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What Makes A Good Presentation?
What Makes A Good Presentation?
What Makes A Good Presentation?
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Oct. 16, 2014

What Makes A Good Presentation?

What Makes A Good Presentation?

Today we talk about what makes a good presentation as Dave prepares for selecting speakers for the New Media Expo. 

What Was One of the Best Presentations You've Ever Seen [4:00]

Dave wants to know what presentations stick out in your head that you've seen?

Style can play alot into what makes a good presentation. 

We need people to get to the point

You need to know your audience

What are your thoughts on Panels at Conventions [10:45]

Panels enable you to find out more from different point of views. 

How Do I Build My Audience When I'm not a Business? [12:45]

Google to find out where your audience is, and go there.

Make connections in the community FIRST.

Then introduce them to your podcast.

Make the best content you can so that when you do direct people to your website. 

Look at facebook groups, google+ communities, linkedin groups

Check out to build a local group.

When Do You Need a Mixer [19:10]

When you need to mix in live sounds

When you have more than one person in the same room

You don't NEED a mixer for skype

You can add bass and treble in the software

They are not NEEDED in some cases, but they are very handy. 

A mixer give you more options.

Check out for conversation on Auphonic

Put Your Website In Your Signature [27:03]

Don't make people hunt for your website. 

So many people don't  have your website in the signature. 

Soundcloud Is Having Issues [32:41]

Financial times says Soundcloud might be having issues. 

Full article

Jim is a fan of self hosting (Dave prefers Libsyn). He chews up 600 Gig of bandwidth

Jim is Moving His Live Stuff to Mixlr [41:05]

Jim needs internal RSS feed. He wants to use MIxlr for the live stuff, and spreaker for the ability to upload over.

Is it Worth Archiving Your Show [44:00]

If its evergreen, it might be worth it. Some shows that I did a few years ago still get downloads. You can check out sites like 

Media Fire might be a solution


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