Awesound and Audio Enhancers

Special thanks Jim for moving into the driver's seat and to Mike Howard from for filling in while Dave was out attending a funeral.
2;45 photography Piracy
5:35 Broken Camera
8:10 Facebook Live
12:10 Awesound Interview
35:15 Flow of...
Special thanks Jim for moving into the driver's seat and to Mike Howard from for filling in while Dave was out attending a funeral.
2;45 photography Piracy
5:35 Broken Camera
8:10 Facebook Live
12:10 Awesound Interview Check out Jim's interview on Home Gadget geeks
35:15 Flow of Interview recording to mp3 file
46:00 Google Play Update?
47:05 Templates for Wordpress
49:15 Lack of Mix with live mixers on Blab.
52:25 Are Audio Enhancers worth the cost?
56:30 Should We ignore the IRS?
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