, which is, like, you know, whatever, a dollar 10, something like that. Yeah. It'll be interesting to see. But there is some

Jim Collison:
We'll move them. You should be able to move them. If it's a true crypto wallet, you should be able to move those Satoshis to another, to another crypto wallet. Right? Send them.

Dave Jackson:
But meanwhile, that

Jim Collison:
I'm not a fan of this. I say this all, this is starting to rear its ugly head now. And you're like, Yeah, maybe Bitcoin wasn't the best or crypto. Yeah. I get it. I get it. But you're you're gonna have problems like this because the the technology is still so new.

Dave Jackson:
Well, the the fun thing was, again, James Cridlin, who? Yes. James Cridlin, Pod News Pod News Weekly, the same one where he talked about Spotify. They interviewed the head of Pocket Cast, which in in the worlds of independent apps, it's been around forever. It's owned by WordPress, and they adapted chapters and transcripts to that. And there's this cool feature called Podroll. And if you are around for Myspace where you could recommend, you know, your 8 friends, well, now you can recommend as many people as you want. And what I love about that feature, once it gets implemented by enough people, is they'll be able to make charts. Like here are the top 10 most recommended podcasts.

Dave Jackson:
Now I also know that it'll take about if we start now and done. Okay. That's how long it's gonna take for people to sell those spots because, you know, marketers will come in and like, hey, you could be my top eight. It's only $50 a month. So that'll be fun. But when more people I can know Buzzsprout right now has that in it. So when more media host start to do that, then more apps will start to show this whole pod roll thing. And then that's gonna be maybe the the discoverability problem will be partly solved.

Dave Jackson:
So I'll be interested to see that. And if your media host doesn't do anything with podcasting 2.0, it's usually support at whoever your media host is and say, hey. Why aren't you supporting 2 point o? Because if you don't complain about it, they're not gonna do it, which is why I'm now telling people all the time. Go bug your media host. Don't flame out on Twitter. Email their support from you showing you that whole 9 yards. Coach Dave said, I still like my Thrivecart solution for donations. Yep.

Dave Jackson:
I embed a simple cart with choose your own amount option, and they pay via credit and pay the the credit card fee. That's pretty cool. I have Thrive card. I'm using it for podcast hot seat. Coach Dave says crypto was doomed. We're doomed. Our players that have the monopoly and will make rules will always find a way to absorb it like the borg. I don't know what a borg is.

Dave Jackson:
They'll my whole thing is as much as crypto can

Jim Collison:
You know?

Dave Jackson:
Can get I'm waiting for I've heard rumors it's gonna be called the eagle, but eventually the US is gonna come up with some sort of digital coin is what I hear. I don't know if it's true or not, but if they do, whatever is the hot crypto thing of the day is maybe gonna get squashed like a bug. We'll see. It's it's the whole thing. We could get into whole crypto conversation, but money is only valuable because we say it's valuable. And so that's the Faith. Yeah.

Jim Collison:
So Faith, faith and credit. Faith and credit are two words that have never been more true than they are right now when you think about currency. You know, when you think especially US currency. So, you know, you, you know, faith and credit. Full, they say. Full faith and credit.

Dave Jackson:
Jodi's using Buy Me A Coffee. I need to dig into that system. I use it, you know, on occasion if somebody's like, hey. Can I give you some money? Mike, here. What I don't get is how they make money. Like, when I look at it, I don't see where they're taking any fees. There's no monthly fee, and I'm like, wait. How? What? So that's always kind of a head scratcher with that one, but I'll take it.

Dave Jackson:
You know? And then, yeah, Dan says isn't basically money, basically a digital coin now? Yeah. I I haven't touched, like, cash in a very long time. If I go to Luigi's Pizza, they now have a thing because they don't take credit cards. And I'm like, what? But you have to go in the back. They have this little machine, and you get a receipt that you've taken out money, and you give them the read. It's a weird wonky way to to get that done.

Jim Collison:
But Well, the difference though, crypto is is trackable Yeah. And US currency is not. I mean, basically. And then there's a limit on crypto. And there's, there's no such thing as a limit to U. S. Currency. I mean, we, they just keep selling more bonds and then issue more Yeah, I mean, yes, it's, from, from our standpoint, yes, it's digital, because our banking is all digital now, and nobody uses using a credit card to swipe it and some of those other kinds of things.

Jim Collison:
So from that standpoint, yes. Did you Dan, I know what you mean. I know what you mean on that. But there is a big difference between the way currencies work and the way crypto works. So that's, that is a big, there's a big difference.

Dave Jackson:
Yeah. Here's, speaking of, of Mark, we mentioned him earlier. This is, congressional, the lovely and talented John Briney. If you're an American, you should be listening to the show. It's it's just her last couple episodes have been just crazy. And I I point this out because she has a support page. And if I remember, yeah, if you go down here, you can set a check or money order. You can do PayPal.

Dave Jackson:
You can join her Patreon. Yeah. You can use Zelle. Yeah. Exactly. I used I used to send her a check. I had my my bank would send a check because there's no fees for that. So but I've never heard of Popmoney.

Dave Jackson:
I've heard of Venmo, Cash App. You can give her Bitcoin. You can send her Ethereum. You can make a Litecoin donation, or you can buy a merch. And I have a shirt of hers. I I really it's a great show. And so and again, the website by the 1 and only Mark over at podcast branding. But so that's what she does.

Dave Jackson:
She basically has it all there. So it's, you know, you could do Venmo. You just gotta have stuff like that. I'm not sure because Venmo, don't you have to send it to their phone number? That would be a little

Jim Collison:
U. S. Only. No, you find them. You can find, you, you can find them in the app, and then you verify it with a phone number. You can find them with a phone number. You could give somebody your phone number, and they find you. But you have a, you know, you have a username in, in Venmo.

Jim Collison:
And you can set up Venmo, but it's U. S. Only. They're talking a little bit about that in chat. It is U. S. Only. And they're talking about doing fees too.

Jim Collison:
Like that, this is the fee, the, you know, this, we always start free. I was, I got a notice from Otter that they're going to change their pricing structure. They'd already done it once, and they're getting ready to do another round. And I think it's gonna force me to go pro. And I think I'm gonna go from $10 to whatever. Now, and now that StreamYard is owned by Bending Spoons or whatever it is, you got to kind of wonder, you know, I'm on a $10 for life. I know it's not really for life, right, whatever. At some point, I think that's, that's unsustainable.

Jim Collison:
They're gonna start looking at those plans.

Dave Jackson:
Well, Rob Greenlee, on the new media show, said that, like, there's a lot of people because they were owned by Hopin. I think it was. Yeah. And either and either Hopin employees or StreamYard people, a lot of them are gone. In fact, he said the founders, when the 2 guys that started streaming or when they found it, it was up for sale

Jim Collison:

Dave Jackson:
they tried to buy it back and they just couldn't do it. And so now some bending spoons thing and it's like which is a company that owns a they buy a lot of apps and such. So it's not, you know, it's not a horrible thing, but we're all kind of like, they're not really known for really taking things to the next level. So

Jim Collison:
The the business model there is buy the app and then jack up the prices. That's, that's their business model. So, you know, it's gonna be, you know, we saw, we've seen this, like this has happened before. LogMeIn was one of those that had, right, had this in, and then all of a sudden, you know, it's like, Hey, you're now $39.99 a month. You were paying $5, you know. So I would, if you're a StreamYard user, I would keep your eyes and ears open for those, for that kind of communication. And I just, Otter just contacted me yesterday. I need to read through that email.

Dave Jackson:
And it's,

Jim Collison:
it was, Hey, we, we put you in a group for a year. That basically, we grandfathered you in for a year. That year's up in July. Yeah. Because it's like

Dave Jackson:
I forget what it used to be, but it was considerably more. Now to their credit, they've added a lot of really cool It used to be just a transcription service, but, yeah, that was one of the people that said you need to update your credit card. And I'm like, do I wanna do this? Because that means and I need to figure out when they're gonna charge me because that would be one I'll have to think about. I use Otter because I have a great deal on it and stuff like that. But I'm like, you know? Yeah. Yeah. Jeff c says when Bending Spoons bought Evernote, which again, what did they do? They jacked up the price. That's why I went to Notejoy and Jeff went to Notion.

Dave Jackson:
So, yeah, let's see. Log in and Bo. Oh, let's see. Basically, last month, they bought last month. Yeah. And then Logged me and bought And another one did the same.

Jim Collison:
Oh, and Last pass has been a mess. Yeah. They that is the

Dave Jackson:
That's why I love 1 password. So but, man, that went quick. Jim, what is coming up on HomeGadgetGeeks?

Jim Collison:
Yeah. We, Rich Hay, Hay, I mentioned a little bit earlier, Rich Hay is on, and we catch up with Rich a little bit. We looked at these new, this new line of digital telescopes that you do some amazing things all from the comfort of your home. You set this up, log into the app on your phone, it connects via Wi Fi, and they do some amazing things. I had no idea. I like to look at the stars, but I'm, I don't like it when it's cold outside. You can all do this from the comfort of your home. So, it's available right now.

Jim Collison:
Check it out.

Dave Jackson:
And on this week, I'm interviewing Matt Cundell who does the Sound Off podcast. He just went over 400 episodes. And when I was on his show, I'm like, any lessons from those 400? He goes, oh, absolutely. And so that's coming up. And then the week after that, I'm doing an episode about really what makes good content, what does Google think is good content, and then I just got a bunch of different opinions on from different people and what they feel is good content. So that's what's coming on the school of Thanks to, the chat room. Thanks to Dan, from based on a true story podcast dot com and Mark over at

Dave Jackson:
And, of course, this show is brought to you by the school of Use the coupon code coach when you sign up for either a monthly or yearly subscription. Or if you want to be an awesome supporter, that's like, what, 15 calls to action I've done now. So yeah. Oh, I was thanking people. Those were calls to action.

Jim Collison:
Just do one of them.

Dave Jackson:
Can we say

Jim Collison:
Just do one of them.

Dave Jackson:
Are we gonna be rebels and say, like, subscribe, and ring the bell? For sure.

Jim Collison:
Yeah. Like and subscribe. Like and subscribe. I was waiting for subscribe.

Dave Jackson:
I was waiting for the the the, the flames of hell to shoot up behind you, but we'll see you next week with another episode of Ask the Podcast Coach. Take care, everybody. Have a good weekend.