April 14, 2016

Awesound and Audio Enhancers

Awesound and Audio Enhancers

Special thanks Jim for moving into the driver's seat and to Mike Howard from for filling in while Dave was out attending a funeral. 
2;45 photography Piracy
5:35 Broken Camera
8:10 Facebook Live
12:10 Awesound Interview
35:15 Flow of...

Special thanks Jim for moving into the driver's seat and to Mike Howard from jpeg2raw.com for filling in while Dave was out attending a funeral. 

2;45 photography Piracy

5:35 Broken Camera

8:10 Facebook Live

12:10 Awesound Interview Check out Jim's interview on Home Gadget geeks

35:15 Flow of Interview recording to mp3 file

46:00 Google Play Update?

47:05 Templates for Wordpress

49:15 Lack of Mix with live mixers on Blab.

52:25 Are Audio Enhancers worth the cost?

56:30 Should We ignore the IRS?




Want to Support the Show? check out the store for opportunities to support Dave and Jim.